What Is In A Cloud?

From a meteorological point of view Clouds are a natural phenomenon to be observed, studied, and analyzed. Clouds contain rain, electrical forces, and are good predictors of what the weather is going to be on any given day. Cloudy days obscure the sunshine which in turn causes our spirit to become downcast. We want to see the sunshine.

What if I told you that cloud(s) from a biblical perspective can actually give clarity? It is does not make any sense to us to believe that something that is obscure and hinders vision could actually give clarity. In the Old and New Testament clouds held a much loftier place. They could often be associated with God’s presence, His power, and even His guidance. The Hebrew noun ʿanan means “cloud, mist, or covering.” It is almost always translated as “cloud” and may derive from an original root, ʿanan, meaning “to cover or to appear.” The verb form of ʿanan means “to have something appear” or “to bring clouds.”[1] This term occurs 147x in the Old Testament alone.

Exodus 19:9 is a key passage to learn how something that appears to obscure our vision and yet it gives vision. “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Behold I am coming to you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak to you and may also believe you forever’” (ESV). As you continue to read into v.16 you notice the cloud was thick, there was thunder and lightning and loud trumpet blasts. The people reacted with fear at the sight of this mountain, thick cloud, lightning and thunder.  The bible is quite explicit in the details that is reported.

It is important to understand the context of need prior to the cloud experience. This was national Israel that had come out of Egypt and already had witnessed amazing miracles of God. Yet this nation was at a crisis point, they needed guidance. They were no longer slaves. As you read the following chapters to 24:3 Moses reports all that had been given to him by God and the people responded, “…all the words of that the Lord has spoken we will do.” Following their commitment Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders went up to the mountain. God continued his instructions.

What is the key take-away: When spiritual leaders prepare to meet with God, new direction will be given and there will be reciprocal obedience. The process between preparation and stepping into the cloud (Ex. 19) and new direction given (Ex.30) is referred to as “Spiritual Authority.” Crisis moments of life require not just a sermon, but new direction!

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


[1] Carpenter, E. E., & Comfort, P. W. (2000). In Holman treasury of key Bible words: 200 Greek and 200 Hebrew words defined and explained (p. 34). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

COVID-19 Did Not Cause This

There will be healthy and robust discussions about the impacts of Covid-19 for years to come. There are, however, certain things that COVID-19 did not cause. For example, COVID did not cause church attendance to decline in America. From 2000 – 2020 of those individuals who are “Practicing Christians”[1] has dropped by almost half in 2020 (From 45% – 25%). The pandemic is not the culprit. Upon a closer examination of our nations faith trends we can definitely say that Covid-19 did not cause a rise in agnostics and atheism from 11% in 2003 to 21% in 2018.[2] This cross current of belief and conviction is part of the explanation of why the Christian faith is being eroded. What can be said with certainty is the cross currents of belief in our country is directly related to a decline of visible incarnation of Jesus Christ in worshippers and our decline in the study of Scriptures. COVID-19 did not cause this!

So, what has COVID-19 given us? To start with we have been the recipients of a complete pause of our daily/weekly routines. The whole world hit pause and the whole world became digital overnight. At the writing of this article we are nine (9) weeks into our national quarantine and now beginning to open up our businesses and community rhythms. We have had plenty of time to think, reflect, and pray. The initial question that arose early in this quarantine was, “How will I do what I was doing post COVID?” The data points that I have used in the previous paragraph are not new in the church world. The real challenge has been are we going to pay attention to it. So, the real question becomes, “How am I going to change so that I can do what I was doing before COVID-19”? There is a fast difference between these two questions. The first question assumes that in fact we will be able to keep doing what we were doing. The second question is more introspective. It challenges how am I going to change so that I can do what I was doing before the pandemic. The outcome will be drastically different. The sound of the sermons and the urgency of calling to action will be very different post COVID.

The downside to survey data points is that it cannot give us the “HOW” or “WHY” regarding a specific issue. It simply reports what is trending over a period of time. The impact of this data will change from community to community. However, what is inescapable is that Christianity’s impact is slowly deteriorating. YES, there are a number of “bright-lights” nationally that give us great hope. However, at the community level is where the real impact of the gospel is lived out.

