Data Informed Decisions

As the churches of American continue to re-open their doors we are discovering that many people have yet to commit to returning to regular live church services. In fact it is almost a guessing game for some leaders. Barna Research has been polling the faith community for decades. They have put forth a special effort during our pandemic journey on a weekly basis to reveal what pastors, various faith leaders, and congregants are saying and feeling. Because we are living through the disruption of COVID-19 and then add on top we now are dealing with Racism in America. This compounding impact of social unrest is causing church leaders (1 in 9) to feel their congregants’ faith will and/or is diminishing. Also 43% of leaders now feel there will be a long-lasting decline in church attendance.

I want to interject some personal thoughts on attendance. In my life-time beginning with my pre-teen years church was offered…..•4x weekly – mid-week prayer, Friday evening Youth, 2x on Sunday (a.m. & p.m.)•Pre-COVID faithful church attendance was 1.7x per month. •Is church attendance the correct matrix to measure the activity of God?

The compounding disruptions of the faith community should awaken us to be concerned about how are we showing up as the church in helping people with trust? Trust in government, relationships, and church?

We hear a lot about the Millennials and Gen-Zer’s leaving the church. We should nuance this say they are leaving the white church not so much the black church. If we can get beyond our stylistic likes and dislikes for a moment, I think we can all agree that black worship is emotionally engaging and relational. That seems to be a winning combination for these generations.

Truthfully, as humans seeking understanding and longing for something to believe in, we desire to feel that our life counts and that we belong in a relational community. I believe there are three key conversations that need to occur from church leaders to congregants:1.How are we instilling trust in Civic Leadership and Praying for them?2.How are we instilling confidence in relationships?3.How are we building the Biblical image of the Church/Kingdom of God up?

We still are dealing with the 2nd major disruption – Racism in America. I want to offer 6 bullet points of thoughts.•Research the demographic of your community’s’ school district to get a grasp of the ethnic diversity in your community. This alone will guide strategy to reach across the divide.•Show up at ethnic community opportunities as a LISTNER! Then act like a servant to meet needs.•Love People – Love casts out fear!•Choose Jesus not a “side.”•Do not give up your birth-rite as a Christian for racial posturing.•Every Leader needs a Pastor in their life.

Everyone is an expert presently because they have an FB, Twitter, IN account. Do your homework to get at the truth. Allow data to guide your actions and conversations. Do Not use data to become the decision, only a guide for decisions!


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Hybrid Church

We are now into our 15th week of the COVID journey in our world. We have data that is showing the various highs and lows on this 15-week journey. What is emerging is the Hybrid Church – a combination of In-Person and Online church services. For me this has been a fascinating study of the changing emotions of church leaders. For example…..

•Week #1 – 50% of Pastors believed that Covid-19 would increase the faith of worshipers. 

•Week #15 – 24% of Pastors believe that Covid-19 will increase the faith of worshipers. This is a 26% drop of optimism in 15 weeks.

•11% of Pastors are now saying that faith will decrease in the lives of worshipers. This was not even a thought 15 weeks ago.

•Week #1 – 10% of Pastors stated their overall attendance would decline as a result of Covid-19.

•Week #15 – 47% of Pastor state their overall attendance will decline as a result of Covid-19.

We need to realize that pre-COVID the Millennials and Gen-Zers were already getting their spiritual content from a variety of churches. Covid did not create the opportunity – they were already in the digital marketplace. The truth of the matter is that all Pastors realize on some level the need to have a growing digital presence coupled with In-Person services. 

What is most intriguing presently is that some American Pastors are now asking after 15 weeks of our COVID journey; “Did we miss our opportunity as churches and leaders for repentance and reimagining the church? The trending of data seems to indicate thatchurches are attempting to just get through this crisis without any thought of what then church has become.

Consider the often-overlooked fact that “Faithful Church Attendance” pre-COVID was only 1.7 times per month. Let this sink into your spirit – less than two times in thirty days was given to attending the Body of Christ. Now that we have had 15 weeks of new habits it is not hard to see that church attendance is going to suffer. We were barely hanging on before this pandemic. Pastor Saul’s of Christ Church in Nashville, Tennessee stated they are only running one-third (650) of their attendance currently. However, there online attendance is in the thousands.

