To play any game in life you must first decide to play – you START! If accomplishing life-long dreams is your goal you must keep playing the game. It is all about the Long Game! While we only have one life, life itself is not a one and done deal. You must become disciplined for the Long Game while living.
Think about some of these stats. Rovio, the brand that created “Angry Birds” launched 51 unsuccessful prototypes before this game became a success. Mark Ruffalo the star of Avengers went through 600+ auditions before he got his first role. Mr. October, Reggie Jackson struck 2,597 times. James Dyson inventor of the Dyson Vacuum Cleaner created 5,127 prototypes before success.
Do you get the BIG IDEA? To win at anything in life you must stay in the game. It has been said that you can work for 25 years and become an overnight success. There is a lot of wisdom in this idea. In the game of life, you “…can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have them both” (Berne Brown).
Aristotle exclaimed that COURAGE is the #1 virtue of the inner man. Everyday Courage! The kind of courage required to notice an instinct to act on a valued goal and then ACTUALLY DO THE THING YOU KNOW YOUR BEST SELF WOULD LOVE TO DO! (Brian Johnson). In fact, if you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed!
Oh, by the way, Picasso created some 100 masterpieces in his lifetime. Did you know that he actually created more than 50,000 pieces of art. That comes out to 2 pieces of art created daily in his lifetime.
Play the LONG GAME coupled with everyday COURAGE!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I have followed the life and ministry of Gordon MacDonald for years. I recently came across an interview of Gordon by Carey Nieuwhof. Here are 15 leadership insights from the vantage point of being 80 years of age. I will post the link for this interview below.
Put the people you value most into your calendar first.
Pastors, your family is the Lord’s work. Live like it.
Never stop learning and growing!
If you want to do what you’re called to do, you need to keep growing.
Be more a priest and less a preacher to people.
A preacher is a one-way conversation, but a priest is a dialogue. Be more like a priest to the people in your life.
The time will come when you will have to relinquish titles and privileges and slip into obscurity. Ultimately the obscurity of death.
What kind of an old person do you want to be? Plan for it.
Prepare yourself for those occasions. When, you like most people, you will suffer, fail, fall into doubt, face conflict and experience loss.
Disappointments and doubts will come into your life. Sometimes Satan wins a battle, but he will never win the war.
Be trustworthy and dependable. A person who keeps his or her word. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Your integrity relies upon it.
Be a spiritual mother or father to teachable people who may someday inherit your responsibilities.
The next generation needs what you have to offer. Don’t withhold it.
Live modestly, stay free of debt. Be generous, develop a financial strategy for your future, and be wary of those who try to buy your favor.
The way you handle your money is one of the ways your congregation judges you.
Expect to reorder your internal life once every 7-10 years.
Life goes through basic definitional changes in 10-year increments. The way you think about life will need to change with these things.
Receive compliments, criticism, and counsel with humility and appreciation. Avoid whining, complaining, self-pity. Assume that there is at least a grain of truth in the thing’s critics say about you and your work.
Always in a conversation, look for the grain of truth. Everybody has something God has planted in them for you.
Stay alert for the evils and temptations embedded in institutional life.
Every relationship has its flaws. And good leadership is “assuming that there are flaws in this organization, and I must always be aware of when they might show themselves and what I as a leader would do to bring it under control.”
Be quick to say with sincerity, “Thank you.” “Well done.” “I’m sorry.” “I forgive you.” And, “How can I help?”
These are the five inner core transactions in all relationships. None of them can be missing if you would like to have a healthy relationship. Always look for the thing you can find in another person that’s worth praising.
Always maintain a relationship with one or two mentors who can aid you in hearing God’s voice.
Over the course of a lifetime, aim to have had over 100 mentors that have left their wisdom with you.
Master the art of asking the penetrating questions that open someone’s heart.
You know that you are asking penetrating questions when you get responses like: “Boy, you really ask good questions.” “Wow. Nobody’s ever asked me that before.” Or, “I’ve never thought about that.”
When you get those kinds of responses, this person is welcoming you to a place that’s near to their heart.
