Words Have Meaning
2023 – A Year in Review
8 Trends that Were Forecasted
In my previous post I mentioned that first trend of eight that were forecasted entering 2023. This post will focus on the second forecasted trend.
Trend #2 -Open Pastors Will Reach Open Generations
Coming into 2023, Barna Research showed that while Gen-Z is the most unchurched generation, it is also the most open generation to spirituality. Study the infographic by Barna Group Research below.

This info-graphic clearly shows that Gen’s believes there is a supernatural or spiritual side to life, but doesn’t believe that any one faith system works for them. The good news is that 59% of Gen-Z are more open to an encounter with God now than before the 2020 disruption.
A spiritually open generation is a reachable generation. Church leaders who are open to change, who are ready for real dialogue, and who are ready to listen to a new generation will find themselves in the best position to reach Gen-Z.
Is this statement true for you? If not, then why not? Keep in mind, this information was forecasted entering 2023.
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