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Here is an interesting definition of a crisis; “When you can’t say, ‘Let’s forget the whole thing.’” John Maxwell. It has been said the leaders first responsibility is to define reality. Peter Drucker stated, “A time of turbulence is a dangerous time, but its greatest danger is a temptation to deny reality.” Hanging on and hoping is not a strategy in tough times. Here are six rules for successful leadership in pre and post tough times.
See The Big Picture
Leaders see more than others see. Leaders see before others see. Leadership is the business of seeing for others. Note these comparisons…
Followers see what is – Leaders see what could be
Followers think first of themselves – Leaders think of others
Followers see the penalties – Leaders see the rewards of success
Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly – Winfred Newman
Leaders Make Good Choices
There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you – John Maxwell
There are some decisions that you need to make before a crisis occurs – Crisis are going to occur beyond the current national crisis that we all feel.
Choices to make prior to a crisis… 1.VALUES – who am I 2.MISSION – what I do 3.RESPONSIBILITY – what I must do 4.POTENTIAL PROBLEMS – what I should do
Choices to make during a crisis… 1. COURAGEOUS decisions – What must be done 2. PRIORITY decisions – What must be done first “First things first, last things not at all” – Peter Drucker 3. CHANGE decisions – What must be done differently. Once you understand that transition begins with letting go of something, you have taken the first step in the task of transition management. “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around” – Jim Rohn
Leaders Develop A Plan
It has been said that a crisis must never be experienced for the second time. That said I want to share with you the acronym PLAN AHEAD which part of the JMT DNA. Feel free to share with as many of the leaders in your social network.
P – Pre-determine your course of action
L – Lay out your goals
A – Adjust your priorities
N – Notify key people in your organization
A – Allow time for acceptance
H – Head into action
E – Expect problems – motion causes friction
A – Always point to your successes
D – Daily review your progress
Leaders Learn From Bad Experiences
Here are some things that we can learn… •How to be more flexible •How to be thankful •How to be humble •How to stay calm •How to be more aware of forgiveness •How to network •How to have a right perspective
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Leadershift by John Maxwell
Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com
Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
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