Retreat to the cross regularly. Express your appreciations. Name your sins. Pray for the world. Listen to God’s call to do things that are bigger than you.
This point eclipses all other points on this list.
COVID will not propel spiritual growth – When we started this journey the majority of Faith Leaders felt the COVID experience in our nation would turn people’s hearts toward spiritual renewal and revival. The data has dropped from 50% believing it would cause a renewal to presently there are only a few that still hold to that belief. WOW! This is shocking in terms of the radical shift of perspective. I am not attempting to cast judgement in any direction. I am simply saying this dramatic shift indicates the influence of our national mindset as a result of the pandemic. Do we need a spiritual awakening? YES, a thousand times over!
Struggle Between “Re-opening Vs Gov’t Restrictions – Pastors are struggling with the tension of obeying Civic Leaders by Social Distancing, Masks and Sanitizer Stations. 9 of 10 Pastors agree that the church should be lead by example. However, the tension 6 of 10 pastors say they should do what is right for their church despite restrictions. It is obvious this is a real tug of war that is taking place. The most glaring case would be Grace Community Church, Pastor John MacArthur and the city leaders of Sun Valley California. You can read an official position paper from the church leadership and Elders. I believe that part of this type of struggle has been set up because of the intellectual dishonesty of our national news outlets and media stations.
Emotional Well-Being of Pastors – On the dashboard of metric measurements, the emotional condition of Ministers is a FLASHING RED-LIGHT! Data suggests that 1 in 5 ministers are below average to poor in terms of emotional well being. This is 10x worse of a report that only 10 years ago. Ministers are struggling emotionally.
Winners & Losers – In terms of technology pivoting it is obvious that some churches have done this very well while others are still struggling with this medium. However, in terms of winners and losers we need to pay attention to our youngest of ministers that have only been in ministry 5 years or less. This group is in a severe crisis of belief and conviction on whether to stay or leave the ministry. In fact there are some reports of leaving.
What are some leadership principles that can be drawn from these themes?
First and foremost CLARITY is needed in the face of a crisis. A crisis generates uncertainty meaning you must break from routines – they are non-existent in times of crisis,
Secondly, bringing clarity in a crisis disruption means that new strategies must emerge – you need to point in a new direction. Do not point backward to what we had and are now missing. Face the future with confidence, excitement and energy.
Thirdly, let old models die. They are problematic to sustain in a crisis because you are always in a posture of looking backward and not to the future. Sustain a marriage with the mission and not the model.
Fourthly, Seek insurgency, meaning look for new innovations never attempted. Isn’t this what we ask of our missionaries – invade a culture with a methodology that works in context.
Fifth, redefine what a WIN looks like. In a crisis disruption a win is not necessarily campus specific – rather it may be environment specific! Askwhat ideas do our schools need? Do we need a pantry ministry? What should we be doing to help Family Systems? Parenting? Marriages?
Sixth, Lead with “Humanity” instead of acting like a Manager! People need humans in seasons of brokenness, not business principles and strategies. Be Human when you show up in another person’s life!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I want to be clear at the outset, I have had my dark days in ministry. I have been called about everything in the book and some words that had syllable combinations that I did not know you do that in the English language. Yes, the foundations of my character and life’s work has been attacked by people who profess the same Lord I serve. These experiences were all pre-COVID. For ministers that are still in the trenches on the frontline attempting to become videographers, IT experts, looking into a camera instead of people’s faces, while portraying they have it all together and exclaiming “I have it all together”. I give you permission to say; It’s just hard!
YES, it is hard! You did not go Seminary and learn the functions and tools of operating in this environment. You and every other minister were not prepared either. I recall a statement from Chuck Swindoll in the earliest days of my ministry and the beginning days of Insight For Living radio program, Swindoll made this claim; “If you want to be relevant, speak to the hurting, there on every pew in the church. We are broken people ministering to the broken. That is hard many days without the added burden of layered disruptions.