What is the Lord of the Harvest saying to us as Faith Leaders that is new and fresh and not old and same? This is a window of importance for the souls of mankind not just the existence of a local (little “C”) church. Rather it is time to reshape the BIG “C” Kingdom narrative!

Digital Technology, COVID-19, and How we have displayed church has brought us to a crisis discussion of Discipleship! Can we effectively make Biblical disciples in a digital church format? The question itself represents a tension between how we have traditionally operated church and technologies presentation of how church can be done. A closer examination of the Biblical pattern of disciple-making and study of our current methods can open the door to new-innovation. However, make no mistake how church will be accomplished moving forward will change. ”NORMAL” left 15 weeks ago.

I close this podcast with a reminder that leaders on all levels of society are fatigued and borderline discouraged. Even the anarchists are fatigued suffering from “outrage fatigue” and “Out-rage exhaustion.” You cannot keep a clinched fist forever. Darkness cannot dispel darkness – only LIGHT! That LIGHT starts as soul-care for the leader and then the church and society. Learn to be GOOD to yourself!


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Ministerial Pressure & Racism

I looked again. I saw a huge crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was there—all nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne and the Lamb and heartily singing: Salvation to our God on his Throne! Salvation to the Lamb! Revelation 7:9-10 Msg.

In continuing the discussion of ministerial pressure into week 14 of our COVID journey, I want to focus upon some observations regarding Racism. I want to review some new insights emerging that is getting lost in the context of destruction. I want to begin my thoughts with the opening scripture. So that we do not miss the 900lb elephant in the room – Heaven is going to be a phenomenal racial blend! This fact is undeniable and inescapable. No legitimate bible scholar will deny this truth claim.

That being said, there is a question worth considering; “Are we more apt to stand around the Throne of God to worship versus being seated at a table of discussion to have real conversation on racism? Revelation 7:9 will occur, but how will we get there on the road of life? We surely cannot believe we will mystically arrive without having experienced life and conversation together? Could our educational system be part of the beginning problem that denies discussion at an ethnic table? One of the salient truths that has become real for me is that it is possible to get a PhD and never study black culture. Yet, It is impossible to get a GED without studying white culture. It is my opinion that education ill prepares us for living and relating in an ethnic world. 

Consider Simon the Cyrenian that was pushed into service on Jesus’ behalf – carry this cross (Mark 15:21)! This often-overlooked passage of scripture is rich content. Simon is from the continent of Africa – modern day Libya. He was pushed into service of carrying Christ’s cross simply being at that place and that moment in time. 

The thrust of language in discussing Simon the Cyrene indicates he was “seized upon and thrust into service.” The cultural intersection of that moment is too rich to pass by it without noticing this fact. Romans, Jews, and Cyreneians.  Have we thought about this verse through the lens of diversity. Perhaps in the white community we should ask….

•Where am I lacking knowledge on ethnic diversity?

•What is it that I am not seeing that others see in ethnic diversity?

•Am I humble enough to ask in the first place?

We need to get outside of our own “Echo Chamber” to actually hear and see with clarity. If I have learned anything during this COVID journey is that our media outlets lack intellectual honesty. I am very careful in the news that I digest. The basic rule of thumb is if you cannot show evidence of your claim, then I am not reading or listening to your narrative on a continual basis. Echo Chamber reporting is “Antithetical” to God’s narration. Just because a crowd repeats erroneous claims often does not suddenly make them true.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Ministerial Pressure

The Moral Arch of the Universe bends towards Justice – Dr. King

Just when you thought that re-opening your church was going to be a breeze, only to find out that you are up against 13 weeks of changed habits in church attendees lives and just when you are about to gain some traction all of a sudden we are faced with RACISM in America. So what is the current data set of our COVID journey?

We see that only 28% of churches are actively involved in Racial Injustice solutions. Have you made a statement about racial inequality? – 68% of churches have issued some statement. With COVID-19 sucking the life out of spiritual leaders then pile on racial unrest there were only 3 positive attributes that faith leaders are feeling currently – 11% are hopeful, 8% are motivated, and 7% are determined. Outside of these attributes, leaders are a mixture of anger, discouragement, frustrated, and lonely. 

