The Influence Shift

The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. The Law of Influence

Leadership position does not give someone leadership authority. Having a title is not the same as having influence or moral authority. Harvard Professor Sharer states that moral authority is not easy to define, but you know it when you see it and when you don’t. A lack of moral authority in leaders breeds distrust, creates cynicism and kills initiative throughout an organization. A lack of moral authority can bring down a nation. 

John Maxwell states moral authority is the recognition of a person’s leadership influence based on who they are more than the position they hold. It is attained by authentic living that has built trust.

I want to give 4 Key Insights to the pathway to moral authority.

Competence – The ability to lead well – Competence is the key to moral authority. Author George Davis states that authority is not something we buy, are born with, or is delegated to us by our superiors. It is however he states something that we earn from our subordinates. You must prove yourself first, then you can lead. IN the book Developing The Leader Within You 2.0, there are five levels to consider;

Position – People follow because they have to

Permission – People follow because they want to

Production – People follow because you demonstrate competence

People Development – People follow because you make them competent

Pinnacle – People follow because you have a reputation for excellence

Courage – Moving forward in the face of fear – Courage….Encourages people during difficult times; Enables people to maximise their potential; Helps leaders find their voice.

Every leader who possesses moral authority has had to stand alone at some point in time. Such moments make leaders!

Consistency – Doing well all the time, not just sometimes – Andy Stanley in his book Visioneering, “Nothing compensates for a lack of moral authority. No amount of communication skills, ealth, accomplishment, education, talent, or position can make up for a lack of moral authority. We all know plenty of people who have these qualities but who exercise no influence over us whatsoever, WHY? Because there is a contradiction between what they claim to be and what we perceive them to be.

Character – Being bigger on the inside than the outside – Moral authority is a result of right intentions, right values, right beliefs, right actions, right relationships, right responses. Our intentions must be right, our heart must be good. Put down some strong roots of…

Integrity – align values and actions

Authenticity – I will only teach what I believe (passion), what I experience (Confidence), What I live (Authenticity)

Humility – This is the everyday choice to credit God for your blessings and credit others for your success.

Love – You must love people, respect them, value them. People can always tell when these things are not true. Love them enough that you care about helping them.


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Improvement Shift

Our differences can make a positive difference – Maxwell

A few years ago in Harvard Business Review they gave a definition of TEAM. “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” (Katzenbach & Smith, “The Discipline of Teams”. March-April 1993).

To underscore an important truth, our differences really can make a difference in our teams, organizations and personal lives. Here are three powerful truths about team diversity.

  • Diverse Teams Fill in The Knowledge Gap
  • Diverse Teams Fill in The Perspective Gap
  • Diverse Teams Fill in The Experience Gap

Consider these six barriers to diversity
Fear of Conflict – All great relationships that last over time require productive conflict in order to grow. This is true in marriage, parenting, and business. Conflict does not have to be taboo.

Insufficient Personal Work – It has been reported that 75% of white people don’t have any non-white friends. It is reported that 65% of black people don’t have any non-black friends. Do you think that personal work is required? More specifically it requires humility, intentionality, time, love, and energy.

Unwillingness To Deal With Prejudice – From an unknown source; “The world is like a hand and all of the people its fingers. If you hate and destroy one group of people, you lose a finger, and the grasp of the world is less.”Arrogance – Some leaders are so confident in their own genius that they can’t imagine other people adding value to their work – the less similar they are, the less they can contribute.

Personal Insecurities – The best antidote for personal insecurity is to think about helping other people and putting them first.If your insecurities surface because of other’s strengths of differences – start working on them. If not, then the team and your leadership ability will suffer greatly. Failing To Be Inclusive – If there people in your charge that do not feel included, they will disconnect and will not bring their best talents and gifts to the table.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Connection Shift

You do not lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Consider the following comparisons on what Directing Vs. Connecting looks like. This is an “AHA” moment.

7 Insights on making this important Leader Shift

Humility – Let People Know You Need Them

Good Leaders are aware they need others and they make it known. There is no downside to humility. It keeps your ego in check, it connects you with your Team, it draws people into the center of the vision, and it better positions you to fulfill the vision.

