Multiplication Vs. Growth Mindset

We are 29 weeks into our COVID journey and there are some data points that are solidifying. Notice the following:•Church Attendance Pre-COVID – 52% lower; 32% equal; 17%increasing•Giving Pre-COVID – 27% dn.; 56% same; 17% increased•Projected Overall Post-COVID – 51% decrease; 27% same; 17% growth

What can be stated about these data points? While growth is occurring it is not as a rapid as pre-COVID days. Many churches have plateaued sooner and more suddenly; Struggling churches are experiencing a more rapid decline likened unto a death spiral.

It is now being projected that 1-6 churches are expected to close their doors in the next 18 months.

Consider also that 65% of churches are open now with pre-cautions in place. This data point does not mean these churches are meeting weekly. In fact 54% of churches are offering weekly service on campus. 13% of churches have concluded they will wait until 2021 to fully re-open. That said there seems to be a move to fully re-open during the Christmas season. This number will most likely change. It is also interesting to note that now generally speaking churches have lost trust in their elected officials’ ability to remain as the NorthStar on how a church should operate and when.

The Mental Health issues cannot be overlooked or overstated as a key concern during this COVID shutdown. The health of you and a leader and the health of your staff pastors will determine the health of you church. There is a lot a stake to simply ignore this issue.

There are encouraging signs on the horizon for the church. There is a growing need for “Spiritual Transcendency” coupled with a need for smaller group settings. The “micro-church” is an idea come of age. The micro-church concept is more about the house-church or smaller congregation church size. Smaller yet functioning as a church. 

Currently there are three basic groups of people engaging with church. The traffic light motif is used to describe them.

The Traffic Light motif gives us a way to describe what will become innovation for churches. “Fluidity” will most likely become the popular way of describing how churches function and connect with people who call your church home! In other words there will be  people attending live services, or attending watch parties with discussions on how to apply the sermon that day, or stay at home and watch the service online. People will flow in and out of these versions of participating in church post-COVID.

The key is in developing a multiplication mindset – “We are glad you joined our church and we cannot wait to see you leave and start a new work with other people!” It is a celebration of multiplying. The mantra is; Growing churches of the future will engage a multiplication capacity instead of a seating capacity!

Instead of cursing the darkness of what has been lost – speak to the light of what we get to do!

Churches that have already embraced the Multiplication Capacity thinking are experiencing what I would call a modern day revival!


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Ministerial Calling Under Attack

The “Call of God” to pastoral ministry has taken a huge hit in the last 28 weeks of COVID. This results in a huge impact in churches. 58% of pastors state they feel confident their church will survive 12 months from now. You might say, at least this is a majority! However, this is not all that reassuring since 1-in-3 churches will close their doors in the next 3 years.

Notice the sample of data points at week #28 of our COVID journey: •1-in-5 churches have stated they will not reopen until sometime between Easter and early summer 2021.•81% of Ministers are very concerned about the use of screens and the impact upon our younger generations.•14% of Ministers state they have a definite plan in place to equip families and our younger generations in the unhealthy use of screens.•We are learning the church is good at ministry in Acute situations. However, we are learning that we do not perform well in Chronic situations. This is a matter of short-term versus long-term needs.

Regarding the comparison of Acute Vs. Chronic Jeremiah and Ezekiel spoke to their history and cultural genocide. Babylon was a long-haul journey before they ever were able to return home.

What is Culture? Culture is what we do in terms of daily rhythms and social interactions that we never think about. It infers familiarity without a second thought. Cultural Genocide is the disruption of these daily rhythms and social norms that causes us to think about our next move and emotional reaction. 

I would refer to the prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel to help us with some comprehension about the long-haul nature of a national crisis. Without going into a deep dive of study for both prophets, let me state they spoke to their history and the cultural genocide among God’s people.

When we consider that the Ministerial Calling is under attack today, there are some factors that need to be considered in this moment. Barna Research has previously reported that 60+% of ministers today feel their number one role is to be the primary developer of content to be presented. The “Shepherding” functions are in greater demand now than content development and speaking. However, public speaking is challenging when talking to a camera and empty room. This is the perfect storm that is brewing!