Nationally known Faith Leaders are being crucified for daring to speak up about Racism in America. Silence is not an effective solution.

We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.

In my previous Podcast I highlighted the unique conversations that parents are attempting to have with their young adolescent Teens about racism, riots, and burning businesses. Yes there is a real need for a wholistic Family Ministry that has not previously existed. How can churches reinvigorate the human factor back into the church life and help parents with tough conversations?

We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.

We are living in a perfect storm scenario in that we are trying to get our churches operational and now we are thrust into a national debate on facing prejudice for the marginalized in our society. The Pandemic shut-down was like the 2.4-mile swim as the first leg of the triathlon. Now we are being asked to go on a 112-mile bicycle race, only to realize there is yet a 26.2 mile run that follows. I cannot say that I am surprised by the emotional roller-coaster that faith leaders are experiencing.

In my previous Podcast I highlighted the unique conversations that parents are attempting to have with their young adolescent Teens about racism, riots, and burning businesses. Yes there is a real need for a wholistic Family Ministry that has not previously existed. How can churches reinvigorate the human factor back into the church life and help parents with tough conversations?

It is interesting that pre-George Floyd the emotional state of faith leaders was one of frustration yet with a whole lot of hopefulness. Today positivity is less than 10% with a whole lot of frustration, anger, and disappointments. There is much room for improvement on positivity.


•At the top of the list – we should pray for our Spiritual Leaders and their family. It is difficult to engage critical conversations from a position of being tired and weary. We pray for Revival!

•While others are attempting to sanitize the marketplace of historical icons that are not to be worshipped or revered, rather we are to remember – Don’t do that  ever again!

•We are to pass on the heritage of God’s “hesed” love for all of man-kind. This love is never failing and unending. This is the opposite spirit of hatred that is being demonstrated.

•Living out the principles just stated we join ourselves with those like-minded people to multiply our impact and voice to a watching world.

All of this said and acted upon, we realize there is pure evil in our world that is destructive and that it does not matter who is hurt in the process. It is difficult to impossible to achieve meaningful conversation and plans with angry destructive voices.

The Moral Arch of the Universe bends towards Justice – Dr. King


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Next Gen Leaders

I asked a question earlier; What does 9/11 and COVID Pandemic have to do with the Graduating Class of 2020? The answer; They were all born in the 9/11 era in which we faced terrorism on American soil. It was a global Terrorist concern. This class graduated with a Global shut-down due to COVID-19. It is a Biological warfare concern coupled with Racism.

Just let this fact sink into your spirit for just a minute. Gen Z-ers is the generation that will be most impacted by COVID-19. That being said, pause and think about how we are currently attempting to re-open our church and its various ministries. Here are some probing insights and questions to reflect upon.

Parents are stressed out! They were thrust into a scenario of becoming overnight schoolmasters to make sure their child’s digital homework was being accomplished so that can pass their grade or graduate. They have been thrust into a digital work-at-home strategy. There is a lack of children’s activity!

At the same time they are very concerned about putting their child into large group activity. Yes, there is pressure and stress. Consider also that as of December 19, 2019 there was no real online option for Family Ministry. It is needed more now than ever. The North American Church has not made this shift of ministry. For example, how is the church helping Parents with conversation with their 12-14 year old’s regarding the riots, looting and fires in our 24/7 news cycle? How do you keep toddlers socially distant? What happens when there is no Summer Camps to attend? Yes, Parents are a bit stressed!

Question: How do you put the heart of humanity and church into a digital format? All of us are social creatures, especially our children. We have come to learn once again that old fashion pen-to-paper is one of the most effective means of communicating heart, concern, and genuine care for another person.

Consider that 3 of 5 Pastors state their engagement with children and youth has declined. Only 1 in 3 churches have a digital plan that is operational for children and youth. If your church has such a plan, you are clearly in the minority – Congrats are in order, however. Moving forward, our digital platforms are here to stay and should improve. The power of reach has become obvious. If the church does not provide the necessary resources to survive in our new reality, Parents will Google for help. The problem with that, however, is they may not be getting the best help or biblically based help.