Curiosity – Ask People QuestionsBob Buford’s book Halftime is still a classic because it pushes you to answer the question, “What kind of second half are you going to live?” The only effective way to answer this question is to ask yourself many questions. Develop the craft of asking questions.

Effort – Go Out Of Your Way To Connect

Oprah Winfrey once stated that the big secret to life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there of you are willing to work. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you have done your best?

Trustworthiness – Be Someone Other Can Count On

Pay careful attention to these four arenas; Integrity in my life, Consistency in my actions, Competence in my work, and Acknowledgement  of my failures.

Generosity – Give First, Give Continually

Albert Einstein is reported to have said, A person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself. Stephen King once stated…“The human is brief when placed in time’s wider perspective is something that  we all know.I am asking you to consider it on a more visceral level….What are you going to do? Well I will tell you what you are not going to do, and that’s not take it with you….We come in naked and broke. We may be dressed when we go out, but we are just as broke….Should you give away all that you have? Of course you should….All that lasts in this world is what you pass on. The rest is smoke and mirrors….”

Listening – Open The Best Door To Connecting With People

Become an active listener. Stop interrupting! Start asking questions for clarity and learning. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances” Proverbs 25;11

Encouragement – Give People Oxygen For Their Soul – In the Smithsonian there is an exhibit that shows the personal effects of Abraham Lincoln the night he was shot. One of the items was a newspaper clipping that began, Abe Lincoln is one of the greatest statesmen of all time….” It is reported that he carried this article as a reminder that in the face of unbelievable criticism there was at least one person that believed in him. The power of words cannot be underestimated – it is oxygen for the soul!


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.

The Reproduction Shift

If I have seen farther than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants – Isaac Newton

John Maxwell articulates four stages to move from being a personal producer to an equipper of others – Ladder climbing to Ladder Building.

Ladder Climbing – “How High Can I Go?

Glen Turner stated the hardest challenge of getting to the top of the ladder was to get through the crowd at the bottom. This stage is really about growing and developing your fullest potential. Here are some thoughts to measure your ladder climbing capabilities.

8 thoughts……

  • Make sure your ladder is on a firm foundation of integrity and character
  • Is your ladder leaning against the correct building for your purposes
  • Do not step on others in order to climb your ladder
  • Do not skip steps on the ladder for short-cuts
  • Step back occasionally to evaluate and reflect
  • Do not step on others on the way down your ladder
  • With each restart back-up the ladder – improve your effort
  • Value the people who are holding your ladder

Ladder Holding – “How High Will Others Go With A Little Help?

Pastor Kevin Myers at 12 Stones Church stated, “Leaders should want far more for their people than from their people.”Here are five essential ladder holding thoughts.

  • It all begins with servanthood attitude
  • You must be available
  • You will attract people who want to climb
  • Ladder holding is a pre-qualifier for discovering potential
  • Over time, ladder holding multiplies effectiveness

Ladder Extending – How High With Others Go With A Lot of Help?

Chris Hodges stated that a dream is a compelling vision you see in your heart that is too big to accomplish without the help of others. When you start holding the ladder for others, you are actually helping them go to higher levels. This level is all about being a mentor. Here are some thoughts about being a ladder extension for others.

  • You need a testimony of success in your own life
  • You must possess the correct skills – I.e. relational, attitude, leadership communication
  • Maturity – you should be ahead of the person you are mentoring
  • Humility required

Ladder Building – “Can i Help Them Build Their Own Ladder?”

Ladder building is all about giving another leader permission, equipment, and empowerment to build their own ladder. Sam chand’s books are influential in this discussion; Who’s Holding Your Ladder?, What’s Shaking Your Ladder?, Who Moved your Ladder? If you want learners to follow directions, provide the WHAT. If you want followers to lead others, give them the WHY!


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Abundance Shift

Have you ever thought about the expectations of your organization? Think about this for a moment. Are you expected to “hold the line?” Maintain the course? Change direction? Get out of the box? Blow up the box? (John Maxwell). Without sabotaging your organization and the good people you work with, ask yourself right now what zone are you in? At times we hear it said, “I am in the zone?” Which one?

