We are in a season of endurance and transformation. That requires understanding your role, finding your pace, and communicating understanding so there will not be misunderstanding.
One is too small of a number for greatness! A relay race starts with one but you cannot remain there. Your purpose is to build bigger, better, and more influential team members behind you.
Your success is dependent upon others. You need a team that will run stronger and go further than you are capable of. The leadership Law of Accountability states that you count on others when it counts.
The Teams success will depend on you. They need your skill to raise their performance. Raising your skill is not a “sometimes maybe” effort – IT IS A DAILY EXERCISE!
The goal is more important than the role. There are times that you need to lessen the role in order to accomplish your goal. No one is so great that they do not need others.
Individual talent will get you on a team, but it is TEAMWORK that will keep you on the team.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Many leaders have “Uphill Dreams” but practice “Downhill Habits.”
While writing this article we are eight weeks into our national quarantine. This period of time is quite revealing. In the faith community we have moved from the majority of pastors stating this crisis will only last two weeks and we will be back in our churches. In the first two weeks 15% of pastors stated they were not confident their church would survive. That 15% if applied nationally equals just under 50,000 churches. That figure has now improved to 3% of pastors saying they will not survive – cautious optimism. The faith community in America was in a panic mode over the idea of having a digital Easter – this was “anathema” in many circles. We are now in process of re-opening our country which means that churches are now planning for a return to church in our buildings. It is interesting to see the impact of the Covid effect upon our thinking – we may not be as ready to return as we thought. There is a guarded hesitancy in people’s minds at the present. The good news is that we will eventually get there, just not in the way we imagined.
Everyone wants to know what our world will look like post pandemic. The answer is: nobody knows with clear certainty. Since everything worthwhile is uphill this is a great time to evaluate the negotiables and non-negotiables in our life. Are we attempting to take everything uphill? Can we lighten our load while going uphill? What that will look like will be different for each person and church. Jesus is our illustration on the non-negotiables. He taught eternal principles, was a servant leader, He wept-touched-held-grieved-fed-discipled-impacted religious systems-infiltrated community power structures to name a few items. Christ was human and Divine at the same time – Son of God – Son of Man! I must live in this flesh and blood body infused with the eternal Savior of the world. That is worth the uphill climb.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
One of the most powerful demonstrations of God’s ability to restore life to that which was dead is found in Ezekiel’s writings. Ezekiel implores the use of the Hebrew word chayah – a sense of living. The power of this term is in its repeated use (153x) in the Old Testament. The most dramatic use of this term is seen in the sentence construct of an oath. “Therefore, as I live (chayah)…..” The power of the first half of the oath sets up the reality of the second half of the oath. This is a powerful way to communicate truth that applies to our daily living.
We read how God took Ezekiel out in the spirit and sat him in the valley of dry dead bones and asks the question can these bones live? The response, “O Lord God, you know…” In other words, Ezekiel acknowledged his humanity – from the human perspective I do not see the possibility of life. However, Ezekiel acknowledged whom he was talking to. Translated “Adon Yahweh” – this double use of deity was to acknowledge in the highest manner possible the living God. Because you live then you know if this valley of death can live again. Ezekiel used the terms of life more than any other Old Testament writer to portray the death of a Babylonian captivity and the restoration of life and future glory that would be restored.
Now that we are starting to return from our national quarantine there is much debate about finding our way back to “normal” before Covid-19. History has demonstrated that change is always the result after major crisis on any level. However, as we hear the words of scripture, “As surely as I live….” We can take comfort and heart in the Lord of life that he is able to make good of the second half of the oath: I am going to heaven to prepare a place for you. As you see me leaving, I will doubtless return and receive you unto myself.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
In the book The Courage Quotient author Robert Biwas Denier states, “If we choose courageous roles or think of ourselves as filling courageous roles, we are more likely to act boldly when the need arises.” He relates a story of a young boy, Lin Hao. “A perfect example of this is the action taken by nine- year-old Lin Hao in Suchuan, China. On May 12, 2008, Sichuan was struck by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake that left buildings flattened and more than 69,000 people dead. Among the most tragic losses on that day were the countless children whose school buildings collapsed. Lin Hao was in such a school and was able to rescue two of his second-grade classmates from the rubble before saving himself. When asked about his courage, this young boy simply explained that he was the hall monitor and that it was ‘my job’ to save the other children. Lin Hao quickly became a symbol of virtue in China and led the opening procession of the 2008 Olympic Summer Games.”
