
Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney

Now that we have surveyed the problems caused by lack of glucose, we can turn to solutions and to cheerier topics, like good meals and long naps. Here are some lessons and strategies for putting glucose to work for you: Feed the beast. By beast, we don’t mean Beelzebub. We mean the potential demon inside yhou or anyone spending time with you. Glucose depletion can turn the most charming companion into a monster. The old advise about eating a good breakfast applies all day long, particularly on days when you’re physically or mentally stressed. If you have a test, an important meeting or a vital project, don’t take it on without glucose. Don’t get into an argument with your boss four hours after lunch. Don’t thrash out serious problems with your partner just before dinner.”

Glucose is the key to willpower? Seriously!

The authors are suggesting that no glucose, no willpower. YES, they are suggesting that the quickest way to loose willpower is to let your glucose levels get low. Answer; eat nutritious meals before tackling difficult tasks or serious discussions. Foods like vegetables, cashews, fruits, fish, meat, – good fats.

You thought healthy eating was about being on a diet! Consider healthy eating being part of strong willpower in your life.

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