Ancient Wisdom Modern Times

Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Leadership

The Apostle Paul writing to his young protege Timothy, gives a list of three (3) negative commands and three (4) positive commands in 1 Timothy 4:7-16. Before I get to the discussion of this list of Do’s and Don’ts, I do not think the case can be overstated in terms of having a Great Coach In Life. The power of influence that another person can bring to your life is immeasurable. Becoming a healthy leader is not about the performance of the latest and greatest trends with success. It is quite the opposite, it is more about the steady influence of godly men and women that speak into your life. It is about the steady maturing, it is about knowing how to let go of the good in order to embrace the best for your life.

Take notice of the chart below as these six (7) commands are simplified.

Have nothing to do with worldly fables(old wives tales) (4:7a) Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (4:7b); prescribe and teach these things (4:11)
Let no look down on your youthfulness (4:12a) Show yourself an example of those who believe (4:12b)
Give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhortation and teaching (4:13)
Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you (4:14) Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching (4:16


A doctoral student asked his Professor; “Based upon your understanding of Paul’s advice to Timothy and your experience, what do I need to know entering full-time Christian ministry and leadership?” This is a powerful question that reveals a desire to become healthy vibrant Christian Leader. Here are the Professor’s five (5) responses for us to ponder and apply to our life.

  1. There is no higher goal in life than servanthood. Do not become a leader, become a servant first, leadership grows out of service. Do not aim high in life, rather lie low. Look for ways to make someone else’s life more pleasant and comfortable. God found Moses, David, Elijah, and Esther. If you are meant to be a leader God knows where to find you.
  2. There is no greater temptation in leadership than extremism. Pride has an unbelievable pull upon a person to cause them to pursue greatness over other people’s needs. Be careful to not believe your own press report. Stay focused upon a dedication to people and pursuit of truth.
  3. There is no more important responsibility in leadership than exposition. Knowing what scriptures truly says and then knowing how to apply the scripture is a very powerful combination in life. The Bible should be the basis of everything you do in leadership – cling tightly to the truth of scriptures while living in a world that is attempting to sanitize this fact.
  4. There is no more effective means of spiritual leadership than for a person to GROW! Demonstrate yourself to be a person of growth. There is no neutral position in  life. You either move forward in progress or retreat backwards in defeat. Keep growing in life and as you grow older grow deeper.
  5. There is no better proof of authentic leadership than perseverance. Leaders do not succeed because of brains, charisma, and interpersonal skills. Leaders are successful because they stuck it our in the hard times of life and did not quit. Success is staying the course day in and day out, season in and season out, year after year, regardless of the outcome.

That Professor was Dr Swindoll of Dallas Theological Seminary.

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