Consider Jeremiah as the weeping prophet, weeping for the nation because of their sin. Jeremiah warned that Babylon was being used by God to judge national Israel – don’t resist he says! Jeremiah was ostracized for this type of speaking. No trophy given for that presentation.

One of the great challenges of leadership today is the “Shrinking Circles of Trust!” Trust is perhaps our greatest need. Who do you trust enough to care for you? Who do you trust enough to have conflict with and remain in relationship? How do we build trust in a shrinking world (I.e.. Social Distancing). It seems that we are having conflict about people instead of with people. There is a huge difference in those conversations.

COVID is pushing our junk into the open for everyone to look at. During these 28 weeks to date there have been leaders that have morally fallen and ruined Christian Universities, marriages ended in divorce, and suicides. We cannot deny COVID will have long term impacts upon the faith community. Denying this is behave as like King Zedekiah – He dismissed Jeremiah’s message from God and then Jeremiah was thrown out of the temple as well. There are no trophies being handed in the ministry – this is a tough hour to stand and declare, “Thus says the Lord!” 


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

4 Themes – Week #27 COVID

COVID will not propel spiritual growth – When we started this journey the majority of Faith Leaders felt the COVID experience in our nation would turn people’s hearts toward spiritual renewal and revival. The data has dropped from 50% believing it would cause a renewal to presently there are only a few that still hold to that belief. WOW! This is shocking in terms of the radical shift of perspective. I am not attempting to cast judgement in any direction. I am simply saying this dramatic shift indicates the influence of our national mindset as a result of the pandemic. Do we need a spiritual awakening? YES, a thousand times over!

Struggle Between “Re-opening Vs Gov’t Restrictions – Pastors are struggling with the tension of obeying Civic Leaders by Social Distancing, Masks and Sanitizer Stations. 9 of 10 Pastors agree that the church should be lead by example. However, the tension 6 of 10 pastors say they should do what is right for their church despite restrictions. It is obvious this is a real tug of war that is taking place. The most glaring case would be Grace Community Church, Pastor John MacArthur and the city leaders of Sun Valley California. You can read an official position paper from the church leadership and Elders. I believe that part of this type of struggle has been set up because of the intellectual dishonesty of our national news outlets and media stations.

Emotional Well-Being of Pastors – On the dashboard of metric measurements, the emotional condition of Ministers is a FLASHING RED-LIGHT! Data suggests that 1 in 5 ministers are below average to poor in terms of emotional well being. This is 10x worse of a report that only 10 years ago. Ministers are struggling emotionally.

Winners & Losers – In terms of technology pivoting it is obvious that some churches have done this very well while others are still struggling with this medium. However, in terms of winners and losers we need to pay attention to our youngest of ministers that have only been in ministry 5 years or less. This group is in a severe crisis of belief and conviction on whether to stay or leave the ministry. In fact there are some reports of leaving.

What are some leadership principles that can be drawn from these themes?

First and foremost CLARITY is needed in the face of a crisis. A crisis generates uncertainty meaning you must break from routines – they are non-existent in times of crisis,

Secondly, bringing clarity in a crisis disruption means that new strategies must emerge – you need to point in a new direction. Do not point backward to what we had and are now missing. Face the future with confidence, excitement and energy.

Thirdly, let old models die. They are problematic to sustain in a crisis because you are always in a posture of looking backward and not to the future. Sustain a marriage with the mission and not the model.

Fourthly, Seek insurgency, meaning look for new innovations never attempted. Isn’t this what we ask of our missionaries – invade a culture with a methodology that works in context. 

Fifth, redefine what a WIN looks like. In a crisis disruption a win is not necessarily campus specific – rather it may be environment specific! Askwhat ideas do our schools need? Do we need a pantry ministry? What should we be doing to help Family Systems? Parenting? Marriages?

Sixth, Lead with “Humanity” instead of acting like  a Manager! People need humans in seasons of brokenness, not business principles and strategies. Be Human when you show up in another person’s life!


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

Layered Disruptions

I want to start this Podcast with some data points for context. Pre-COVID 3 of 5 Youth were walking away from the church. This is a fact that many did not even realize. Many leaders were tone deaf because of their own echo chamber – Everything is OK here!

