Will Power

Authors Roy Baumeister and John Tierney

Tidy Up!

Another simple old-fashioned way to boost your willpower is to expend a little of it on neatness. As we explained in chapter 7, people exert less self-control after seeing a messy desk than after seeing a clean desk, or when using a sloppy rather than a neat and well organized Web site. You may not care about whether your bed is made and your desk is clean, but these environmental cues subtly influence your brain and your behavior, making it ultimately less of a strain to maintain self-discipline. Order seems to be contagious.”

Now I ask you, “Is that amazing or what?’ The tidiness of our environment affects our willpower.

Does your desk need to be tidied up a bit?

did you make your bed this morning?

Is your house clean?

We may not be consciously aware of it, but research shows that environmental cues subtly influence our brain and our behavior. Let’s invest a bit of our willpower to clean up our environment so that our willpower can grow through an orderly environment.

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