Becoming A Change Agent

When it comes to changing our world, the first person transformed is the change agent and then it expands. This does not happen unless it starts within an individual. Let’s examine 4 key truths on becoming a change agent for such a time as this!

Change Begins with Caring: I Want To Make A Difference

JFK stated that everyone has a change-the-world speech inside them. When you tell someone they can become a change agent, that sounds in intimidating. Truthfully, it is as simple as a desire to make a difference – it is humble at the outset. The question for each of is, Do I want to make a difference in my world? The statement attributed to JFK was in his launch of the Peace Corps. He went on to personally state that I believe you have a change-the-world speech inside of you You just need to nurture it.

Change Stands Up for A Cause: Doing Something That Makes A Difference

As that seed grows in you, it becomes more defined. What you need to do becomes clearer. You begin to connect with a cause that is from the heart. You begin to take action that makes a difference. Many of these early step will be small steps. Do not shun the ancient writing that says, “Do not despise these small beginnings.” Small actions made consistently, leads to BIG things. What are some small things you can do that will make a big impact?

Change Spreads From Me To We: With People Who Want To Make A Difference

As you work to make a difference and witness the change occurring this leads to a new beginning. This in turn cause you to become attractional to others who want to make a difference. You become the example for others to do the same thing in their life. Your efforts grow from ME to WE.

Change Stands Up for A Cause: Doing Something That Makes A Difference

As that seed grows in you, it becomes more defined. What you need to do becomes clearer. You begin to connect with a cause that is from the heart. You begin to take action that makes a difference. Many of these early step will be small steps. Do not shun the ancient writing that says, “Do not despise these small beginnings.” Small actions made consistently, leads to BIG things. What are some small things you can do that will make a big impact?

Change Spreads From Me To We: With People Who Want To Make A Difference

As you work to make a difference and witness the change occurring this leads to a new beginning. This in turn cause you to become attractional to others who want to make a difference. You become the example for others to do the same thing in their life. Your efforts grow from ME to WE.


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Leading In Uncertain Times

In a crisis, there are 4 things that Leaders must do.

Do The Right Thing – When faced with a crisis just do the right thing. Crisis never leaves us the same – a crisis always moves us in one direction or the other. The real question is, Is this crisis moving me forward or backward? At the outset of any crisis, we experience momentary set-backs. This is a result of the negative pressure and emotions that we initially feel. The danger is that if we stay in our negative emotional state, we invariably will do the wrong things.

Be careful about making major decisions in the deep valleys of life. You have the best perspective when you are on the mountain top. Substitute negative EMOTION with positive MOTION. How do we get on track? You will always do right when you do right by the people. If you put yourself ahead of others to capitalize on them – you do not serve people well and you will jeopardize your org.

Stay Focused – What does a crisis do? It causes distractions. A distraction id the opposite of Traction. A crisis will cause you to focus get off the correct path and get on the wrong path. Traction is nothing more than moving toward something.

That said Tony Robins stated once that what you focus upon EXPANDS. If your focus is upon HOPE, you will most likely move versus not moving if your focus is on fear. The only way for tomorrow to become clear is to keep moving in the direction of what you already know is true. I had a wise professor once that stated often, “Do not doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light!”

Help Others – In a crisis the first response is usually to help ourselves. Break out of that mold and be the FIRST to offer help to others. This will set you apart from all others. Be the best by going above and beyond expectations. Ask yourself this question; “Am I the type of leader that I would follow?” Do I care for people, am I helping others, am I trust-worthy?

Learn to be the voice of security, kindness, and responsiveness. In a crisis your team members need to hear the following;

I value you

I believe in you

I need you

I want more for you

Make Lemonade – Albert Einstein once stated, In the middle of the difficulty lies the opportunity. Understand that opportunities are always surrounded by problems. You must get through the difficulties in order to get to the opportunities. We often argue the point that a crisis is demanding, and we are short on time. Truthfully, we have more time now than ever because technology. The question is what am I doing with my time? Since time is something that you do not create and therefore cannot manage it, understand this truth TODAY MATTERS! You do not succeed in a day, but daily you succeed. This is more the manage of life instead of time. You are the most difficult person your will ever lead.

When a crisis subsides, there is usually a crisis after the crisis. Many times, it is a personal crisis. Difficult seasons are revealers of character. Robert Schuller wrote a book entitled, Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do


Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE

Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher – SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Where Do We Find Revival?

Personal Revival is The Genesis

In the previous blog article, I mentioned the process that leads to revival and a national awakening. In this article I want to address our own personal revival that can become the catalyst for larger accomplishments. To begin this discussion, we need to examine some scriptural illustrations of Jesus as a guide for today’s need.

Jesus’ Habit of Withdrawing

Mark 1:12,13, 35-37 – Jesus begins his ministry with 40 days in the wilderness (12,13) and then early in the darkness of morning, Jesus finds a solitary place. Notice the Disciples remarks; “…Everyone is looking for you!” It seems logical that if Jesus, part of the Trinity pulled away for prayer that we should be pulled away from our screens to spend some one-on-one time with the Creator.

