Personal Growth

I want to give you 5 insights  on Personal Growth.

Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better – Here is one fact of life – with each passing day we are growing older. That does not mean that we are getting better. Think about this…

  • Stay inquisitive, if you stop asking questions you start to lose your interest on life.
  • As you grow older, set the bar of excellence higher. Don’t slow down.
  • Keep others in your focus. Do not become self-absorbed.
  • Stay in the present – Stop looking backward, keep a forward look on  tomorrow.

Growth means change – If you do not change you do not grow. If you do not grow, you are not really living. In order to grow you have to give up security for a season. What needs to change in your life TODAY? Do you need to give up ideas that you do not believe in any longer? Perhaps certain relationships have lost their purpose and goals that need to be realigned. Consider…

  • What do I need to learn today what I did not know yesterday?
  • What do I need to let go of that I held onto yesterday?
  • What do I need to change that I was doing yesterday? 

Growth is the great separator from successful people and those who don’t – So what does it mean to be AVERAGE? Average is good isn’t it? Consider these insights on average…

  • Average is the top of the bottom and the bottom of the top
  • Average is run-of-the-mill
  • Average is mediocre
  • Average is the lazy person’s cop-out
  • Average takes up space for no purpose
  • Average is passing away one’s life with time instead of passing away one’s time with life
  • Average kills time instead of working it to death

Growths highest reward is not what we get from it but what we become because of it.

For growth to be maximized it must become strategic – The most important project that you will ever undertake in life is your own life. It is sad, but people plan their vacations better than they plan their life. Being strategic is nothing more than having a consistent system or pathway by which we achieve growth goals. Being strategic considers the following:

  • Where do I need to focus my growth? Strengths, Decision making, Faith
  • How will I measure my growth?
  • How can I grow daily? The secret of your success is based upon what you do daily.

Growth is joy – Dolly Parton stated that once you find out who you are, then do that on purpose. What does that mean to me?

  • I want to make a difference
  • I am called
  • I want to use my gifts
  • I do not want to stop growing
  • I have a strong sense of responsibility
  • I love new challenges
  • I will create a lasting legacy

Paul Harvey stated that you can tell you are on the road to success because it is uphill all of the way.


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Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Self-Disciplined Life

The genesis of being “self-disciplined goes back to the first century in a word group that means to be self-controlled, to exhibit control over desires and wants. It implies to gain control over areas of our life that will bring success or failure.

In leadership, we must first gain control over ourselves first before we can truly be effective in leading others. You stop short of your potential when you become unwilling to pay the price of success, Shortcuts in leadership never pay off. The KEY truth in life is that everything worthwhile is uphill! “Everything” is an all inclusive statement. “Worthwhile” is to imply the hopes, dreams, and goals of life. Anything and everything worthwhile in life is going to be uphill. This idea explains why self-discipline is so essential to a successful life.

I want to give you seven insights on living the uphill self-disciplined life.

Self-Discipline gives you the energy to go uphill – Self-discipline is what moves you from good intentions to good works. It is what separates words and ideas from actual results. Self-disciplined is what paves the road to results.Self-Discipline is the difference between temporary and sustained success – All of the knowledge on leadership is useless unless you have the discipline to enact them. Consistency is what will compound our efforts so that success shows up one day.

Self-Discipline makes habit your servant and not your master – I truly believe that we all have uphill aspirations. However it is the downhill habits that keep us from success. Downhill habits focuses upon:




Low-self respect

No improvement


Good intentions – no action

Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks within himself, so he is.

Self Discipline is developed, not given – The first step to developing self-discipline is awareness of where you are falling short. Self-disciplined people 

Avoid Temptation

Know where to expend their energy

Understand the principle of pay now – play later 

Make sure that you understand everyday what is most important.Self-Discipline is developed easiest in the areas of passion – Your passion is the fuel for your self-discipline. It is hard to stay motivated in the areas that are not your strengths. Your energy fades quickly when you strive for things outside of your passion zone.

Self Discipline and respect go together – Disciplined people will do the right thing first and then feel good. They are commitment driven. They will make principle-centered decisions. They are momentum creators.Self-Discipline makes consistency possible – We are prone to gravitate towards words like charisma, Excitement, innovation, and creativity. Consistency is just not that sexy of a word. What we fail to realize is that consistency compounds over time.