Millennials and Gen-Zers live a  boundary-driven world. They have broader associations and world views. These two segments of our population average 3,000 hours per year in front of a screen. Compare this with 300 hours per year the average church attendee spends in front of screen. I believe it is safe to say that our two youngest generations currently are living in “Digital Babylon.”

The real challenge for church leaders is balancing a “Dial-up Ministry” while living in a digital world? Simply broadcasting facility-based worship services into a digital world does not necessarily mean that we are connecting with citizens of this Digital Babylon.

The real challenge is developing “Native Digital Content.” I am not pretending to have the answers on this issue. I am in the process of learning like everyone else. What I can say is that it is different. In communicating Biblical content we must understand that Adults and Youth are equally illiterate. The messaging method is different between these age groups.

Consider that your brain processes printed words on a page at a rate of 100 bits/second. Your brain processes pictures at a rate of 1 billion bi/second. The old adage that a picture is worth a 1000 words should be modified to 10 million. I use this illustration to say that successful digital methods must be more than content consumption – It must be visually engaging.

We can compete with the idols of our time by producing better books, movies, and content – Mark Batterson. Michael Angelo stated, “Criticize by creating!” 

I personally sense the church is being called out and away from false ideologies, idols, assumptions, narratives, identity, and securities. It appears the faith community has been living with an anticipation of Acts 2:47 – “… the Lord added daily such as were being saved.” We have glossed over the previous verse that discusses the daily activity of prayers, breaking bread, and favor with the community. Why are we looking for daily blessings when we only meet once a week?

Is this a time for an awakening of attempting to bless a city instead of building a church. DO NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED! Let’s understand that a crisis clarifies Mission and Values. Change is accelerated in the context of a crisis. I am excited about leading a REVIVAL instead of building a church. The evil that we are witnessing is an APOLOGETIC – Evil is real, Enemies exist – but GOD is bigger!

My prayer is to be awake for the signs of REVIVAL in my city!


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Discipling The Next Gen

We will take a look at five trends—illuminated by decades’ worth of Barna research, including studies conducted during the COVID-19 response—about engaging with and discipling the next generation.

The Church Must Help Younger Generations Navigate Screen Time – Reports confirm that Millennials and Gen Z’s are spending an increased mount of time in front of screens during this pandemic. Barna’s own research shows the majority of pastors (85%) is concerned about this shift—but a similar percentage (86%) says that, despite the signs of more screen time, their church does not yet have a plan in place to teach on wise tech usage. Take a look at the info graphic in the show notes.

The Church Must Integrate Its Response to Injustice Into Student Ministry– Teens and young adults are willing to listen to stories of injustice and hopeful to be a positive change in the world. But they are also looking to the Church to answer some of their questions. They believe that slavery still impacts America and that the church should take a major role in providing answers. Arrabon is an excellent web-site for solid resources in guiding discussions regarding race relationships. Click on the link.

The Church Must Address Issues of Loneliness and Anxiety in Young Adults – The 18-35 year old’s are the most digitally connected and yet are prone to severe bouts of anxiety and depression. Notice the info-graphic of data on this point. As of late May this year, 1 in 3 millennials stated they were in need of food and supplies. Just let that sink in for just a moment. By the same margin they also needed financial assistance and emotional support.

The Church Must Support and Encourage Resilient Disciples to Grow Their Faith – Historically, Gen Z and Millennials are less likely than older generations to be connected to a church. Gen Z’s are less likely to connect with church than any previous generation. The drop-out rate for 18-25 years of age has jumped from 59% to 64% in the last decade. There is only 10% of twenty-somethings that have remained. This is the target group in which pastors and leaders can learn the most on discipleship strategies. 

The Church Must Reframe the Notion of Outreach and Faith-Sharing with the Next Gen – Church leaders should not assume this Next Gen group readily embraces how missions operates and is funded. One of the key conversations that should e taking place is the importance of global outreach and why it should exist. Leaders, You must reframe the dialogue to teach what is old to you and those your audience has never heard it the first time. To underscore the need for this type of conversation 47% of Millennials believe that Evangelism is wrong. This fact highlights the importance of missional discussions to discuss why evangelism is a worthy cause and why we should engage it.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Covid Spiritual Leadership

How are you doing at week #18 of our COVID journey? I trust that you have a support network of close friends and other leaders. I have prayed for you today!

