What your Team Should Hear

There are 4 basic needs that your team needs to hear you express

I Value You

These three words are words that enlarge us. Show and Tell people that you value them – make people feel BIGGER! Kevin Myers has stated that we should desire more FOR our people than what we expect FROM them. When we value people with enlarging words, people move toward us. They become attracted to our vision versus moving away from us. Believe in people, value people, and love people unconditionally. It is a wonderful thing when people love the leader, but it is more wonderful when the leader loves and values other above themselves.

I Believe In You

These four words are words of encouragement. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stated; If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be. As Leaders it is our responsibility to believe in our people and let them feel and know that fact. As Leaders we are dispensable and yet our team to us is indispensable.

I Need You

These three words are empowering words. Let your team know that youhave to have them on your team. Be intentional at this point. Stop hedging the bet as if you are waiting on them to make a mistake – youopportunity to pounce on them. Your team needs to hear you state that without them you cannot accomplish what we are accomplishing together – Demonstrate their worth to you.

I Want More For You

These five words are enriching words. We should in fact want more for our team than what they presently are experiencing. It is said by secular historians that John Wesley in the late 1700’s was the last transformational leader of his time. He wanted more for his country. How does your current leadership demonstrate that attitude to others?

In closing

Do I connect with people?

Do I energize people?

Do I provide clarity?

Am I Authentic?

How do I make others feel?


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

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