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Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leadership Vision

Helen Keller was once asked, “What is worse than being born blind?” She responded by saying that being born with sight and yet having no vision! 

The ability to see first and further than others is a quality of great leaders. As a leader you need to see what others cannot see. As a leader if you cannot see ahead, your team never will. Here are three reasons that leaders need to see before others.

What you See Determines What you Can Be – John Maxwell suggests there are four kinds of people that leaders encounter…

• People who never see it—they are wanderers. 

• People who see it but never pursue it on their own—they are followers. 

• People who see it and pursue it—they are achievers. 

• People who see it, pursue it, and help others see and pursue it—they are leaders.

You See Only What You Are Prepared To See – It has been said that we all live under the same sky, but we all do not have the same horizon. In the book Developing The Leader Within You 2.0, author John Maxwell states; If we want to possess a vision for our leadership, we need to prepare for it. We need to anticipate it. When we possess positive anticipation and are excited about what’s ahead, we’re highly motivated and we prepare diligently. When we do this consistently, our sense of anticipation becomes the catalyst for inspiration.

What You See Is What You Get – Said another way, Perception leads to reception! Leaders must be able to see a preferred future beforehand while everyone else is saying I have to see it to believe it. 

Robert Woodruff past President of Coke stated of his days following WWII, I want every person in uniform to have a Coke for .05 cents no matter the cost. It is reported this was accomplished in his lifetime. A reporter while introducing Mrs Disney stated, I wished Walt could have seen all of this; to which she replied, “HE DID!”

Paul Martinelli uses a process that has been proven in his life many times. It is Test ⇒ Fail ⇒ Learn ⇒ Re-enter. If life knocks you down 6 times – get up 7 times! “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. He who looks outside dreams. He who looks inside awakens” – Carl Jung.


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Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Servant Leadership

Zig Ziglar’s words are as profound today as the day he first said it; “If you help people get what they want they will help you get what you want.” The heart of this statement is all about servant leadership – help others first! If your leadership model is all about getting people to do what you want them to do, Zig’s words are an aggravation to you rather than a challenge. WHY? These words expose a failed model of thinking that started in the business community in the 1970’s – Supremacy of The Shareholder. This is like saying the fans in the bleachers are more important than the players on the floor. In my opinion Empathy and Perspective are the two greatest topics that are missing in modern leadership.

One of the most outstanding books that I have read was published in 1970 by Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership. In this book Greenleaf writes…“The servant-leader is servant first. . . . It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. . . . The care taken by the servant-first [leader is] to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: Do those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society? Will they benefit or at least not be further deprived?”

Here are 5 daily guides to assist you in becoming a servant leader.

I do not rely on my title or position – I am grateful for the accomplishments I have obtained, but I do not rely on them to lead others. Respect is earned daily by delivering on my promises and by serving others.

I chose to believe in people and their potential – Caring for people is the right thing to do. The more that you see their potential, the more you will serve them.

See life from their perspective – Empathy and Perspective will serve you well as you serve others.

Adding to these thoughts is Eugene Habecker who stated “The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in so doing will not always be popular, may not impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price.”

Create an environment of encouragement – When the leader serves others will follow your example. It is a natural response for people to repeat what they see – Leaders go first!

The leaders success is determined by you valuing others –  Key take away – One is too small a number for greatness!


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Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leadership Attitude

It has been suggested that the single most important aspect of great leaders is to possess a “whatever-it-takes-mindset.” It seems at times that we have created a victim mindset in society. It has been said that a victim is someone who suffers loss at the hands of an other person’s actions. This leaves the person to whine and whimper about it until something good happens in their life. Whatever happened to the JKF days when the question was “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can you do for your country.”

Here are 7 insights on developing a “whatever-it-takes attitude.

Disown your helplessness – “Whatever-it-takes” type of leaders are always looking for solutions. You never hear them say; “There is nothing we can do about this.” Consider these thoughts:

• Never make excuses. 

• Create a can-do environment where people are expected to solve their problems. 

