Wealth Thru Profound Service

Do Your Want To Make More Money?

The sub-title question; “Do You Want To Make More Money?sounds like a question that is asked on a late-night infomercial on how to become an overnight millionaire.  Author Steve Chandler in his book Wealth WARRIOR, asks the same question, Do You Want To Make More Money?. However in his book he answers the question with two profound words, SERVE MORE!“To understand why you are not making the money you want to make, I first want to see where you are not serving. That will give us our turnaround strategy. Businesses fail because they don’t serve. Individuals too.” It’s easy to blame the bad economy or bad upbringing (or bad whatever) for our challenges making money. But, the fact is, it’s never any of those things. It’s about one thing: Our failure to serve.

Discovering how to give back into the community we live and the people we serve is what separates any business from just being ordinary. The concept of business coupled with community purpose can teach individuals great insights on leading. There are three components that drives success; Passion Mindset, Craftsman Mindset, and Servant Mindset. Cal Newport’s book So Good They Can’t Ignore You, is the basis of the three mindset categories.The key questions are questions that I have learned and ask each leader that I coach. The answers will determine the greatness of success in your life.

Passion Mindset

I think that if we want to actualize our potential (in creativity, enjoyment and wealth) we need to truly LOVE what we do. My standard? You love it so much you’d pay to do it. That’s a Passion Mindset.

Craftsman Mindset

If we want to actualize our potential (in creativity, enjoyment and wealth), we need to be ALL IN committed to mastering our craft and doing GREAT work. Enter: The Craftsman Mindset. The Key Question: What are you doing to develop yourself?

Servant Mindset

It’s not enough to Love it and strive to be Great at it, we need to find a way to share our Passion and Craft with the world. And, we need to do the often hard work of figuring out how to truly create value by giving people what they really want and are willing to pay for. Enter: The Servant Mindset. The Key Question: What are you doing to develop others?

How can you apply this information? In each category write out one action step you can do today that will improve your Passion, Craftsman, and Servant’s mindset. Go ahead – do it NOW!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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