Great Leaders Add Value

People who add value to others do so intentionally…Leaders must give of themselves. That rarely occurs by accident – John Maxwell

Leaders add value by serving others! The bottom line of leadership is not to see how far that you can go, but how far you can take others. The interaction between every leader and every follower is RELATIONSHIP! As a leader you are having either a positive or negative impact upon those you are attempting to lead. How can you tell?

Are you making things better for the people who follow you? That’s it! if you cannot answer this question with an unhesitating YES and provide evidence that backs it up, you may very well be a subtractor in your team’s life.

Great leaders get out of their comfort zone on a daily basis and unselfishly give of themselves for the benefit of their team. Leaders who subtract, divide their team daily by dividing their impact. History is filled with leaders who thought little about their position and thought more about others around them- – Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King Jr to name a few.

Servant leadership permeates their mindset. Servant leading does not happen in front of an electronic devise, it happens literally when you walk with others. When you strive to lift others up, help them advance, make them part of something bigger than themselves, and assist them in becoming who they were made to be, you are now adding value to others!

CASE STUDY: Paul Encouraged Putting Others First – Philippians 2:1-11 (The Bible)


Jesus had position and power as God, yet he humbled himself and made himself nothing. Why did he do that?

The passage says that Jesus took on the form of a servant. What differences are there between someone who serves others and someone who takes on the very nature of a servant?

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