• Model a whatever-it-takes attitude to your team. 

• Provide training that enables team members to succeed. 

• Challenge people to take responsibility for their performance. 

• Make everyone feel valued and important as part of the team. 

• Give solid feedback after team members try to tackle a challenge. 

• Celebrate with team members who are succeeding. 

• Give people increasing challenges to test their growth and give them wins.

Take the BULL by the horns – Theodore Roosevelt stated of himself once, There is nothing brilliant nor outstanding about my record, except perhaps one thing: I do the things that I believe ought to be done . . . and when I make up my mind to do a thing, I act. Ask yourself these questions;

  • What do I want?
  • What will it cost?
  • Am I willing to pay the price?
  • When should I start paying the price?

Enter the “No Whining Zone” – We all are going to have bad days in life. Our attitude cannot stop our feelings, but it can keep our feelings from stopping us. There is nothing attractive about a whiner’s complaints. The best antidote to whining is GRATITUDE! Express gratitude independent of your feelings, for small things, and in the midst of adversity.

Put on a new pair of shoes – This statement is all about seeing things from a different perspective. It is amazing at how a new pair of shoes perks up our attitude. Tim Hansel, author of Through The Wilderness of Loneliness suggests that; 

It is difficult to receive when your fists are clenched. 

It is impossible to embrace when your arms are crossed. 

It is difficult to see when your eyes are closed. 

It is hard to discover when your mind is made up. 

A heart that has sealed itself off from giving has unknowingly sealed itself off from the ability to receive love.

Nurture your passion – It has been said that vision does not ignite growth, passion does! Passion fuels vision and vision is the focus of passion. Leaders who are passionate about their call create vision.

Exceed Expectations – In order to exceed expectations you must set the bar high for yourself. You cannot give what you have not obtained. Therefore, do not allow circumstances to persuade you of your bad luck. There is no such thing as luck. The fruits of life go to the prepared.

Never be satisfied – Stay hungry for more! The future will belong to the prepared – prepare yourself, your team, and others.


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Problem Solving

In the book Cradles of Eminence, the authors explored the backgrounds of more than 400 successful people. They found that many of these noted people in American history that three-fourths of them came from poverty,broken homes, and difficult parents. They also noted that 75 of 80 writers and 16 of 20 poets watched traumatic psychological drama play out in the home. More than one-fourth of this group suffered from physical handicaps such as blindness, deafness and various other handicaps.

Why were these individuals able to overcome their circumstances while others are overwhelmed? Answer: They did not see their problems as stumbling blocks, but saw them as stepping stones. Albert Einstein stated that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Author Karl Popper states the best leaders are the best problem solvers.

Let’s examine 8 insights on problem solving.

Recognize a potential problem before it becomes a real problem – Good leaders position themselves and their team for success. What potential problems do you see? What is your game plan? 

Get a clear picture of the problem – Assumptions is the mother of all mess ups. The best place to begin is with a crystal clear understanding of the problem. Moving from vague generalities to concrete understanding is key to effective problem solving.

Ask questions to help you solve problems – Who knows the most about this problem? Who knows what I need to know? Who wants to tackle this problem? Who needs to buy in and how long will this take? Have we earned enough trust to make these necessary changes? What questions do I need to ask myself?

Create a framework to examine problems and solutions – According to John Maxwell there are 6 critical areas to consider:

• Leadership: How does this problem affect our people? 

• Personnel: Do we have the right people to help us with this problem? 

• Timing: Is this the right time for a solution, and do we have enough time for it? • Vision: How does this problem affect where we’re trying to go? 

• Priorities: Are my problems taking me or the team away from our priorities? 

• Values: Are my values or my team’s being compromised by this problem?Value shared problem solving – The best problem solvers do not work alone. They will use the 10/80/10 method. 10% is the leaders ideas followed by 80% of the team working through solutions that concludes with the leaders last 10% input. Be aware of organizational silos – remove them to stop office politics. The greater good is everyone’s concern.

Always come up with more than one solution – Pursue multiple solutions; explore all opportunities; Embrace ambiguity; Celebrate the creative; Connect the unconnected; Don’t fear failing.