Coasting Zone – Do as little as possible

Comfort Zone – Do what you have always done

Challenging Zone – Do something new that you have not done

Creative Zone – Think new thoughts that you have not thought

The million dollar question is how so you shift from maintaining to creating? The process is an INSIDE – OUT journey

Maxwell has identified seven mental blocks – here they are;

Find The Right Answer – There is always more than one answer

That Is Not Logical – Thomas Edison stated there ain’t no rules around here…

Avoid Ambiguity – Life is messy, contradictory and it is a paradox

Failure Is Bad – Creative people do not avoid failure

Do Not Become Foolish – Standing up for something is to stand out from something

I Am Not Creative – The only block to creativity is disbelief

Here are seven principles to apply for creativity

Build A Creative Culture – If you lead an organization or department, promote creativity. Josh Linkner gives us an example of A.P.R.I.L. to illustrate how an effective creative culture can be cultivated.

Make Everything Better – It has been stated that creativity is not the finding of a thing, but making it better after it is discovered.

Make Plans But Look For Options – Learn to plan ahead: Predetermine your actions; Lay out your goals; Adjust your priorities; Notify key personnel; Allow time for acceptance; Head into action; Expect problems; Adjust your plan; Daily review your plans.
Place High Value On Ideas – Harvey Firestone stated that ideas are the greatest asset of mankind.

Listen To Different Voices – Creativity can thrive when a subject is approached by different perspectives. Learn to ask the God who made you to keep remaking you!

Take Risks – Nick Saban’s creative risk of shifting a tested quarterback to an untested quarterback in the 2nd half of the game against Georgia. Alabama won 26-23.
Live On The Other Side of Yes – Living on the other side of YES is where abundance and opportunity lives. In short seize the moment!

In the book The Creative Priority, author Jerry Hirshberg states, “No one in an organization sets out to stifle creative thought. Yet, a traditional bureaucratic structure with its predictability, linear logic, conformance to accepted norms…is nearly a perfect idea killing machine.


Isn’t comfortable

Nevers gets up before dawn

Can’t get the job done

Isn’t the American Dream

Has no guts

Never dares anything great

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Relational Shift

You cannot lead people if you need people. John Maxwell

There is a vast difference between conceding that change is inevitable and believing that change is essential. John Maxwell

Here are seven insights on shifting from Pleaser to Leader
Change your expectations toward leadership – Learn to separate what is best for you versus what is best for the organization by asking these three questions (1) What’s best for the organization? (2) What’s best for other people within the organization? (3) What’s best for me? The order of these questions are important. If you need people to like you you will probably not be able to  lead them.

Value people as much as you value yourself

Work to establish expectations up front – Assumptions are never a good method of operation in the leadership world. It always leads to unfulfilled expectations and disappointment. Think on these five statements:

Up-front appreciation places value on the person and increases the value of our time together.

Up-front expectations increase the value of any meeting.

Up-front questions are the quickest way for people to understand one another and thereby increasing the value of our time together.

Up-front discussion influences the way and direction we lead others.

Up-front decisions increase the value of our time together.

Ask yourself the hard questions before any potential difficult conversation

When a tough conversation is needed, do it right – Here are a few tips…

  • “Are you aware of………?”
  • “I need you to help me understand the situation?
  • “I heard you say………Am I hearing you correctly?”
  • Try for common ground
  • Arrive at an agreement on what is best for all parties involved
  • If you cannot agree on the issue and solution, stay open for at least one more meeting
  • Maintain a positive attitude

Understand the 25-50-25 Principle – 25% of people will support your efforts. you. 50% of people will be undecided. 25% of people will resist you.
Balance Care with Candor – Care without candor creates dysfunctional relationships. Candor without care creates distant relationships. Care balanced with candor creates developing relationships. Care and candor are life the two wings on a plane; you cannot fly with only one wing. They must work together!


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leaders Forged In Tough Times

Value Team-Work

Isn’t it interesting that as a challenge escalates the need for team-work escalates. The true measure of successful leadership is not getting people to work. The true measure of a successful leader is not getting people to work harder. The true measure of a successful leader is getting people to work hard together!

