When we use the word “worship”, usually the picture that emerges is people in church singing, perhaps hands raised. Worship is usually considered to be the first 20 minutes of a church service. Unfortunately, worship is reduced to a category of just singing. The ancient language of the Bible reveals so much more than singing.
Consider the Old Testament story of the Exodus 7:16 where Moses spoke to Pharaoh, “…. Let my people go so that we may worship/serve me in the wilderness.” Upon closer examination we come to understand the “Avad” is so much more than singing – it is more akin to singing while we are serving. Simply stated acts of service is worship.
In another scripture reference of Exodus 34:21 it is declared that six days you shall “avad” but on the seventh day you must stop working – Sabbath rest. Our English rendering of this passage is that we are to “work” for six days and rest every seventh. The word behind the translation is “avad”. Our work is more than merely physical/mental labor. According to Hebrew tradition our occupation should be viewed as serving others in a manner that honors God.
Think about the implication of that: God does not want us to worship Him 20-30 minutes once a week and then work the other six days. His desire is that we serve/worship every day even as we work. When you think about this expanded understanding about biblical Hebrew understanding, what is one thing that you would change in your mindset today?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
You do not lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Consider the following comparisons on what Directing Vs. Connecting looks like. This is an “AHA” moment.
7 Insights on making this important Leader Shift
Humility – Let People Know You Need Them
Good Leaders are aware they need others and they make it known. There is no downside to humility. It keeps your ego in check, it connects you with your Team, it draws people into the center of the vision, and it better positions you to fulfill the vision.
Curiosity – Ask People QuestionsBob Buford’s book Halftime is still a classic because it pushes you to answer the question, “What kind of second half are you going to live?” The only effective way to answer this question is to ask yourself many questions. Develop the craft of asking questions.
Effort – Go Out Of Your Way To Connect
Oprah Winfrey once stated that the big secret to life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there of you are willing to work. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you have done your best?
Trustworthiness – Be Someone Other Can Count On
Pay careful attention to these four arenas; Integrity in my life, Consistency in my actions, Competence in my work, and Acknowledgement of my failures.
Generosity – Give First, Give Continually
Albert Einstein is reported to have said, A person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself. Stephen King once stated…“The human is brief when placed in time’s wider perspective is something that we all know.I am asking you to consider it on a more visceral level….What are you going to do? Well I will tell you what you are not going to do, and that’s not take it with you….We come in naked and broke. We may be dressed when we go out, but we are just as broke….Should you give away all that you have? Of course you should….All that lasts in this world is what you pass on. The rest is smoke and mirrors….”
Listening – Open The Best Door To Connecting With People
Become an active listener. Stop interrupting! Start asking questions for clarity and learning. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances” Proverbs 25;11
Encouragement – Give People Oxygen For Their Soul – In the Smithsonian there is an exhibit that shows the personal effects of Abraham Lincoln the night he was shot. One of the items was a newspaper clipping that began, Abe Lincoln is one of the greatest statesmen of all time….” It is reported that he carried this article as a reminder that in the face of unbelievable criticism there was at least one person that believed in him. The power of words cannot be underestimated – it is oxygen for the soul!
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Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.comMusic: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
How did the resurrection of Jesus Christ cause a pivot that went global? There are three pivots that took place. These pivots exposed what religion had become and by means of Christ’s life and death we see a new and different way to pivot.
How we view other Christians – This pivot was a refreshing breath of air, since the religion of the day had become an enterprise of rule keepers and punishment of Sabbath breakers. All of a sudden, the community of Christ referred to each other and “brothers & sisters”, welcoming all converts into their homes as family members. The trajectory of relationships was upon “whosoever” versus the religious elite. This relational community expanded beyond the nuclear family definition to accommodate every race and social strata who now declared their allegiance to a resurrected Christ.
How we spend our money – There are many things that could be said in this pivot discussion, but let’s start with a basic premise found in the following scripture passages; Matthew 19:16-30; 25:31-46; Luke 12:33; 14:33. Caring for others is the emphasis. The trajectory of money and resources in these passages indicates an ongoing intentionality of abundant generosity that is outward focused in the 1st century church. Failing to obey carries consequence in judgment (Matt 25:31-46). It is important to emphasize the trajectory of these scriptures is not in the direction of social power positions but in the direction of the silent voices with no one to speak on their behalf. The question for evaluation is how much of our church budgets indicate the intensity of this biblical trajectory? How much is spent on mortgages and salaries?
How we study the Bible – The key pivot passage of scripture is Matthew 28:16-20; All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.e19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,f baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,g20 and teachingh them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with youi always, to the very end of the age.”j[1] Early Christians eagerly soaked up the word of God like a sponge. There are 2 trajectories to consider. First of all, I am a disciple (translated pupil or student of). This does not conclude in an earthly destination with a certificate or diploma that declares, “I Am A Certified Disciple.” The destination here is Heaven, the ultimate graduation. Secondly, knowledge leads to actionable service to the world based upon the commands of Christ. Christ’s commands are what leads to servanthood living. Discipleship is more than a simple step program that is offered as a one-time experience. Discipleship is biblically centered and should be a standing value within the church. We can say that we value discipleship making however, remember that culture eats vision for breakfast. Is the disciple-making trajectory obvious? Is it easy to participate in?