Cultivate a bias for action – Doing nothing is not an option. Your primary question is not Can I? Rather it is How can I?

Actively look for opportunities and lessons in every problem – Problems will force new solutions. It will force you to look in different areas of life for solutions. Said another way Develop the problem solver within you. Get outside of your comfort zone while staying connected to your passion zone.


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Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Ultimate Test

Because people do not mind change, they resist being changed I want to look at some insights on this thought.

People feel awkward and self-conscious doing something new – Let’s face the truth, we are more comfortable with old problems than we are with new solutions.. New solutions represent the unknown.

Author Marilyn Ferguson stated that  it is not that we are afraid of change or so in love with the old ways rather, it is the place between these two points that we fear.

People focus upon what they initially will give up – Isn’t this natural? When we see change coming, our first question is what is this going to cost me or what will I have to give up? The truth of the matter is that for everything you gain you lose something (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Leadership is more about helping people get over their fear of losing something that they will forego anything new – even progress. While everyone is different in this regard I feel that history and circumstance impacts here in a big way. Some people are hoarders and other people throw away things when they are not needed. Truthfully, baggage can have a negative impact. Why not let it go? 

Bill Gates stated once that he recognized their products were going to become outdated. For him the only question was are we going to replace ourselves with something better or will someone else do it for us? Peter Drucker suggested that companies review every product they offer every three years and ask WHY?

People are afraid of being ridiculed – Being mocked or ridiculed can be a deterrent to change. The greatest illustration of the power of being ridiculed or afraid is Wilt Chamberlain and his experiment with underhanded free throw shooting. Rick Barry who was an 89% free throw shooter mastered the underhand technique. On March 2, 1962 Chamberlain did something that has not been repeated he scored 100 points in a single game – 28 of those points came from his underhand technique. However, Chamberlain went back to his old ways of shooting and lived out his career as a poor free-throw shooter. He would say that he just could not pull himself to stay with the new way – he felt like a sissy.

People personalize change and may feel alone in the process – John Maxwell at the age of 27 developed his “PLANAHEAD” acrostic that is quite useful on this insight.

Predetermine the change that is needed

Lay out your steps

Adjust your priorities

Notify key people

Allow time for acceptance

Head into action

Expect problems

Always point to the successes

Daily review your progress

The greatest enemy of tomorrow’s success is yesterday’s success!


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Statue of Responsibility

Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leadership Character

To keep myself on track, I need to remind myself of the importance of character and why it matters.

Since I am a person of faith, I have a number of biblical references to remind me of the importance of character and why it matters. Consider the following:

  • Our hearts can be deceptive (Jeremiah 17:9; Psalm 139:23, 24). 
  • We can so easily seek leadership office for the wrong reasons (Matthew 20:17–28). 
  • Character is the area that I will face the greatest attack (Romans 7; Galatians 5:16–24). 
  • Character is foundational to Christian leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-9.
  • talents and gifting (Romans 12:3–8). 
  • It is so easy to slip into a life of hypocrisy and forget that we will have to give an account one day (Hebrews 4:13). 
  • We naturally neglect character building and focus on other developments (1 Timothy 4:7–8). 
  • We soon discover that strength of character is what will count in hard times (2 Corinthians 4:16–17).

Having good character does not ensure that you will be successful in life and leadership. But having bad character will eventually derail you personally and professionally.

I want to examine three compelling reasons why good character is so important.Good Character Builds Strong Trust – Kouzes and Posner explain the importance of developing trust in leaders – “In the final analysis only you can decide whether to take the risk of trusting others and whether the risks are worth taking. This means to have others trust you, you must actively take some initiative and can’t wait for others to make the first move. As many leaders explained, “Trust is a risk game. Leaders must be the first ones to ante-up.” Leaders always find the ante worth risking. Sowing seeds of trust with people creates the fields of collaboration necessary to get extraordinary things done in organizations.

If my team learns to trust me I will get their attention. But if I initiate trust in my team, I will get their action (John Maxwell).

