Beliefs That Make A Difference

We are going to examine 3 Beliefs that will make a difference in your leadership ability.

Perspective, specifically, how to have a belief perspective. 

Consider some ways to win with people.•Do for others what they cannot do for themselves•Encourage other peoples dreams•Give people a reputation to uphold•Compliment others in front of their peers•Let people know that you need them on the team•Follow the 30 second rule: in the first 30 seconds say something that encourages or uplifts a person.

When we allow these action steps to get into our deepest self, it changes perspective from leading to see what I can get others to accomplish for me; to, Am I am offering a compelling vision that others will follow and commit too.

If you are in a position in which you get to go first and inspire others, make sure your perspective of leadership is well grounded. Have a mind-set of “How can I” rather than “Can I?” Hold tightly to a Victors Mind-set Vs. a victim minis-set.

A Belief Perspective Has An Impact On Others

Your belief system goes before others. A belief system of YES makes you attractive to others. These leaders are often described as encouraging, passionate, belief-magnets, people of yes.

Possess a belief in yourself and then others; people are attracted to others who believe in them. Voice that belief in others often. Help others to win by helping them see their potential instead of their mistakes. Be committed seeing other succeed.

Success Requires Belief IN Yourself First

You must know yourself in order to grow yourself! Who are you at the core of your being? If you cannot answer this question – How will you lead others effectively.

Listen, it is an absolute waste of time to evaluate yourself and your worth by counting on the opinion of people in the stands. You will never get ahead of this argument. 

Get in the habit of never leaving something, instead try going toward something. 

COVID Leadership Detox

At Shepherds we are offering church leadership teams an opportunity to experience a COVID Leadership Detox. It is painfully obvious that we all are coming out of this pandemic a bit shaky and wobblily. This is a 90-minute virtual experience that is rooted in reacquainting ourselves with our core values. We have been shaken by COVID. It is time to reconnect ourselves and our teams with our Core Values.

Contact me at Your leadership team can experience this  at a cost of $124.90.


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

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