How do you see yourself and what role of courage are you attempting to display to the world? When you come across a story like Lin Hao’s you can’t help but think of other illustrations in history. For example, what about Victor Frankl a Psychotherapist that survived Auschwitz. How about United States Vice Admiral James (Bond) Stockdale that survived 7 years at the Hanoi Hilton. How about ____________(Insert Your Name)_______________, survivor of the 2020 Global Pandemic. What is your testimony? What version of courage are you displaying to the world?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Joshua in the Old Testament records the words of the Lord following Moses’ death; “6 iBe strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and jvery courageous, being careful to do according to all the law kthat Moses my servant commanded you. lDo not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success1wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but myou shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? nBe strong and courageous. oDo not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” [1]
The Hebrew word for courage is emas and there are 41 occurrences of this term in the Old Testament. This term is predominately translated as courage or courageous. The context for Joshua was a change in national leadership. This was a crisis moment for Israel, the Promised Land was set before them. Which force would prevail – Fear or God Words (v.8)? If these verses were applied to a mathematical equation it would be:
COURAGE = Application of God’s Words
Simply stated, the greater our application to the God’s Word the greater our ability to crush fear out from our lives. What was at stake for Israel – Promised Land inheritance! What is at stake for us post-Covid – Revival and Discipleship strategies that have never been attempted. King Jesus’ arrival is getting closer! Notice the three occurrences of “strong and courage.” When applying God’s words, it is helpful to understand the trajectory of the words. The origin of action starts within a person choosing to take their comprehension of God’s words to new levels coupled with application (v.8). The result; FEAR is conquered. The courageous person walks, acts, and sounds differently than a fearful person.
Here is one question and one statement of fact.
QUESTION: What is one micro-step that you can take today that will improve your study of scripture by 50%?
FACT: History records that all previous pandemics have come to an end.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Keynote Speaking, and Executive Coaching.Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Some wake up to an alarm. Some wake up to a calling – Unknown
8 Characteristics of A Calling – When it is your calling, you won’t have to chase it. You will be captivated by it.
Your Calling Matches Who You Are – No one is ever called called to so something they are not suited to do. Self-awareness is vitally important in finding your calling. I am including a list of 9 questions that all impact your calling.
Your Calling Taps Into Your Passion – Impacting your world is difficult. If you lack passion your energy will fizzle. Talent, Skills, experiences, and opportunities all align with calling, but passion provides the fuel to pursue that calling.
Your Calling Is Important To You, But It Is not About You – A true calling is never about the person called. Nelson Mandela stated once what counts in life is not the fact that you have lived. Rather, it is what difference we have made in the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
Your Calling Is Bigger Than You – A calling always involves something that feels big, something that is bigger than you. In fact it may seem impossible! Yet you are compelled to get out of your comfort zone and attempt it. Your Calling Changes Your Perspective – You simply see the world differently. You once saw obligations and responsibilities. That shifts to seeing options and opportunities.
Your Calling Gives You Purpose – Business is the enemy to effectiveness – we would rather boast about our business. In fact our metrics proves this point. Seth Godin states that instead of planning our next vacation, perhaps we should spend time on life so we do not need to escape the one we are leaving.
Your Calling Helps You To Overcome Obstacles – Grit, Discipline, and hard Work are all insufficient. Your calling matters. David Ramsey says that a higher calling matters when you care deeply about your WHY. Understanding your WHY will overcome all of your obstacles and reasons to quit.
Your Calling Brings Fulfillment – Nothing in life is as rewarding as fulfilling your calling – NOTHING! Your calling changes everything – it is the missing piece of the puzzle that you have been looking for.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
The biblical Hebrew cultural motif on age refers to 60 as old age, 70 the hoary head, and 80 special strength. In 1stSamuel chapter 8 we find a perspective of an aged leader who could have been disappointed in his old age, but he remained faithful. We learn in earlier chapters that Samuel was disappointed in Eli’s sons because they chased after lust and lasciviousness. We learn also that Samuel’s sons disappointed him because they misaligned their use of money. However, Samuel remained faithful in the face of these disappointments in his old age. Notice 1 Samuel 8:4-7; “Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at pRamah 5 and said to him, “Behold, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. uNow appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, vfor they have not rejected you, wbut they have rejected me from being king over them”.[1]
Notice the following trajectory of reason….
Notice the Elders Calling Samuel “old.” This is like one old person calling another old person OLD!
Samuel’s sons were disappointing because of their misaligned thirst for money.
The Elders desired an earthly king to replace and Eternal King.
God comforted Samuel, “…. they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me…”
What do you do in the face of sudden change in life that diminishes your hopes and dreams? After 8 weeks of our national quarantine, we are starting to emerge from our social distancing to engage society once again. Make no mistake about our reality, we are emerging to a different country today than on January 1, 2020. This global event has marked us as a society. There are new challenges that we all are going to face. It will take months if not years to fully understand the impact of this global pandemic. However, there is a great lesson that we can learn from Samuel in the Old Testament. Even though he saw disappointing days in his life span, he remained faithful to the God. That is our ultimate challenge today. We’re going to see many difficult days, however, intentionality in our faith is what matters the most. Even though generations of people may disappoint, our eyes are fixed on eternity and a loving God. Samuel also teaches us the power of flexibility. Not every dream or hope that we have in life is going to be fulfilled. Even though Samuel was disappointed with previous generations and his own sons he remained flexible to follow the voice of God. That flexibility and trusting an almighty God will save us from misappropriated dreams and hopes. We do not always understand the plan of God, but we know that the plan of God is always correct. Remain flexible, remain hopeful, and always remain intentional in the development of your faith.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
“Not only does the experience of tragedy give us an exceptional opportunity for growth, but some sort of suffering is also necessary for a person to achieve maximal psychological growth. In his study of self-actualizers, the paragons of mental wellness, the famed humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow noted that ‘the most important learning lessons… were tragedies, deaths, and trauma… which forced change in the life-outlook of the person and consequently in everything that he did.’”