Team leaders know they do not have all of the answers, so they do not insist on providing them. They do believe however, they cannot succeed without the combined contributions of all members on the team. EGO is not a prominent concern during a crisis.

Leaders Give Hope Do you realize that out of every crisis is an opportunity to be reborn? Understand that hope is the foundation of change. As a leader your first and last task is to keep hope alive. Author Jonathon Sachs states, “One of the most important distinctions I have learned in the source of reflection on Jewish history is the difference between optimism and hope Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that together we can make things better. Optimism is a passive virtue; hope is an active one. It takes no courage to an optimist, but it takes a great deal of courage to have hope.”

Leaders Make It Happen

You can always evaluate leaders by the size of the problem they are willing to tackle. If you as a leader can’t make it happen for yourself most likely you are not going to make it happens for others. Staying in your comfort zone allows you to do what you know you can do. Move into your challenge zone and you will attempt to do something that you have never tried. Understand that making things happen will require risk.

Charles Parnell wrote; “Too many people are having what we might call ‘near-life experiences.’ They go through life bunting, so afraid of failure that they never try to win the big prizes, never knowing the thrill of hitting a home run or even taking a swing at one.”

Leaders Watch Their Attitude

Attitude is a choice. We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can chose, what happens within us. Attitude is not everything, but it is the main thing that determines how we handle problems. During tough times attitude is a separator. Understand that your accepted bar of excellence is no longer good enough!

During Tough Times Successful Leaders Trust God

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator or all I have not seen”  – Emerson

God is too good to be unkind, and He is too wise to be confused. If I cannot trace his hand, I can always trust His heart” C. H. Spurgeon One of my professors in College, Dr Jerry Bridges wrote in his book Trusting God, states, “God never explains to us what He is doing and why. There is no indication that God ever explained to Job the reasons for all of his terrible sufferings. As leaders, we are taken behind the scenes to observe the spiritual warfare between God and Satan, but as far as we can tell from Scripture, God never told Job about that…we must conclude that God had a much higher purpose in allowing Satan’s onslaughts against Job than merely using Job as a pawn in a “wager” between himself and Satan…the story concludes with a conversation between God and Job in which Job acknowledges that through his trails he is come into a new and deeper relationship with God…We may conclude that this deeper relationship was one of the results God had in mind all along”


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leaders Forged In Tough Times


Here is an interesting definition of a crisis; “When you can’t say, ‘Let’s forget the whole thing.’” John Maxwell. It has been said the leaders first responsibility is to define reality. Peter Drucker stated, “A time of turbulence is a dangerous time, but its greatest danger is a temptation to deny reality.” Hanging on and hoping is not a strategy in tough times. Here are six rules for successful leadership in  pre and post tough times.

See The Big Picture

Leaders see more than others see. Leaders see before others see. Leadership is the business of seeing for others. Note these comparisons…

Followers see what is – Leaders see what could be

Followers think first of themselves – Leaders think of others

Followers see the penalties – Leaders see the rewards of success

Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly – Winfred Newman

Leaders Make Good Choices

There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you – John Maxwell

There are some decisions that you need to make before a crisis occurs – Crisis are going to occur beyond the current national crisis that we all feel.

Choices to make prior to a crisis… 1.VALUES – who am I 2.MISSION – what I do 3.RESPONSIBILITY – what I must do 4.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS – what I should do

Choices to make during a crisis… 1. COURAGEOUS decisions – What must be done 2. PRIORITY decisions – What must be done first  “First things first, last things not at all” – Peter Drucker 3. CHANGE decisions – What must be done differently. Once you understand that transition begins with letting go of something, you have taken the first step in the task of transition management. “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around” – Jim Rohn

Leaders Develop A Plan

It has been said that a crisis must never be experienced for the second time. That said I want to share with you the acronym PLAN AHEAD which part of the JMT DNA. Feel free to share with as many of the leaders in your social network.