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
I did a Google search this morning on “Covid 19 Pivot” and discovered there were 36,4000,000 hits on this subject. The topics ranged from the pandemics’ shifts to Business’ pivoting, to Centers of Worship pivoting, to families pivoting, and to daily routines pivoting. It seems that pivoting is on everyone’s mind.
As I have perused the search topics, other digital platforms, webinars, teaching calls, and various news outlets this week, there seems to be three types of pivots ….
Refrainment Pivot
Repositioning Pivot
Realignment Pivot
Refrainment Pivot – It is obvious that as the spread of Covid-19 swept across the globe, the rules of social engagement were refrained. It is called “Social Distancing”. Other terms or phrases that have emerged are, “Essential Workers”, “Tele-Doctor”, “Lock-down”, “Click-Shopping” “New Normal” and many others. The bottom line is we have been limited and, in many ways have had our daily routines radically disrupted. The necessary limitations are to prevent an even greater disaster. Refrainment Pivots are necessary at times for the greater good.
Repositioning Pivot – This type of pivot is a reaction to being refrained. The normal operations of business are radically altered; therefore, the models of business engagement must pivot for survival’s sake. Because of my life investment in ministry, I must say that I am encouraged in the vast pivots that have been made in all of our communities of faith. We have come to realize that having a digital presence is now the new normal. Brenden Burchard stated after the first announcement of shutting the nation down, “Over-night the world has become digital.” The emphasis being upon necessity.
Realignment Pivot – There is a present moment aspect in which things become realigned simply because of the suddenness of the refrainment pivot that was thrust upon all of us. The REAL realignment is yet to occur. The many prognosticators that are starting to discuss what the New World will look like and how we will now respond post covid-19 are really not sure what to say. All of the opinions are based upon what we previously called “normal”. The only thing we can state with certainty is that all national or global crisis that have ever been faced all conclude with change taking place. There will be changes! The extent of these changes has not been formulated in our minds yet; we are still very much in the refrainment and repositioning pivots. There is a delay in what will be realigned due to our lack of comprehension of what is important and not what is urgent. That said REALIGNMENT is coming!
Tomorrow’s article will focus on Resurrections’ Realignment Pivot that changed the world.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Change is the one thing that we all can agree upon that is the most consistent in our life. You see the story of our life is most like a video versus a photograph. The video more accurately portrays our life.
The success of our life depends on our adaptability to new circumstances. Why is this so? God has placed us in a world of time; every second, every minute, every day holds the arrival of that which is brand new. Consider these three building-block insights….
Cowardice is our natural default position in the face of the unknown – “We have never seen this before”, “I have never experienced this before”. Cowardice is contagious along with terror and fear.
Change is best managed by acquiring COURAGE! According to “Common Sense Media” courage is said to be; “…. the ability to do something difficult even when there’s risk. Courageous people do and say what they think is right despite opposition.”
Courage is to be proactively cultivated through ancient biblical wisdom. It should be noted that every time the biblical phrase, “be strong and courageous” (chazek v’ ematz) occurs in biblical literature indicates that someone’s life is about to go through a major change.
The force of direction of the Hebrew, “be strong” indicates an action or force being applied from the outside – inside direction. Think of physical exercise. It is an outside series of movements that will strengthen the internal physical muscle group and over-all strength.
The force of direction of the Hebrew “courageous” indicates and action that originates from the inside and moves outward. The thrust here is moral courage to take a moral stance.
The more that life changes, the more we must depend on those things that never change!
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
The Judean desert landscape around Jerusalem and Jericho has a number of dry riverbeds. The Hebrew language call them “Wadi’s.” A wadi is a dry riverbed in the midst of a barren wilderness. Even though a wadi is in the desert area, they are highly susceptible to flash flooding from rains in the high mountain regions.
It is generally understood, the story in scripture of the foolish man who built his house upon the sand is referring to a wadi – Matthew 7:24-27. Because of the flash floods, sand gathers at the bottom of a wadi. Your best protection is to build and stay on high ground. Flash floods are too unpredictable and little lead time to get out of the way of the rushing water.
Life is like that at times isn’t it? Rains come, the water rises, and the ground beneath our feet is washed away. Scripture states an obvious truth to any person who will listen – Build upon the rock above the wadi. Where is your home located? Remember your values will eat your life vision for breakfast. What you do testifies your values.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
The author is one of the leading researchers in the field of motivation and is a renowned Professor at Stanford University. This is a book that explores serious science to assist us in the understanding of why we do what we do.
There was an ancient writer by the name of Paul from Tarsus that once stated, “The things that I know I should not do, I do. The things that I know that I should do I do not do.” He went on to declare that he was wretched and asked who could save him from this body of death (Bible Romans 7:15-20).