1 Chronicles 12:32 has become a global rallying cry; “Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do….” NASB.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


[1] Practicing Christians identify as Christian, agree strongly that faith is very important in their lives and have attended church within the past month. https://barna.gloo.us/article/signs-of-decline–hope-among-key-metrics-of-faith1?orgId=16976014-8300-11ea-9565-fff0c2ddc1e4&locId=16c4027c-8300-11ea-9565-0f4d91ce547e. ACCESSED 21 May, 2020.

[2] https://www.barna.com/rise-of-atheism/. ACCESSED 21 May, 2020.

Self-Awareness Post Covid – URGENT!

As we begin to emerge from our National Quarantine there will be a number of mental health issues that we all will need to address on some level. Many people will come out of this season healthy and invigorated. Others are going to come out of this season stunned and even shocked at how different life feels and looks. “Normal” will not return, history shows us this very fact following other pandemics and major crisis points in history. What is certain is that all pandemics conclude, and all crisis pass. What remains uncertain is whether all will emerge mentally healthy and stable!

The week leading up to Mother’s Day 2020 is a glaring reminder that under the surface things are unstable to say the least. Amad Arbery is a victim of racial hatred that led to murder and Darrin Patrick, Mega-Church Leader apparently ended his life at a gun range. Let’s be clear, racial bigotry on any level is not acceptable! Church Leaders that are placed on national pedestals without true and real safeguards is not healthy for the minister or the church.

Call To Action

With the Arbery and Patrick stories that brought us to Mother’s Day 2020, I simply cannot remain silent. I am offering an 8/30 Self-Awareness Coaching Experience (8 hours in 30 days) for Faith Leaders and your spouse as a bonus, by utilizing 2 World Class Tools. This will be a one-on-one experience. So, I am asking for your response….

  • If you are a Religious Leader and/or Staff Pastor I am asking you to prayerfully consider my offer to you and your spouse when you click the link below.
  • If you are an attendee at any worship center then I am asking you to….
    • Pray for your leadership team daily for the next 30-days
    • Prayerfully consider making an investment into the health of other Religious Leaders by paying it forward. Click the link below.

I am compelled to action! I am a Faith Leader just like you! I have vested my life into Kingdom purposes to Make A Difference, With People Just Like You, Who Are Making A Difference!

I am not asking you to TRUST me – I am asking you to TEST me!

10 Things Pastors Should Give Their Leaders

Ghostwriter and contributing editor for Inc. Magazine, Jeff Haden has written a number of articles on how CEO’s and other department Supervisors are to relate to employees and vice-versa. This has provoked thought on faith-based initiatives and how Pastors should relate to those they are attempting to lead. While there are similarities there are many subtleties in applications. The relationship within for-profits corporations is based upon performance – paycheck rewards. In non-profits the relationship is far more communal/relational and not paycheck rewards driven.  There are ten things that faith-based leaders should provide for those serving them.


Churches are not manufacturing facilities in that we are producing shapes, colors, and designs. We are shaping people for Eternal Kingdom purposes. Therefore, engagement and satisfaction is based upon ownership. Do your leaders own the vision? Have they bought into you as a leader first? When that happens, leaders will obtain a sense of satisfaction that will be based upon their freedom to be responsible for the outcomes. Autonomy and independence plus freedom breeds’ innovation and dreams.

Clear Expectations

The old adage is true: If you do not know where you are going, then any road will take you there! The one true litmus test of casting clear vision and expectations is the ability to write it down on paper. If it cannot clearly be communicated in writing, then we are daydreaming. In the book, The Advantage, the author obsesses over the fact that communication must be ridiculously redundant.   When in doubt communicate!

Purposeful Goals

While the corporate world is controlled by the bottom-line, non-profits should be controlled by a higher purpose. The leaders we train need to know their effort serves greater purposes than “branding/marketing” agendas. To leave a footprint in life is a great accomplishment. Legacy building starts today!

A True Sense of Purpose

The Latin meaning for our word “religion” is ligare’. This implies my effort to link back to a creator or that, which is bigger than myself.  Vision needs to be tied to a greater community good. We are not just in the Brand Building business – we are in the Influence Building business. The highways and hedges mentality is worthy of time and resources to implement community-influencing strategies.

