Post Everything Era

We Are Entering A New Epoch

Author and Pastor Tim Keller stated recently this is the first time in the history of the church where we have had to navigate a post-Christian culture.  The Christian church has enjoyed operating in a pre-Christian or even a Christian context. However, Western civilizations have generations that are growing up in a post-Christian environment where then memory of past importance has faded and dulled our faith. Have we become inoculated to the things of Christ in our communities? Add moral controversies around Christian churches and it is no wonder our culture is headed in the opposite direction. Pastor John Mark Comer is calling this the post everything era – hence the title of this article.

Pastor Jon Comer states we are experiencing Post Christianity, Post Family, Post Technology, and Post Super-Size Anything. Through the assistance of the Barna research efforts in their work, Reviving Evangelism, we come to learn the following:

  • Our post-Christian culture is looking for meaningful dialogue about spiritual things
  • Our post-family culture is looking for a place where they can belong
  • Our post-technology culture is seeking out genuine interactions
  • Our post-super-size culture desires intimate communities

So, the million-dollar question is, How do we function and survive in this post-everything culture? There is an interesting narrative in the Bible, Luke 5:1-11 where Jesus speaks to tired fishermen that has come up empty-handed from an all-night fishing expedition. Jesus asked Simon to push the boat out into the deep and drop the nets for a catch. Take notice of Simon’s response; “…Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets….” The catch was enormous! What are some observations that should be made?

  1. Known fishing techniques had been applied all night and the results were ZERO!
  2. Jesus takes our endeavors, even the all-nighter’s, to illustrate important truths.
  3. Jesus challenges Simon to push the boat out to deep water and drop the nets for a catch. Jesus tests our willingness to listen to Him or hold on to our methodology.
  4. Simon’s response was somewhat tempered by first reminding Christ, we have already done that all night with no results. YET, because you say so I will do that.
  5. Results do not come by our initiatives, they come by Divine obedience
  6. At times our methods may not be wholly wrong, our timing is what is wrong. Do we hear the words of Christ, cast down your net again, he who has ears to hear, Follow me, etc.!

What is Christ asking of us in our post-everything era? Is our response because you say so?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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