The essence of her book focuses on two mindsets; Fixed Mindset versus a Growth Mindset. What is the difference? The short answer is that a Fixed Mindset states that our self-worth is on the line and that failure is to be avoided at all costs. With a Growth Mindset we embrace the challenge of new opportunities because we know that we are capable of reaching our highest potential and that failure is simply not “going for it and learning along the way.”
Make no mistake, the difference between these two mindsets is HUGE! What about your mindset at this very moment? Are you fixed and gripped in fear of failure? Are you more daring in your acceptance of new challenges because you realize that your potential has not been fully achieved and it is within grasp.
Here is the short of this blog – You can change your mindset – Carol Dweck.
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. Shepherdsadvantage@gmail.com
Whenever you visit Galilee in the north of Israel you are drawn to amazing beauty of the Sea of Galilee. One of the obvious things missing to a Westerners eyes is the lack of resorts and 5-star Hotels that potentially could be lined around the water’s edge,
Lately I have been drawn to the preciseness of the Hebrew language all over again. My graduate study focused upon the study of Greek. Hebrew took second place. Notice the Hebrew word for water is mayim, this term comes from a root word mem which is defined as “chaos”.
One of the first century gospel writers, Mark stated; 45 wImmediately he xmade his disciples get into ythe boat and go before him to the other side[1]….” Notice the translated term “made” used by Christ. He literally was forcing his disciples to get in the boat to set sail to the other side. From a Hebrew standpoint Christ was sending his disciples into CHAOS. Ironically, chaos is exactly what occurred when a severe storm arose threatening their survival. The narrative goes on to tell us that Christ came walking to the disciples on top of the “chaos” (water). Notice His words “…. Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.”
The image of a Savior walking on top of chaos communicates that He is in charge. We know that all storms in life come to an end. The Covid-19 pandemic will end. Knowing that a crisis reveals a person the question to ponder is; “What chaos are you facing today?” Your answer does not lay within you. Your response by faith is to realize there is a Christ who walks on top of all chaos! Believe Him.
w For ver. 45–51, see Matt. 14:22–32; John 6:15–21
A Crisis Reveals The Leader – It Does Not Make The Leader
For the most part I believe we are beyond the initial “freak-out” emotions of the start of this pandemic. We are settling in to the “new normal” of daily life. Think for just a minute about your daily routine 3 weeks ago versus now. There have been many pivot points necessary for survival and simply just to have some normalcy.
Here are three quick hit ideas about Leadership When It Matters Most…
A Crisis Moves Us
When something bad happens it never leaves us the same – a new normal emerges!
The important question to ask is; “Is the current movement being imposed upon us positive or negative?” Am I doing better? Am I doing less?
When a crisis first hits the movement is always negative! We are caught by surprise, unprepared, did not see that coming.
The good news is that we are all in this together. We are all making adjustments. Now that we are 2-3 weeks into this crisis it is now time for some decisions that need to be made right now!
Are we going to allow what is happening to me modify what is in me? A crisis reveals the leader, it does not make the leader. If who you are on the inside is solid, Christ-centered, and calm – do not allow the fear of the day take this away from you.!
A Crisis Reveals Who The Real Leaders Are
That is a fact!
There used to be a TV program from the late 1950’s called “To Tell The Truth.” A celebrity panel questions contestants in an attempt to determine the actual person associated with a story.
Coivd-19 is playing this game with us in real time – Will the real leader stand up?
Motivational leadership is going to have a hard time in this current environment. Leaders are needed to not only know the way, but, show the way. The infatuation with digital technology and the clumsy efforts that we all are doing presently will give way to solid leadership that allows the values of the organization to emerge by means of technology.
The MESSAGE is more important than the use of technology – it is only a tool to reveal the core of why we exist. Transformation into Christlikeness!
A Crisis Tests A Leaders Confidence
There is NO COVID-19 playbook
All of us are attempting to refine our message and what platform will help us communicate effectively.
Leadership requires many shifts of methodology and systems.
I am currently offering a PODCAST SERIES on the Maxwell book Leadershifts. Here is the link to first episode this series – LeaderShift. This series is located at www.shepherdsadvantageinc.com – You can scroll to discover each episode.
If the people you seek to engage have choices, they are likely to make a choice in the direction of their self-interest.
So, the question becomes WHEN?
Consider the High School student that lights up a cigarette on a Friday night – is it in their self-interest to do so? Perhaps! Consider the person 40 years later if it was a good idea to be influenced by peer pressure to start a lifetime habit that leads to expense, illness, and poor health. Was it worth it? The answer would be NO!
When we attempt to offer a way to change behavior, we are really attempting to change their time-reference. In this Week of Passion, we are not inviting people to merely stop doing “that” and start doing “this”. We are asking, “All things being the same and given your life circumstances presently, how meaningful and purposeful will your life be by not accepting the offer of Passion Week?
The offer of a crucified Christ is not; “Do you think this is a good idea?” Instead, When will the offer of a crucified Christ be the change you need to make?
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