Feeling a little stress and/or overwhelmed? Let’s get some perspective!
Let’s assume that you are able to rocket yourself into outer-space – somewhere around the moon. You turn and look back at earth, that amazing blue ball. Do you see yourself on that blue ball? Can you find your BIG-BIG-BIG problem yet?
Now let’s turn toward the sun and imagine we could throw the earth into the sun – go ahead and throw it, watch it disappear. How many earths would it take to fill the sun? 1.3 million earths – WOWzers! That BIG-DEAL-OF-A-PROBLEM, have you located it yet from this perspective?
Now imagine the sun, scaled, as a grain of sand in a space that is 40x the wideth of earth. That would be the perspective of our sun in comparison to the Milky-Way. Now how big was that Big-Deal-of-a-problem?
Now if the Milky-Way is represented by the head of a pin and you held that pin up to the sky, you would realize that our Milky-Way is only one among the thousands of galaxies in outer space. Has your head exploded yet? Where did you say that problem is located?
Do not misunderstand my thought. I am not making light of problems and issues that we all face in life. However, the creator God that made all of the heavens is a God that I am confident can solve all of my pitiful problems! Go ahead and ask him – He is capable! In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth – Genesis 1:1
Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching.
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