Provide Significant Input

The pathway to exchange ideas should be wide-open, accessible and honored. Pastor honor those who offer suggestions about the work they are involved in. Understand they are thinking about the what and where we are doing and headed. Those ideas that seem to be in left field are great teaching moments to assist those people through a “critical thinking” process, helping hem to evaluate their ideas differently. This is serving them and adding value to them. The absolute last thing you would do is to criticize their idea. They will shut down immediately.


Pastor you need to understand that people volunteer for more reasons than being rewarded. They want to follow someone they admire and can trust and in turn know they are admired and trust is reciprocated. Connections are made on a personal basis not just a professional basis. Ask them about their family, children, or hobbies, this will build rapport. Relate to them as human beings and not just workers.


As Pastor, people are looking for consistency in conduct, policy, and behavior. They will take tough-mindedness if it is consistent. The more that workers understand why decisions are made the less likely they will consider they are being treated unfairly or assume favoritism.

Private Criticism

No one is perfect – no even pastors! We all need constructive criticism, not public rebuke. Good feedback is always done privately and with dignity. Always have in mind the other person’s growth and influence capability; this will keep personal attacks to a minimum.

Public Praise

Everyone does something that is praise-worthy from time to time. Show appreciation and recognition. Catch people in the act of kindness. The “Five-Minute Manager” book that came out years ago suggested that five minutes be taken to start each day to either call, email, or send a personal note of thanks and appreciation for a job well done. Small acts of appreciation pay large dividends.

Preferred Future

Every area of work within life should have an opportunity of advancement. Pastor, develop the people around you. You cannot influence a community if you cannot influence your closest workers and allies. Invest in other people’s success. Resource them and give opportunities for learning. Don’t go to seminars by yourself; take others with you on the learning journey.

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


Psalm 116 – I Love The Lord

Study Guide

I.    What God Does for the Psalmist (116:1–11)

A.   He hears his prayers (116:1–2, 4–7).

B.   He saves him from death (116:3, 8–11).

II.   What the Psalmist Does for God (116:12–19)

A.   He praises the Lord for saving him (116:13).

B.   He fulfills his vows (116:14–15, 18–19).

C.   He serves him faithfully (116:12–16).

D.   He offers sacrifices of thanksgiving and calls upon the name of the Lord (116:17).[1]

What has the Lord done for you lately? There is only one response that is worthy of God’s expressed love for us – “My loyalty to God!”

Journal Notes

List God’s answered prayers in the last 30 days

Write out your PRAISE to the Lord 

What are the unfinished commitments you have made to the Lord?

What tweaks need to be made to raise your level of service to the Lord?

What are the 10 statements of praise that you have in your heart for today?

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


[1] Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Ps 116). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

What Have We Learned?

We need to begin these insights by stating there was already an interruption that was being felt in the church world pre-pandemic. The church world was on a pathway of disruption with or without Covide-19. That said Barna Research has been on the fore-front of this study. Churches in Canada, USA, and United Kingdom have been part of a weekly snapshot of what Leaders and attendees are thinking in real time. Let’s examine 5 insights that we know currently after 7 weeks of quarantine.

Leaders are doing well and feel reasonably equipped to help people – 51% of Pastors stated they have been extra time for their devotional life while 49% have it difficult to maintain their devotional life. 30% of Pastors state they feel well-equipped to help people while 64% state they feel somewhat prepared to help people. This quarantine has pushed mental health concerns to the forefront. As a church I do not feel that we should forfeit meaningful conversations with people that could honestly help, under the notion that we are not licensed Mental Health Counselors. Here are a couple of suggestions….

Who am I? is a powerful conversation that can lead to What is my identity? Am I adequate? Am I worthy? Am I special? Am I unique? 

The second question is Am I safe? This question can lead to Can I trust the world and environment around me? Are things predictable? Is this situation fair and balanced?

The research is clear, we have some improvements that need to be madein engaging others in meaningful conversations that will be impactful in people’s lives. The church is a great place to allow humanity to be on display – caring and helping others.

Online Attendance has Increased. What Does That Mean? – In the second week of quarantine 45% of churches reported increase attendance over the normal attendance of attending church. However, as the weeks of isolation have continued there is a serious discussion on how to count online attendance.

By week 7 church attendance has somewhat moderated as churches are still attempting to figure out how to count attendance. 60% of churches are using a multiplier of 2.5 people per devices being connected, while others have started using online connect cards to count actual numbers of who is watching in the home.

