Rediscovering The Greatest Human Strength by Baumeister, Roy F., Tierney, John. Penguin Group 2011.

“The result, after dozens of experiments in Baumeister’s lab and hundreds elsewhere, is a new understanding of willpower and of the self. We want to tell you what’s been learned and about human behavior, and how you can use it to change yourself for the better. Acquiring self-control isn’t as magically simple as the techniques in modern self-help books, but neither does it have to be as grim as the Victorians made it our to be. Ultimately, self control lets us relax because it removes stress and enables you to conserve willpower for the important challenges. We’re confident that this book’s lessons can make your life not just more productive and fulfilling but also easier and happier.”
Baumeister is a leading researcher on self-control and Tierney is science writer for the New York Times. Together they write and improving willpower is the surest way to a better life.
Willpower is what gets us through. People with high willpower:
- Get more done
- Achieve greater success
- Are above average in their abilities
- Stand out from the crowd
We will explore this book over the next few posts. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts about your personal journey regarding will power.
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