Successful Leaders Embrace The Four Dimensions of Character – These four dimensions are

  • Authenticity – Live openly and honestly in front of others
  • Self-management – We set leaders up for failure by telling them what they can do before they decide who they should become.
  • Humility – Stop believing your own press reports
  • Courage – Courage is what makes character possible

Character Makes You Bigger On The Inside – It has been said that what we achieve inwardly will change outward reality. Success leads to the greatest failure – PRIDE. Failure leads to the greatest victory which is humility and learning. Develop the person of character within you by doing these three things;

  • Embrace good values
  • Practice self leadership
  • Value people


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Statue of Responsibility

Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Key To Leadership

The one commonality for all leaders is that life is filled with pressure. Pressure will cause us to act in different ways than we might otherwise. When this happens our priorities can become confused and distorted. Consider these insights.

  • We overestimate the importance of most things
  • Too many priorities paralyzes people
  • When small demands are given too much attention, BIG problems occur
  • Making everything a priority means nothing is a priority

Someone once said, “An infant is born with a clenched fist; an adult dies with an open hand. Life has a way of prying free the things we think are so important.” If you want to develop the leader within you, don’t wait for tragedy to realign your priorities. Become proactive about the process starting today. Begin by acknowledging the following principles (John Maxwell)

Working smarter has a higher return than working harder – Disciplined of the time that everyone else wastes can give you and edge (Dan Kennedy). When you do this you will be able to accomplish what you have delayed because of the lack of time.
You can’t have it all – Could it be that once you figure out what it is that you really want, your leadership becomes clarified and your decisions become more focused and narrow in scope. Clarity is a wonderful thing in leadership. If it is fuzzy and we are busy doing what everyone else is doing, our leading is going to be equally fuzzy and frantic. You cannot do everything. Get focused! Strive for crystal clear priorities – you really cannot do everything.

The good is always the enemy of the best – Most people can prioritize between good and bad or right and wrong. But what happens when you are faced with two good options? There are times when the good must be sacrificed for the best. This is why clarity is so valuable to the focused leader. Since you cannot do it all – choose wisely the best.
Proactive beats reactive – If you do not think this is not true, think about how much is accomplished then week before you go on vacation. Meetings, emails, phone calls, and completion of assignments all get done the week before vacation. It is amazing to watch!

The important needs takes precedence over the urgent needs – The Pareto Principle has not been fully embraced. 20% of your priorities will give you 80% of your production if you spend your time, energy,talent and money on 20% of your priorities. Question; Who are the top 20% of your staff? Spend 80% of your time investing in them for an 80% return on production. All employees/team members do not impact your organization equally. Therefore, equip this 20% to impact the next 20% below them which increases production and return on investment. Rinse and Repeat!


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FREE GIFT – “The Black Line Paradigm” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Statue of Responsibility

Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Defining Leadership

How do you develop the leader that is resident within you? If you have never done anything to enhance this capability, the good news is that you can start today. What is it going to take? Let’s begin with the basics, What is the definition of leadership? Leadership is influence – nothing more and nothing less. Said another way, Leadership is the ability to obtain followers (James C. Georges). 

These definitions are but the beginning of the discussion. Consider that in 1938 TIME Magazine name Adolf Hitler their Man of The Year award for having the most influence. Every person influences! Sociologists tell us that the most introverted among us will influence 10,000 people in their life-time. You have influence in this world. Recognition  of this fact and what you do about it your responsibility.

To assist us in understanding the power of Influence I want to discuss the 5 Levels of Leadership that John Maxwell developed over 30 years ago. This is still relevant for today. Here are the 5 levels.

POSITION (Rights)- People will follow you because they have to. This is the entry level of leadership. Know your role & job description thoroughly.

PERMISSION (Relationships)- People will follow you because they want to follow you. Care more about the person than the rules – value people!
PRODUCTION (Results)- People will follow you because of what you have done for the organization. Initiate your growth plan – take responsibility.

PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT (Reproduction)- People will follow you because of what you have done for them. Embrace the notion that people are the most important asset. Take other people on the growth journey with you.
PINNACLE (Respect) – People will follow because of who you are and what you represent. Focus your attention on the top 20% of the most influential people around you. Leverage your influence to advance the organization.


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Statue of Responsibility

Developing The Leader Within You 2.0

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!