So, what is the solution? Answer: I really do not know! But here is what I do know – you are not alone!. Christianity Today recently wrote an article about ministerial grief in a pandemic. This is worth the time to read. This is a season for us to remain human not super-saints. The human touch may feel like the old “dial-up” technology of yester-year, but it is however, what we are called to do. So, here is what I know.
It is OK to not have the answers. No one does.
It is OK to stumble clumsily through your video transitions.
It is OK to wish you were more prepared.
It is OK if people leave the church. We are a sending movement not a keeping movement.
It is OK to run out of energy during the week. Take time to rest!
It is OK to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and charge hard into the game. This may not be that time – listen to your body rhythms and your breathing. Basic health care will keep your heart rate down and oxygen levels up.
It is OK to GRIEVE. Grief is the off ramp on the highway of life. Make sure that you help people embrace this fact. Always show them the on-ramp!Today and every day PRAY for your spiritual leaders! Call them by name! Engage some “dial-up” ministry – call them or send a hand-written note of encouragement.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Societies Current Hatred Is Against Godliness, Not Government
“Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand” Joel 2:1
This is a tale of two cemeteries. In the north of London at Highgate Cemetery there are fifty-three thousand graves. One wo which is a monument to Karl Marx (1818-1883). In the south of London is West Norwood Cemetery there are forty-two thousand. One of which is Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892). The Apostle of Evil and the Prince of Preachers both lived in the same city at the same time. This is a story of Christianity versus Marxism.
England was already a combustible atmosphere. England was at the apex of all their accomplishments. The sun never set on Britain; their territory was global. Britain was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. The urban poor crowded the slums populated the novels of Charles Dickens. Child labor laws were in their infancy. Black factory smoke choked the air and coal dust filled lungs.
It was into this point of history that Marx unleashed his Des Kapital. This work was about the evils of capitalism and how there should be an even distribution of wealth. It is interesting to note that history shows Marx receiving large contributions from the very capitalist he criticized. The same can be said of the BLM Movement with nearly $2 billion pledged by Corporate America. Marx’s love of Freedom of Speech not only went to the extent of slandering the Jews and other capitalists but fought back against Freedom of Speech when his life and works were criticized. This bold speech did not hide the redefining of the nuclear family. Abolishing the family and religion are all open declarations of the Communist Manifesto (1848).
Enter Charles Spurgeon! His message of anti-hatred, human dignity, and salvation found expression into Spurgeon’s preaching. At the age of 20 he became Pastor of the New Park Street Chapel in south London. A letter in The Times, reported what would become normative for the next 30 years of his ministry; “Fancy a congregation consisting of 10,000 souls, streaming into the hall, mounting the galleries…. Mr. Spurgeon ascended his tribune. To the hum, and rush, and trampling of men, succeeded a low, concentrated thrill and murmur, of devotion, which seemed to run at once, like an electric current, through the breast of every one present, and by this magnetic chain the preacher held us fast bound for about two hours. It is not my purpose to give a summary of his discourse. It is enough to say of his voice, that its power and volume are sufficient to reach everyone in that vast assembly; of his language that it is neither high-flown nor homely; of his style, that it is at times familiar, at times declamatory, but always happy, and often eloquent; of his doctrine, that neither the ‘Calvinist’ nor the ‘Baptist’ appears in the forefront of the battle which is waged by Mr. Spurgeon with relentless animosity, and with Gospel weapons, against irreligion, cant, hypocrisy, pride, and those secret bosom-sins which so easily beset a man in daily life; and to sum up all in a word, it is enough to say of the man himself, that he impresses you with a perfect conviction of his sincerity.”
What an amazing comparison of two men in the same city at the same point of history. Marxism never became fully established in Britain. It is stated the Gospel message of Christ as preached by Spurgeon played a significant role. This raises the question for our time in history – Who are the fiery Gospel Preachers and Prayer Warriors that will dare to speak to darkness with a message of eternal light? Where are the praying saints that will do warfare behind closed doors and enter the heavenly realm to war against forces that are purely evil? Constructing large religious movements without massive social impact cannot survive the coming judgement of the Lord. The distinction between GOOD and EVIL has never been clearer. The political altar is not where we bow as Christ followers. We bow in the Manifest Presence of Christ and His glory!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Look at these seven sentences we hear in churches today. We could have never predicted them.