This discussion brings us to the real issue; Has the church been called to measure “Content Presentation” to “Listenership/Attendee” or are we tasked to Make Disciples which would be an entirely different metric?

Virtual Giving Is Lagging Behind Other Forms of Engagement – 37% of churches are reporting lower giving, 31% giving has remained the same, and 25% have increased in giving.

Many Congregations Offer Community Support Amid Crisis, But Some Have Yet to Organize – This item has remained steady throughout the last 7 weeks primarily due to the fact churches that were already engaged have continued to do so. Churches that were notengaged remain detached – 25%.

Pastors Express Hope For Their Church’s Future – During the first week there were 15% of pastors that indicated they would not be able to survive an extended period of quarantine. Currently only 1% are not confident they will survive.

In closing there is much we don’t know yet. How will the online methods of worship and liturgy continue to evolve? When will the finances of both organizations and individuals recover? What will be the mental and emotional toll on leaders and churchgoers who have faced loneliness, anxiety and grief? Should congregations plan to approach additional periods of social distancing as the world continues to fight the disease? How can churches best partner to help the vulnerable in this time?


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Q&A – Contact me at ShepherdsAdvantage@gmail.com

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

5 Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For

When life pushes you over, stand up and push back even harder. Where there is a fork in the road and choices to make, make the ones your future self will thank you for. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.

Today, start…

1. Choosing to be YOU. – Wearing a mask wears you out. Faking it is fatiguing. The most exhausting activity is pretending to be who you know you aren’t. No matter how loud their opinions are, they do not choose who YOU are. Choose yourself even if nobody else is choosing you.

2. Being positive. – You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. Heaven on Earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find. Let every day be a dream you can touch. Let every day be a love you can feel. Let every day be a reason to live. Life is too short to be anything but positive.

3. Letting go. – The only thing that makes it a big part of your life is that you keep thinking about it. The biggest step in changing the world around you is to change the world within you. Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Just live in the present, concentrate on the things you can control, and take one small step at a time. Live fully in the present! Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord – Acts 3:19 NIV

4. Picking yourself back up. – Where you are in life is temporary; where you end up in life is permanent; how you get from here to there is entirely up to you. So don’t give up. Sometimes when things go wrong it’s because they would have turned out worse if they had gone right. Be careful what you seek in life! Be glad some things do not work out and that God has saved you from yourself.

5. Taking action. – The happiest and most successful people are usually those who have broken the chains of procrastination, who find satisfaction in doing the job at hand. They’re full of eagerness, passion, and productivity. You can be too. Remember, success in real estate is about location, location, location. Success in life is about action, action, action. 

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


The genesis of this article came from authors Marc and Cheryl Chernoff.

Heartburn Triggers

Here are some common triggers for heartburn: Tomato based products, high citrus foods, garlic, vinegar, onions, chocolate (that hurts), coffee (that really hurts), high fatty foods deep fried, carbonated drinks, certain spices. Of course we have to look at the lifestyle habits that can cause heartburn also: eating large meals too fast, laying down right after eating, eating close to bedtime, stress, anxiety, exercise immediately after eating. 

What if I told you there are Spiritual triggers for “heart-burn.” Consider Luke 24:30-32;  “When he was at the table with them, he took the bread and sblessed and broke it and gave it to them. 31 tAnd their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. And uhe vanished from their sight. 32 They said to each other, v“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he wopened to us the Scriptures?”[1](emphasis added).

What was the effect of this heart burn for the Emmaus Road disciples? Immediately, they rose from the table of presence and went to Jerusalem and witnessed of the risen Lord. I will take this type of heart burn all day every day! Isn’t this type of heart burn at the foundation of discipleship? Pastors do not speak to be speaking – their heart has been set ablaze with a fresh word from God to the people. Disciples are equipped enough to recognize the presence of God in our culture that makes them “counter-cultural” citizens. This type of heart burn causes us to share our faith “for such a time as this!”

Shepherds Advantage provides Servant Leadership that helps people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Shepherds Advantage closes that gap by providing Leadership Development, Key Note Speaking, and Executive Coaching. 


s See Matt. 14:19

t [ver. 16]

u [ch. 4:30]

v Ps. 39:3

w ver. 45

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (Lk 24:30–32). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.