In Mark’s Gospel narrative of the Bible, chapter 9 tells of a parent’s concern for his son. There are two key insights in this narrative, The parent pleads for help and yet acknowledges the Disciples were powerless to help. Jesus is the answer for the world today – He heals the concerned father’s son. The disciples ask why they could not perform that miracle. Jesus simply responded that some things only come through prayer. A new Spiritual Authority is needed to face desperate times!


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

New Normal – Hybrid Church

At the close of week 10 of the national quarantine and now attempting to reopen the doors of the church, we are experiencing the Good, Bad, and Ugly. WOW, we are witnessing disruption layered on top of disruption. Amad Arbery, George Floyd, Antifa, Anarchist, Confused Media – What are we to make of all the confusion? The pre-existing storyline for the church community was the difficulty of re-starting the church while people have had 10 weeks to start new habits. There is a spike in the fatigue of spiritual leaders. The Sabbath Rest could not be more important than NOW!

As you examine the data set that concluded week 10 of our national quarantine, we are now seeing that 72% of churches are going to maintain a hybrid format in their churches – Both live sanctuary services as well as Live-On-Line. Pre-COVID, online services were more of a novelty. Now they are a necessity. 

There is not only an investment being made into creativity of the online church, but how that experience can be transferred into the church at large. As a side note, it is being reported that 5%-8% of churches will continue an online only option for their congregation through the summer months.

We are now seeing clearly that restarting the church is not as simple as opening the doors. Depending on the location of your church in America successful restarts are between 10% – 29% capacity of the church building is being viewed as a success. Keep in mind that we are only 3-4 weeks for some churches into a restart. There is still a national feeling the church will fully recover, however, that recovery is proving to be far more complex.

When it comes to restarting the Children and youth Ministry it is relatively split between starting back in July while others are opting to start once school begins in the fall. As you drill into this category of data it is revealing that 10+ weeks of new habits are now part of the routine in people’s lives. People will not change those new habits suddenly.

Layered on top of an already heavy load of restarting our churches is the issue of Amad Arbery, George Floyd, Antifa, Anarchists, and a confused media. This combination of issues is enough to break any good leader. There is a lot at stake currently. With that said there are a few things that I would point out. First of all, I am writing daily bog articles on the history of enslavement and possible pathways of nurturing a new narrative. August 2019 marked the 400th anniversary that enslavement began at Jamestown, Virginia. While progress has been made, it feels like we are a thousand miles away from our goal. I have been writing about the influence of MERCY upon our heart first, then our home, to our church, then to our society. There is no exclusivity on MERCY, but everyone must respond and allow its influence to change us at the heart level .

Let me be clear, history does not give us a positive illustration of outcomes when lawlessness is used to combat lawlessness. History does give us some illustrations of peaceful protest that can impact a nation.

Consider Gandhi’s life in leading India to liberation. Gandhi would declare, “Be the change you desire to see.” However, January 30, 1948 while standing on the steps to enter a building for prayer 3-shots rang out and Gandhi’s life ended.

Martin Luther King who was greatly influenced by Gandhi’s life’s work also followed the path of peaceful resistance. While sitting a jail cell in Alabama a reported asked, Dr. King do you hate the white man?” to which King responded, “I don’t hate any man! Hatred is to great of a burden to bear!” Yet on April 4, 1968 Dr. King was shot by James Earl Ray and would die later in the hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

The impact of both men still lives on to this day. I would contend that MERCY must be the pathway to change the narrative to give us new opportunities to hope. Mercy is something the anarchist will never understand.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Covid-19 Did Not Impact This

So that we establish a basis for this Podcast, the data sets are from the Barna Group’s study dating back to 2000. This is a 20-year research to measure national trends. YES, these trends may look different in your location, but when taken as a national view, these figures do not lie.

So let’s understand the magnitude of this research. Barna Group has been gathering survey data on the long-term shifts that have occurred in the United States over the last several decades. In this report, we explore data collected among 96,171 surveys over more than 20 years, giving us powerful insight. 

Consider the categories that were determined as a result of this study.

