Step Into The Cloud To See The Brightness

Let’s take an inventory[1] of reality 7 weeks into the Covid shut down…..

  • Empty Churches
  • Church stages are serving as production studios
  • How do we count online attendance – 10 second visit or 30-minute visit?
  • National data shows that financial support for churches is all over the map
  • How do we re-start our life, job, church, city?
  • Post economic slump which impacts discretionary money for faith-initiatives is a rising concern
  • A growing conviction that we are experiencing something that is far greater than could have been imagined 7 weeks ago

This information is part of a growing body of research that is being collected in real from pastors and churches in America, Canada, and the UK. I feel there are some salient points to summarize the current reality. First of all, we need to embrace the fact we have lost our leverage points of typical church planning. We are using technology to reproduce a semblance of church as it has been known. Do not misunderstand my thoughts, Churches are doing an amazing job against all odds. Yet, deep inside all of us there are more questions than we currently have answers. We will be discussing this for months to come.

In my spirit being I am hearing the Lord calling us as Pastors/Teachers/Faith Leaders to a place of Spiritual authority. This is a place that you cannot plan for as normal. Consider Moses being called up to the mountain to step into a cloud – Exodus 19. Notice the trajectory of these words about a nation in transition from slavery to the promised land……

  • Vv.1-6 – God speaks
  • Vv. 7-8 Moses reports and the people respond
  • Vv.9-10 God calls Moses into the cloud on the mountaintop
  • Vv.11-15 Consecration of the Priests and people
  • Vv.16-25 Moses goes up, Moses comes down to get Aaron, Both go up, God speaks, Moses comes down to speak to the people

Isn’t it ironic that God asks Moses to step into a cloud in order to see more clearly and for God to transfer his power upon him? Israel was a nation in transition. This nation needed more than just words. They needed a power encounter with the living God. The second insight that I am hearing in my spirit being is an awakening – a move away from consumer faith based upon perceived wants toward actual life and eternal needs. Your voice will sound very different when speaking the truth claims of scripture when you emerge from the cloud. 

There is always a RENEWAL that can occur from personal crisis. This is a season to drop the façade and step into the cloud so that God can speak and impress new marching orders upon our hearts and mouths. Personal renewal precedes corporate change. 

Step into the cloud of obscurity to see the brightness of Christ post-covid.

[1] Cary Nieuwhof & David Kinnamon Podcast, – ACCESSED 5 May, 2020.

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