Church Building Vs Home/Community

Facility-centric has become the dominate model for Gospel Ministry

One thing this crisis has revealed is how facility-centric the dominant model of ministry has been for generations in the Western Church. Take away our buildings, and we’re all a little lost. One trend developing before our eyes is the home as the new center of life. In the last six months, work, food preparation, entertainment, school, and shopping are now more home-based than ever.  And for 6 months, that’s been true of church.

Not everything will shift in the direction of the home. How long will the current shift last is anyone’s guess? However, there is no denying a shift has occurred. Leadership responsibility is to understand a shift has occurred therefore, new methods and directions of operations must be added to maintain audience and effective communication of our Gospel message.

So that we do not miss the 900lb elephant in the room, let’s remind ourselves of the church’s mandate; “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV. If I am hearing this mandate correctly I hear a Christ-centric focus.

Our national quarantine has accelerated marital problems that were brewing in the home and a new phenomenon – appropriate end-of-live celebrations has been radically altered to 10-15 people in a service while live-streaming the ceremony. This has left a hollow feeling in people’s soul. Add to this list, parents who are very stressed over their children’s education – virtual Vs. classroom. Human connections that is Christ-centric is needed for meaningful impact. Keeping Christ in our focus is more crucial now than ever.The national snapshot of the Kingdom of God is that only 50% of churches has reopened with some precautions at week #17. Many churches will not reopen until January 2021. This is everyone’s concern. There is no trophy for being 1st to fully recover pre-pandemic attendance numbers. Christ-centric focus recognizes the intense pain and difficulties by engaging people in the moment of their difficulty. This ministry focus will look and sound different but will be effective. WHY? The human element is still the focus of why we exist.

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