Our COVID journey is turning out to be far more than anyone could have imagined. There are 60% of churches in America that are now open with precautions in place. Re-opening is proving to be far more complex than anticipated. There are many factors that are contributing to this fact of which in my opinion is the intellectual dishonesty of our national reporting about the corona virus. This has left people confused as they attempt to navigate their lives through this national fog. It seems the real culprit is that we struggle to make “data informed” decisions over “emotionally charged” decisions based upon speculations.

That being said 18% of Pastors stated they will not reopen until next year. Again, some churches have re-opened and then shut down because of virus outbreaks within the church and then re-opened a 2nd time. Again, because of disinformation and uncertainty some have declared they will just wait it out until 2021.

Church attendance continues to struggle in that we are measuring current trends against pre-COVID attendance. Currently 43% of churches stated they are down; 30% stated they are the same as pre-COVID; and 27% stated they are up. As I mentioned in a previous podcast and blog articles that I have prepared the question has been discussed if attendance is the correct metric to measure Kingdom work? 

What we can state clearly is that connecting with people is more important now than ever before. SPIRITUAL – EMOTIONAL connection is more important than ever before. This level of human connection is the top priority as we move through this pandemic. The current data for Pastors & Leaders is revealing, showing that spiritual/emotional health is severely lacking. Only 12% state their emotional wellness is excellent; 13% state their relational wellness is excellent; 18% state their mental clarity makes it easy to grow and learn during this pandemic. What is the bottom-line concern with this data?

Leaders are leading from an empty tank!

It seems that everyone is in a near state of “melt-down”!

Small Group Ministry is absolutely KEY right now! It is at this granular level that real relational/spiritual ministry will occur. Therefore, investing in leadership development is at a premium. Do not become afraid to set large goals in front of people, especially our students. Large goal thinking communicates more than survival, it communicates conquering! 

Speaking of communication, here a few thoughts.

•Communication is not digital or analog (Cards & letters) – it is both/and

•Don’t engage in emotional manipulation – 50% of millennials have not engaged in any form of church during this pandemic because of manipulation

•Be aware of the MILLSTONE EFFECT for misleading people

•Clear and concise communication with parents about student ministry is at a PREMIUM

•Use technology to communicate by showing up when and how people are using it – not when you think they should use it

•Beware of the idol of a 1hr/week facility-based service as the only way to communicate Christ’s gospel message.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Covid Journey Continues

Covid seems to be the gift that keeps on giving! Here are some data points for review.

•23% of families have been severely impacted – There is a need for holistic family systems training.

•Top Pastoral emotions for the week: 18% anxious, 14% tired, 35% hopeful, 48% state that Kids and Youth Ministry are top priorities.

•78% of parents are stressed because of COVID.•Children’s education shows 77% hybrid; 17% virtual only; 6% in person only

•Church Kids & Youth programs show 27% are operating in person only. With the public narrative being polluted and intellectual dishonest Parents and Churches are stressed. However, do not miss the gap between what churches are offering and what parents are facing. That gap is real and pressured packed for many.

With this data information what can be done in a church context to impact our children? So that we do not miss the obvious; simply inserting a “plug & play” facility-based” program into a digital platform will not work. Interestingly teaching children to become leaders and make a difference in their community is a gold-mine of opportunity for innovation. Set action goals on specific community-oriented activities. Screens Discipleship is fast becoming method to accelerate goal completion.

In conjunction to our children, the question that needs a response is; How are we equipping Parents to have better conversations with their children about the social/national disruption that is dominating media? Parents are not the hinderance to influencing our children. Best strategy is to include and equip parents during this disruption. 

Perhaps the Kids and Youth departments in churches could host webinars or similar learning platforms on current issues, discipling children, technology for parents, or how to make Mental Health & Anxiety discussible at home. Gen-Z’ers are the most connected digitally and yet the most disconnected socially.

Our lives Pre/Post COVID will remain hybrid! Screens and in person interaction will continue to be part of the national rhythm of daily life. Because this pandemic is an accelerator of problems that were already present, there has been a 40% increase in counseling agencies “hotline” numbers. Ironically there has been a 50% reduction of child abuse cases during COVID in some states. This is not to say abuse is occurring less, but that children are not in touch with counselors or coaches that can see the warning signs.