Let’s start by looking at how Americans relate to Christianity, using three segments: practicing Christians, non-practicing Christians and those who are not Christians.

Practicing Christians identify as Christian, agree strongly that faith is very important in their lives and have attended church within the past month.

Non-practicing Christians are self-identified Christians who do not qualify as practicing.

Non-Christians are U.S. adults who do not identify as Christian.

The first and perhaps most significant change is that practicing Christians are a shrinking segment of the entire population. In 2000, 45 percent of all those sampled qualified as practicing Christians. That share has consistently declined over the past 19 years. Now, just one in four Americans (25%) is a practicing Christian. In essence, the share of practicing Christians has dropped by nearly half since 2000.

It is interesting to note that the declining numbers split between being a Christian but not attending Church and dropping our totally – attendance and identifying as a Christian. This shift in part is what is giving rise to atheism and agnostics in the American belief systems.

Another interesting reality that cannot be blamed on Covid-19 is that one-third fewer people are attending church than in 1993. Church attendance apexed in 2009-2010 and has been in decline since that time. When you examine this fact closely you see a rise of Millennials and Gen-Zers, along with church scandals, and what role does politics play in the church.

If church attendance trends are analyzed by generation, interesting patterns emerge. Declines in church attendance took place among Elders (14 %) and Boomers (13 %), especially after 2012. That’s remarkable considering it’s a common assumption that people become more religiously active as they age. While health ailments could impair the ability of some Elders to make it to weekly services, that is less likely to be the case with Boomers.

Consistency of Bible-Reading Has Remained Steady for Nearly a Decade 

Those who are committed to the spiritual practice of reading the Bible have stayed extremely consistent over the decades. Despite some ups and downs over the years, nearly the same percentage of U.S. adults today.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

What Have We Learned?

We need to begin these insights by stating there was already an interruption that was being felt in the church world pre-pandemic. The church world was on a pathway of disruption with or without Covide-19. That said Barna Research has been on the fore-front of this study. Churches in Canada, USA, and United Kingdom have been part of a weekly snapshot of what Leaders and attendees are thinking in real time. Let’s examine 5 insights that we know currently after 7 weeks of quarantine.

Leaders are doing well and feel reasonably equipped to help people – 51% of Pastors stated they have been extra time for their devotional life while 49% have it difficult to maintain their devotional life. 30% of Pastors state they feel well-equipped to help people while 64% state they feel somewhat prepared to help people. This quarantine has pushed mental health concerns to the forefront. As a church I do not feel that we should forfeit meaningful conversations with people that could honestly help, under the notion that we are not licensed Mental Health Counselors. Here are a couple of suggestions….

Who am I? is a powerful conversation that can lead to What is my identity? Am I adequate? Am I worthy? Am I special? Am I unique? 

The second question is Am I safe? This question can lead to Can I trust the world and environment around me? Are things predictable? Is this situation fair and balanced?

The research is clear, we have some improvements that need to be madein engaging others in meaningful conversations that will be impactful in people’s lives. The church is a great place to allow humanity to be on display – caring and helping others.

Online Attendance has Increased. What Does That Mean? – In the second week of quarantine 45% of churches reported increase attendance over the normal attendance of attending church. However, as the weeks of isolation have continued there is a serious discussion on how to count online attendance.

By week 7 church attendance has somewhat moderated as churches are still attempting to figure out how to count attendance. 60% of churches are using a multiplier of 2.5 people per devices being connected, while others have started using online connect cards to count actual numbers of who is watching in the home.

This discussion brings us to the real issue; Has the church been called to measure “Content Presentation” to “Listenership/Attendee” or are we tasked to Make Disciples which would be an entirely different metric?

Virtual Giving Is Lagging Behind Other Forms of Engagement – 37% of churches are reporting lower giving, 31% giving has remained the same, and 25% have increased in giving.

Many Congregations Offer Community Support Amid Crisis, But Some Have Yet to Organize – This item has remained steady throughout the last 7 weeks primarily due to the fact churches that were already engaged have continued to do so. Churches that were notengaged remain detached – 25%.

Pastors Express Hope For Their Church’s Future – During the first week there were 15% of pastors that indicated they would not be able to survive an extended period of quarantine. Currently only 1% are not confident they will survive.

