5 Things I Am Praying For In 2015


As we prepare to say good-bye to 2014 and hello to 2015, let us review some of the key take away’s in 2014. According Bible Gateway the #1 Bible verse is John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave is only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” The #1 word searched in the Bible (both English and Spanish) is “Love.” Google Search Engine states we searched trillions of subjects. We searched “hope” instead of fiction, we searched for “belief” and for “cure” instead of fantasy. A search of various 2014 in review opinions reveals that we started the year out celebrating Colorado’s right to recreational marajuana  and Affordable Health Care Act and it would seem that we are ending the year celebrating transgenderism while searching for a missing Asian Airliner. Somehow between the smoke and celebrating our interpretation of human design we manage to land a space probe on a comet deep into outer space. Go figure! In fact Dave Barry’s 2014 in review is entitled, “There’s Just No Explaining 2014.” The bizarre nature of 2014 caused Rush Limbaugh to declare in a December 2014 broadcast that “the truth is inadequate to persuade people from what they want to believe.”

We all have presuppositions that shape our worldview that is manifested by our behavior. My worldview is biblio-centric. The bible allows me to believe in God sending his Son Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, raised on a cross, buried in a tomb, raised from the dead on the 3rd day, and is now ascended and seated at the right of the heavenly Father. Therefore, there are 5 things I am praying for in 2015.

  1. A Greater Prayer Emphasis – Prayer is not for ceremonialism that adds a touch of class to pomp and circumstance of life. Prayer is the heart-beat of the believing community of Christ-followers. Perhaps 2015 is a year that we live out 2 Chronicles 7:14; “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
  2. Stand Up For Biblical Truth – We are living in a country that grants the freedom to believe and express our belief’s. However, that freedom does not preclude the right to annihilate another’s right to believe in an eternal God. I am praying for strength of conviction by those in the pulpits of our nation to speak truth with passion and a freshness that energizes conviction. Multiculturalism is leading our nation to moral rot. By definition “every person’s truth cannot be true at the same time and in all places.” The Law of Noncontradiction states that something cannot be true and not true at the same time when dealing with the same context. Focus groups and polling data does not instill moral absolutes that you can build your life upon.
  3. Intentional Evangelism – Ed Stetzer’s article, “Why Pentecostal’s Are Growing In Number” suggests this growth to be sociological and not so theological. His reasoning suggests a “shared conviction of urgency” is what contributes to this growth. Pentecostal’s believe their message is significant and urgent enough that the whole world needs to hear. Therefore, evangelism becomes a primary concern and not an ancillary after-thought. If our message is compelling, then our voice should be passionate – “Go into all of the world…” is still mandated by scripture. Non-christians are waiting on an invitation to go to church – invite them.
  4. A Strong Mission Agenda – A mission agenda is more than holiday good-will. It is a deliberate agenda that challenges people to pray for the nations, participate in short-term missions projects at home and abroad, an action plan that keeps missional needs in front of people throughout the entire year.
  5. Deliberate Discipleship – The Great Commission of the church is still disciple-making of the converts so that more converts can be discipled. This requires intentionality of the subjects offered coupled with missional activity. Learning that does not have a practical outlet carries only minimal value. When linked to practical hands-on application truth becomes alive. These twin realities also lend themselves to positive church membership expectations. People want to learn, but they also want to participate.

These are my thoughts for the New Year. I would love to hear what you are praying for in 2015. Share your thoughts below or leave a voice message and I will do my best to respond to you.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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