The Fuller Youth Institute is a great resource.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

COVID Journey Week #16

I want to begin this podcast with a challenge to pray for our faith leaders across America. The pressure is intense and very real for these leaders. Everything we have ever known about church and its practice has been stood on its head. Would you leave a comment below and let’s togetherbuild a prayer force on behalf of our spiritual leaders.

Spiritual leaders have been trained to lead from an incarnational position– being present in a room with worshippers. Spiritual leaders are being forced in ministry models they are not equipped to accomplish. My seminary journey did not prepare me on how to build an online audience. The top concern for faith leaders is how to build a Youth and Kids ministry as a hybrid model – Live and digital. This added pressure is leading to secondary pressures; 34% of leaders are discouraged and 35% and sensing burn-out.

Keep in mind that this pandemic is an accelerator of weaknesses. It reveals our short-comings faster. Add to this narrative that only 1-in-8 spiritual leaders feel they are Shepherds (ministering to the hurts and high moments of life). Add to this 7-in-10 spiritual leaders believe their role is to be the primary teacher/speaker. This tends to exacerbate the problems. All previous expectations and performance measures do not necessarily apply currently. WHY?  Attempting to perform “facility-based” ministry in a digital world misses the one glaring truth that everyone currently faces; We are all facing the same emotional pressures. Another program or series fails to speak to the emotional hurts and needs of people – “Do you care about me?” We all desire to have the human touch at this moment in history. Ministers are not exempt from this very real need! Consider the following data set that reveals the emotional state of being for spiritual leaders.

Emotional data set Week #16 for Spiritual Leaders:

•32% feel exhausted

•22% feel frustrated

•6% feel courageous

•3% feel successful

•1% feel understood

Make no mistake, our COVID journey is a revealer of our skill-set in ways that you might not realize. Pre-COVID the standard for measuring church attendance in America was 1.7x in 30 days was considered faithful participation. While spiritual leaders are all wrestling with the new hybrid church model, real questions yet remain in spite of the pandemic or any other crisis circumstance. Here are two piercing questions that seek solutions: 1.What do the people you serve need and how can our church facilitate this fact? 2.How is our church forming and shaping people for Kingdom purposes inour world?

How do we begin to respond to the questions that I just asked.  I want to offer some suggestions that point in a productive direction for such a time as this. My suggestions begin by making a commitment to renew or for the first –time teach in an attitude of Biblical Spirituality. For example teach Peace In An Age of Fear by using the nine Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Make prayer contemporary by teaching and leading prayer in three ways; Cry of the Heart, Cry of the Church, and Cry of the City. Advancing the Kingdom of God requires practitioners in Evangelism – Alpha Online is an excellent tool that is adaptable both in live settings and Zoom platforms. How are you seriously impacting the subject of RACISM in an ongoing basis? Arrabon is an excellent platform for small groups to deal with racism as an ongoing dialogue. Last andcertainly not least, a thorough study of the Josiah’s prayer and actions forrepentance should be considered. His grand-father, Manasseh  and his father Amon were very evil in their leadership over National Israel. Josiah ( 2 Kings 22) became king at 8 years of age and would lead the nation back to God and His law. Repentance cannot be over-looked for such a time as this.


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Continued Struggle

As of week #15 in the COVID-19 journey there is only 50% of churches that have re-opened with protective cautions. Just let that data point settle into your thinking for just a minute. Honestly, things are not going as well as initially thought. After allowing this fact to settle in consider also – 4 weeks ago 3% of pastors stated they would consider waiting until 2021 to reopen. In week #15 that number of pastors has grown to 15% – basically 1-in-9 pastors are now saying they will not open until 2021. 

As you drill down into the data that is being tracked you will notice additional struggles. For example….

•88% of Pastors believe there will be a disruption of “Fall Outreach/Back-To-School” strategies.

•44% of Pastors are still struggling with the whole idea of the Hybrid Church – Live & Digital. February 2020  the Digital Church was at the bottom of the list of Pastoral concerns. Two weeks later the nation was shut-down and Digital Church was literally born over-night as a top concern.

•11% of Pastors feel they are equipped to lead during this national disruption. 