(New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2008), 256
It has been stated that “Crisis seeds new thought!” Now that we are eight weeks into our quarantine lifestyle, we all have had plenty of time to watch, look, and listen to a wide array of church services, teachings, Zoom conferences, etc. I have observed the original panic of everyone taking church to the digital format to adaptations of what church was pre-quarantine, and now re-creating that version into digital presentations. The piercing question is “What is the church for?
I believe the answer to the “Should” vs. “How” discussion was answered in the gospels. Consider these words; “…. Therefore, go and make disciples…. And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”Matthew 28:19a-20a NIV. “How Christianity” is steps beyond whether we should or should not do something. The imperative force of the translation moves us not just to an occasional four step program, but to a lifestyle of discipling. Discipleship is not a destination that ends in a diploma. It is a journey that moves us in the direction of eternity. The disciples of Jesus Christ had the unique perspective of watching a teacher who embodied the substance of His teaching[1].
Christ’s disciples caught what Jesus was embodying and we see this in Acts 2:42-47. In this passage we witness Worship, Word, Ministry, and Mission. These themes were repeated all throughout the New Testament churches. This metanarrative is what gave the New Testament church disciples structure for their beliefs and meaning for their experiences. This narrative gives us a new metric to focus upon – Discipleship to Christlikeness instead of content to listenership.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
While attempting to make sense of our global pandemic some have used the motif of winter, blizzard, and ice-age to frame the dialogue for comprehension of what is happening to our world. Mark Sayers, author and Pastor in Melbourne, Australia suggests the framework should center on Interruption versus Disruption. Consider the following definitions.[1]
Interruption – It is a late 14th century term that implies to break in upon action already occurring. A pause, a temporary cessation. KEY QUESTION: “How do I get through this pandemic so that we can do what we were doing?”
Disruption – It is a late 15th century term that implies a bursting apart, forcible separation into parts, to shatter. KEY QUESTION: “How do I change what I was doing so that I can lead in a new world?”
Pause for just a moment and realize that these opening words are in fact a glimpse into the magnitude of what has happened in our world. It is stretching our beliefs, convictions, and world views about ourselves and global leadership. We are searching for a verbal framework in which to deposit our thoughts so that our story can be told and heard. For purposes of the debate of which motif best frames our thoughts, I believe Pastor Sayers gives us a usable way in which to have conversation; is this pandemic an interruption or disruption?
The Key questions above expresses the real issue; get through this pandemic so that we can go back to normal or realize that normal is gone and I must prepare for a new world. The tension between an interruption versus a disruption expresses polar extremes. History teaches us that somewhere in between extremes is where reality will land. I am not a prognosticator to tell you that I have this pandemic figured out. Any person that tells us they have it figured out should be viewed with suspicion. What is helpful is to consider some faith-community data points pre-Covid and real-time data points. The comparison should give us a context for conversation.
In 2011 the Barna Group stated the North American church had a drop-out problem; 52% of 18-26 years of age (High School Seniors – College – College Graduates: Raised or became attendees in church). This research was placed in the book You Lost Me, by David Kinnaman. Today that same category reports that 64% of 18-26-year old are dropping away from faith[2]. Pre-Covid, it was reported that young adults were spending on average 2767 hours per year on digital screens (that is equal to 346/8hr work days) for their entertainment and social networking. On average this age group spends between 150-190 hours per year on spiritual development in church or on screens.[3] The conclusion for Faith in North America is that families (because of their increased pace of life) and churches seem to have lost their way in discipleship.
So where are we in real-time? It is being reported from weekly Pastor and Church surveys by the Barna Group since the quarantine began that young pastors (Those that stayed with church at the time You Lost Me was wrote in 2011) as of May 4th, 2020 have a serious lack of confidence of surviving in the ministry post-Covid. In fact, the data reports a 23% gap of confidence between young pastors and those over 45 years of age surviving after the pandemic. Women in ministry are the most vulnerable in terms of their survivability – their confidence is being seriously shaken about their future in ministry. It is now being reported that 20%-32% of churches are at risk of keeping their doors open. These churches are small to medium in size that have lost attendees and finances with no reserve to lean on.[4]
Returning to the original question, Is this an Interruption or Disruption? This definitely is more than an interruption. Disruption? This is going to depend on the local churches to assess their faith history and goals. The various data points mentioned thus far impact certain regions verses others, The interpretation and call to action is going to look and feel differently regionally. We should all assume that change is necessary in order for the mandate of the gospel to be fulfilled. The passion for the fulfilling of the Gospel mandate will determine the extent of the disruption.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
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