“We need to decide if we are going to require masks in church.” If I had heard this sentence would be common in churches, I probably would have wondered if we are having mandatory costume parties in 2020. With the different masks used today, maybe we are.
“We can’t take the offering anymore.” Really? I think many leaders would have freaked out if they heard financial support would become dependent on digital giving. Probably many more would have been surprised how many members were willing to move to digital giving.
“We can no longer have the stand and greet time.” This issue was contentious in many churches before 2020. While many churches held tenaciously to this tradition, it was fading overall. But, imagine if we outright banned it in churches. That has happened for the most part. In case you’re wondering, I’m really okay with this development.
“We need to measure our streaming views over 30 seconds.” For sure, a few churches were doing live streaming services prior to 2020, but they were a distinct minority in number. I don’t think any of us anticipated that streaming views would become a common church metric.
“We need to arrange our worship center seating to accommodate social distancing.” Prior to 2020, I would have thought social distancing was only something we introverts practiced. Now it is something church leaders plan on a regular basis.
“We need to move all of our small groups to meet on Zoom.” If most church members had heard this statement in 2019, they may have wondered if small groups would be in some drug-induced state. Zoom? What is that?
“We will no longer visit church members in the hospital.” This development in 2020 is painful both to those confined to the hospital and to those in the church who really want to care for these members. It is indeed one of the tragedies of the pandemic.
NOTE: The genesis of this article is from by Thomas Rainer.
Digital Technology allows us to carry the WORLD in our pocket. With the world in our pocket, problems are all but inescapable. How can the church come along side of the children and the parents who raise them to promote the wise use of technology in an age in which the most essential of tasks are done via digital technology?
It has been stated that COVID-19 pushed the world into the digital age over-night. The truth be known we were already in the digital age – COVID simply amplified and accelerated this reality. Research has shown there are a number of trends that are affecting engaged Christian families and their relationship to the changing landscape of technology, including where parents say they are struggling the most right now. It should be noted that children are struggling with the same pressures and struggles. Technology has robbed the childhood years of the safety from the pressures of this world.
Pre-pandemic the average engaged Christian family stated they spent 10 hrs./week in family conversation and play; 8hrs using media for entertainment; 3hrs/week reading books, extracurricular or church attendance, 2hrs/week searching for information; 1 hr./week social media. These hours are below the national report.
Regardless of the hours spent, what are parents’ perceptions as to the cause or triggers of digital usage? Examine the infographic below for current insights.
Not all screen time should be cause for concern; media-engaged children are more likely than others to engage the Bible through some kind of digital technology, whether by app (37% weekly vs. 27% less engaged children), audio (27% weekly vs. 17%) or video (27% weekly vs. 21%). These data point to opportunities for greater biblical engagement among media-engaged kids and media-stressed parents.
Generally speaking, parents of media-engaged children lean more heavily on the Church to provide them with stability and resources for their child’s spiritual growth—in fact, 58% of highly engaged Christian parents choose a church with their kids in mind. The Church can be a sorely needed guide for parenting children well when it comes to technology—especially now, during the screen-heavy environment surrounding the current health crisis.[1]
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
There are no guarantees that a COVID vaccine will be effective or even when it will hit the market. There are some states that are mired in chaos and daily “freak-out” events that are severely impacting the mental/emotional health of citizens. People are searching for a way out! How do I get out of unemployment, How do I get out of hopelessness, frustration, and this malaise that has gripped our country?
No one is sure at the moment if we are at the half-way point of this pandemic. We will come through this season of history. Leader, if you have a mission and message, it probably time to evaluate your mission and message. We all are going to arrive at a very different place, and it will feel quite differently when we arrive.
Those leaders who understand the mental emotional state of people and are willing to adapt in this recovery journey will capture the ear of a listening audience. Empathetic care will get the public’s attention. Those leaders who believe that just getting back to pre-COVID mission and message are risking irrelevance.