In closing there is much we don’t know yet. How will the online methods of worship and liturgy continue to evolve? When will the finances of both organizations and individuals recover? What will be the mental and emotional toll on leaders and churchgoers who have faced loneliness, anxiety and grief? Should congregations plan to approach additional periods of social distancing as the world continues to fight the disease? How can churches best partner to help the vulnerable in this time?


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Passion Shift

Some wake up to an alarm. Some wake up to a calling – Unknown

8 Characteristics of A Calling – When it is your calling, you won’t have to chase it. You will be captivated by it.

Your Calling Matches Who You Are – No one is ever called called to so something they are not suited to do. Self-awareness is vitally important in finding your calling. I am including a list of 9 questions that all impact your calling.

Your Calling Taps Into Your Passion – Impacting your world is difficult. If you lack passion your energy will fizzle. Talent, Skills, experiences, and opportunities all align with calling, but passion provides the fuel to pursue that calling.

Your Calling Is Important To You, But It Is not About You – A true calling is never about the person called. Nelson Mandela stated once what counts in life is not the fact that you have lived. Rather, it is what difference we have made in the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.

Your Calling Is Bigger Than You – A calling always involves something that feels big, something that is bigger than you. In fact it may seem impossible! Yet you are compelled to get out of your comfort zone and attempt it.
Your Calling Changes Your Perspective – You simply see the world differently. You once saw obligations and responsibilities. That shifts to seeing options and opportunities.

Your Calling Gives You Purpose – Business is the enemy to effectiveness – we would rather boast about our business. In fact our metrics proves this point. Seth Godin states that instead of planning our next vacation, perhaps we should spend time on life so we do not need to escape the one we are leaving.

Your Calling Helps You To Overcome Obstacles – Grit, Discipline, and hard Work are all insufficient. Your calling matters. David Ramsey says that a higher calling matters when you care deeply about your WHY. Understanding your WHY will overcome all of your obstacles and reasons to quit.

Your Calling Brings Fulfillment – Nothing in life is as rewarding as fulfilling your calling – NOTHING! Your calling changes everything – it is the missing piece of the puzzle that you have been looking for. 


Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Impact Shift

If your actions inspire people to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a transformational leader.

I believe in training in leadership. I have vested my 40+ years on Faith-based work of which 34 years investing in others to become leaders. However, so that we do not miss the elephant in the room, let’s understand there is a huge difference between trained leaders and transformational leaders.

I have provided a chart for comparison between being a trained leader versus a transformational leader.

There are 5 actions that are common in all transformational leaders – Do these!

Possess A Clear Picture of What Transformational Leaders Do – Transformational Leaders….

  • See things others do not see
  • Say things others do not say
  • Believe things others do not believe
  • Feel things others do not feel
  • Do things others do not do

Peter Marshall stated once that a different world cannot be built by indifferent people.

Focus on Your Own Transformation Before Leading Others To It – As leaders you and I have to be changed to bring change. We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are. The first person that must be changed in the transformational process is YOU!
Take Positive Action Based on your Internal Change – Everything in life is UPHILL – all of the way. Transformation requires and uphill  walk. Everyday. All the way. Most people would rather Talk – Think – Plan – Survey – Study – Rest. Gandhi stated once that an ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Courage is required to leave the familiar to set off on a better way!

Create An Environment That Promotes Positive Change – Jim Collins stated that leaders who are passionate about transformation are the only leaders who can bring transformation. These leaders spread their “Value-Based” teachings knowing they will make a huge difference in people’s lives. Consider the following….

ATTITUDE – Colors everything in your life

COMMITMENT – Separates doers from dreamers

COMPETENCE – Shortest path to credibility

FORGIVENESS – Live with a light heart

INTEGRITY – Leads to a life of wholeness

PERSONAL GROWTH – People who keep learning always will have a future

RELATIONSHIPS – the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life

Commit To Making A Difference With Others In Your Community – Transformation always follows the same pattern;

  • TOP-DOWN – Leadership influence filters down, not up
  • SMALL TO BIG – Mass movements begin with a few people
  • INSIDE OUT – Inner values determine outward behavior

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!