There is an interesting dialogue that is emerging. First of all, Pastors are lamenting the fact that buildings are not being fully utilized. A real sense of loss has crept into the minds of Faith Leaders. If God is not limited to Dates, Times, and Space should we feel that we have lost something? When your mind opens to this truth, you begin to examine the role of buildings, classrooms, ushers, technology enhanced illustrations, etc. Said another way, How would the Gospel of Christ advance if we did not have buildings, technology, programs, and topical series?

Has Technology and programmatic strategies over-taken genuine human interaction? Are we measuring input instead of output? In other words is our message COME instead of GO? We have convinced ourselves that “Our Stuff” is necessary to change lives. Honestly, it is nice but not necessary!

Going back the Hybrid Church concerns, there is a 900lb elephant in the room that needs to be addressed. Social Media is not about announcements of sermon series, activities, upcoming events – “Look at what we are doing!” Social Media Ministry is about maturing people in their faith journey using digital spaces to accomplish this goal. Do not feel the pressure to repeat “facility-based” services on social platforms. Facility style services done on social platforms are not necessarily the optimal method to truly connect with people.

Your greatest resource to help are the Millennials and Gen-Zers. They live in the social platform world, everyone else is the late comers to the discussion. To repeat what I stated earlier, in February of this year digital church was at the very bottom of the list of concerns – 2 weeks later the nation is shut-down and the digital church world was born over-night.

So that I can go on record, I believe it is highly probable for churches to see a massive growth surge post-covid. This was true, post-911. The reason this growth surge of faith did not last post-911 was a failure to make a real human connection. Programs was the solution versus human touches. If post-911 is an indicator, we need to prepare NOW for growth that can be sustained. What do we need to change in our messaging and methods to communicate a genuine care and concern for a person’s story? 

Some suggestions to energize the Human Element style of faith connections might be Zoom Bible Studies that are real and raw minus the production bells and whistles. Perhaps it is time to go “analog” by writing cards, letters, personalized notes of encouragement and demonstrate genuine care. Most of all “experiment” with new ideas that add the human value into your presentation.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Pastoral Vulnerability

Layered Disruptions is the mark of 2020. In turn this has increased the pressure of performance and pressure on our most sacred relationships. In week #17 of our COVID journey there are a number ofpoints to discuss regarding Pastoral Vulnerability.

Vulnerability is something that ministers do not do very well. There is one generational thought of yester-year – “Do not let people see you sweat!” Another thought is vulnerability exposes weakness and people will not follow weakness. On the other hand every detail of life is displayed and that becomes reckless and manipulative. There is a real disconnect that is occurring..

Ministerial health has been surveyed weekly since the national quarantine began. When Ministers were asked, “Do you feel close to God?” – 90% said they felt close to God. However when asked, “Have you felt isolated and alone in the last week? – 50% of ministers stated they felt isolated in the last week. There is a disconnect from being close to God and yet isolated at the same time.

The idea that “I was built for this moment” is exposing some cracks in our emotional armor. There are three areas in which this is showing up; 1.Personal Friends – Ministers tend to have many acquaintances and few true friends. The real question; who are you calling this moment for emotional support and who will give you real honest feedback?2.Vulnerability In Leading – The pressure of ministry has exponentially increased. If I show weakness people will leave. 3.Ministerial Confidence in Their Calling – The pressure has been so heavy that many are beginning to question if they are even called to lead in this environment.

Vulnerability is a key issue for all of us. Understand there is a difference between Privacy and Secrecy. We should not share private matters and their associated details to a watching community. Yet there is a need to share in some context for healing to occur with a trusted person/spouse. To share the larger issues is to demonstrate humanity versus never saying anything about personal struggle – I’m Good! The complete opposite of privacy for the purpose of healing is secrecy that intends to keep silent and withhold darker habits and issues. It is difficult for healing to occur in this environment.

There are three BIG QUESTIONS we all need answered; (1) Can you help me? (2) Can I trust you? And (3) Do you truly understand? Let’s face it, we are all living in the face of COVID-19 and social unrest at levels that surpass the 1960’s. There is a subtle cry and tension point between Christ’s response to the hurting father; “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes…” The hurting parent cries out,  “Lord I believe but help my unbelief.” Mark 9:23-25

God ministers through our weaknesses not our strengths!


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Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!