Prepare yourself now to lead people post-COVID. It is a new world!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In the previous blog article, Spiritual Exiles, I wrote about the discovery of David Kinnaman, President of Barna, the four categories describing the twenty-somethings. Resilient Exiles is the one group that is staying with the church while others have left organized church. Researchers have done a deep dive into the question; Why have these 10% stayed with the church while others are or have left. The data reveals real promise in leading the current church into the future by taking the time to listen and learn from the twenty-somethings.
Meaningful relationships are what builds resilient disciples. This is key to evaluating current church methodology and allowing the current church leaders to make data informed decisions. Simply stated, what is the church doing to facilitate these types of relationships. Consider the info graph below.
It is time to rediscover meaningful relationships within the church. Mistrust and isolation cut at the heart of human and Christian community. The Church can and should provide answers to the deepest questions of humanity and through Jesus. In this case, our search for relational intimacy and supportive, others-oriented community is found in the Church.
In exile, the Church can provide answers to a relationally hurting society. The Christian community today has an amazing opportunity to address the epidemic of isolation by going on the offensive against “Digital Babylon.” In comparing resilient disciples to the other young adults who grew up as Christians, it’s striking to see that being a resilient disciple correlates to overall relational well-being. These findings affirm that the Church can help fill a massive gap in our society: the desire to be loved, to be acknowledged for more than what we produce and to be known. But how can the Church do this?
While the current moment adds to the complexity of cultivating long-lasting relationships within the Church, it also underlines the need for these connections. To assess how your church is actively promoting strong relationships, sit down with your staff and ask: How can we equip our leadership team and congregants alike to support the relational well-being of others, especially young people? How do we encourage congregants to make meaningful connections with others? What measures are in place for us to identify and assist those who are struggling to forge new friendships?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I want to start this Podcast with some data points for context. Pre-COVID 3 of 5 Youth were walking away from the church. This is a fact that many did not even realize. Many leaders were tone deaf because of their own echo chamber – Everything is OK here!
Millennials and Gen-Zers live a boundary-driven world. They have broader associations and world views. These two segments of our population average 3,000 hours per year in front of a screen. Compare this with 300 hours per year the average church attendee spends in front of screen. I believe it is safe to say that our two youngest generations currently are living in “Digital Babylon.”
The real challenge for church leaders is balancing a “Dial-up Ministry” while living in a digital world? Simply broadcasting facility-based worship services into a digital world does not necessarily mean that we are connecting with citizens of this Digital Babylon.
The real challenge is developing “Native Digital Content.” I am not pretending to have the answers on this issue. I am in the process of learning like everyone else. What I can say is that it is different. In communicating Biblical content we must understand that Adults and Youth are equally illiterate. The messaging method is different between these age groups.
Consider that your brain processes printed words on a page at a rate of 100 bits/second. Your brain processes pictures at a rate of 1 billion bi/second. The old adage that a picture is worth a 1000 words should be modified to 10 million. I use this illustration to say that successful digital methods must be more than content consumption – It must be visually engaging.
We can compete with the idols of our time by producing better books, movies, and content – Mark Batterson. Michael Angelo stated, “Criticize by creating!”
I personally sense the church is being called out and away from false ideologies, idols, assumptions, narratives, identity, and securities. It appears the faith community has been living with an anticipation of Acts 2:47 – “… the Lord added daily such as were being saved.” We have glossed over the previous verse that discusses the daily activity of prayers, breaking bread, and favor with the community. Why are we looking for daily blessings when we only meet once a week?
Is this a time for an awakening of attempting to bless a city instead of building a church. DO NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED! Let’s understand that a crisis clarifies Mission and Values. Change is accelerated in the context of a crisis. I am excited about leading a REVIVAL instead of building a church. The evil that we are witnessing is an APOLOGETIC – Evil is real, Enemies exist – but GOD is bigger!
My prayer is to be awake for the signs of REVIVAL in my city!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
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