P – Pre-determine your course of action

L – Lay out your goals

A – Adjust your priorities

N – Notify key people in your organization

A – Allow time for acceptance

H – Head into action

E – Expect problems – motion causes friction

A – Always point to your successes

D – Daily review your progress

Leaders Learn From Bad Experiences

Here are some things that we can learn… •How to be more flexible •How to be thankful •How to be humble •How to stay calm •How to be more aware of forgiveness •How to network •How to have a right perspective


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Cost Shift

Strength and growth come through continuous effort and struggle – Napoleon Hill

When people begin their leadership journey they typically become enamored with the title and all of the perks associated with it. Reality always sinks into the present moment – people will not always or naturally follow you because of your title. That is more true today than ever! Millenials do not want a boss with a title they are seeking a coach to equip, encourage, and engage their lives daily. Unfortunately, I am keenly aware of the leaders that are stuck in yesterday’s management style of leading – Do what I say…” Notice the comparison table that I have provided for you in the show-notes.

Your Price Points 

Reality – Leaders Recognize That Everything Worthwhile is Uphill – Max De Pree once stated the first responsibility of a leader is define reality. Let’s define it now – Everything worthwhile is UPHILL! There is a huge difference between what we can’t do and what we won’t do. POOR CHOICES, not a lack of talent and ability are the greatest hindrances to most people’s success. Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale stated in an interview in Jim Collins book, Good To Great, “I never lost faith in the end of the story…I never doubted not only would I get out, but also that I would prevail.” James Stockdale was a prisoner at the famous Hanoi Hilton. His experience is known as the Stockdale Syndrome.

Example – Leaders Acknowledge They Must Climb The Hill First – The one thing that sets GREAT leaders apart from all others is they act before others and they do more than others. Great leaders will face their uncertainty and doubt and will move through it to pave the way for others that will follow. Because they are willing to pay the price and often pay more than others do, they can say with moral authority, “FOLLOW ME!” It is reported that Paul Harvey stated once that if you don’t live it, you don’t believe it. Understand that self-belief is more than positive words to myself or receiving them from others. Words of affirmation without the work of accomplishment are hollow. Your words of self affirmation must be authentic and it must be backed up successful action.

Consistency – Leaders Understand They Never Get To Stop Climbing – There are no elevators to the top! Bill Bradley a great basketball player that became a US Senator in his memoir wrote his mentors greatest advise; “If you are not practicing, remember someone somewhere is practicing, and given roughly equal ability, if you two ever meet, he will win.”  It has been often stated that what people do and what they say they do are entirely different things. Words, Intentions, and actions must all be in alignment.

Consistency will establish your reputation, it will keep you in the game when all others quit, and consistency has a compounding effect.


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Goals To Growth

Improving yourself is the first step in improving everything else – Unknown

Goals will help you do better, but growth will help you become better” – John Maxwell

3 Shifts – 7 Challenges

Growth Outward to Growth Inward – Growth on the inside first is what will fuel growth on the outside latter. Do not get lost in the numbers and achievements.

Growth in Everything to Growth in Vital Things – You can’t learn everything so focus on what is R.E.A.L. – Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership.

7 Challenges

Embrace Change – Growth means change. It seems to be human nature to desire development but resist change at the same time.

Adopt A Teachable Spirit – How? Make growth your #1 priority. Ask questions that will help you grow. Journal what you have learned. Teach others what you have learned.

Love of Learning Over Fear of Failure – Action reduces fear and increases courage. Become a catalyst for transformation. Do not allow fear to bully your life.

Develop Relationships With Growing People – Stay close to the fire of other growing people. Few things are better in life than conversation with people who are growing!

Develop Greater Humility – Humility is not about denying your strengths, it however, being honest with your weaknesses! You can be confident and not desire to draw attention to yourself.

Believe in Yourself – What you believe about yourself will determine what you invest in yourself. Benjamin Franklin stated, “Empty the coins of your purse into your mind and your mind will fill your purse with coins!”

Embrace Layered Learning – One life lesson applied upon another and another, each gaining greater insight and depth, and weight.

GROWTH PERSPECTIVE: unlocks potential, feel better about yourself, Strengthen values and abilities, growth in humility and self-awareness, be an example to others.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!