Mark 6:45-50 – Between the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walking on water, He went to the mountainside to pray. Let’s state the facts of observation, The miracles that were being performed were not like anything people had previously witnessed. Yet, the Savior of the world maintained a foundation of prayer and intimacy with His Father.

Luke 5:12-16 – Jesus heals the leprous man. The report of this miracle brought the crowds to Jesus, yet during opportunity Jesus does not allow fame to take precedence over His prayer life.

Where Is Revival Located?

Pastor Jon Tyson of the Church For The City in New York suggests a five part response that is confirmed by other scholars.

Prepare and Embrace the Crystallization of Discontent – This is the moment the battered spouse decides to leave. It is the moment you wake up to the realization, I am in a cult. It is the moment the addict realizes a need for help and sets his/her purpose on change. With the foundations of our civilization shaking, right now is a moment in history to realize my religious systems and methodologies are broken. I need transformation. Reformed and reborn for such a time as this.

Be Willing to See Your Personal Inadequacies – This part of the journey is painful. However, this is one of the great things God can do for us, awakening a consciousness of our unpreparedness. It is easier to maintain surface happiness when we believe we have arrived.

Seek God in New Ways – If you are not experiencing the crystallization of discontent or seeing your own inadequacies, try seeking God in new ways. Start by practicing spiritual disciplines you have never attempted. Dallas Willard is a great author that has wrote numerous books on spiritual disciplines. His classic The Spirit of The Disciplines  is an excellent resource. Another book of Willard is Renovation of The Heart. Seeing God in new ways can enlighten your spirit-man by given fresh insight to old revelations or even new revelations.

Rededicate Yourself to A Life of Prayer – One of the most effective ways to stir revival is to dedicate ourselves to a life of prayer. Pastor Tyson’s church in New York City invests a quarter million dollars to support their prayer endeavors. What would it look like if we invested at a higher level in renewing prayer in our life? How would that stir hunger in your life? How would it change your life rhythms? 

Reorient Your Life Around A Desire for Personal Revival – The simple truth of the matter is that unless you make some changes in our life and dig into a new desire for God, we probably will not experience the inner renewal and revival that we desire to see in the lives of people around us.

Post COVID Church

I want to begin by stating that as spiritual leaders in America, the message of the cross has been entrusted to you for such a time as this. With all of our human failures and mistakes, God has chosen you to play the long game. Rest, vacation, sabbatical or whatever you need to do – stay in the long game. This is our most important hour.

Regarding the digital space, I want to offer the following observations.•2-in-5 practicing Christians now believe that it is inappropriate to share their faith with the idea of persuading someone to forsake their faith to join yours.•50% of believing Millennials state that you should not share your faith. That same 50% also believes that accepting Jesus Christ is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone.•There is a real tension and yet there is cognitive dissonance. These stats from Barna Research point to an abject failure of discipleship in the church. We are not helping people to discern this modern era.

Currently, there is a real tension in the digital space. There is also a real cognitive dissonance in this space. Think about the stats that I just referenced. To me this represents an abject failure in our discipleship training and equipping. We are not preparing people to operate in this new digital era.

Truthfully, everyone is being evangelized or evangelizing around a set of beliefs and habits. Our world is not neutral! 

Consider that Google has hired Child Psychologists to figure out the attention span of young children and what grabs the young minds of our children to keep them engaged in an online platform. We are living in a world where cohesion and contested spaces exist together.

The million-dollar question: What is the Church supposed to do?

Perhaps it is time to start asking a different question sequence that provokes deep thought and reflection Vs. winning a debate to prove our correctness. It is time to move in the direction of “FORMATION!” In this arena we ask the following…

Who are you becoming as a result of what you are doing? This question provokes thought in the area of life rhythms, my actions, and am I becoming a better disciple that impacts my world? This one question gets at the heart of an Apologetic shift that needs to occur. We have understood traditional apologetics exists to make Christianity reasonable and logical. The shift should now move to Cultural Apologetics in which we make Jesus beautiful. In making Christ beautiful we are creating a tension for people – We help them see what they are missing out on. 

Let’s face the facts, Christianity has become a consumption based religious system and not so much an activist approach to reaching our world. Activism is needed because this is not the first time our nation has been involved in crazy making. Consider the Jesus Cultural Movement of the 1960’s. This was a Revival movement born out of the Hippie Culture that went global. To appreciate this fact, consider the following timeline of historical events that were taking place.

1960’s Historical Timeline of the Hippie Counter Culture Jesus Movement

Consider the following assassinations of this time-period: MIK, Malcolm X, Black Panther Leaders in Chicago, JFK, Robert Kennedy.

Consider the corruption of our government with Watergate and the Nixon Presidency

Consider that Race relations were broken, Politics was broken, our Nation was broken – We were in search of something good.

Consider the birth of the Jesus Movement that started a rebirth of the Kingdom of God among us as a nation. This movement was noted by the “Coffee House Movement” throughout the country. I am old enough to remember going to some of those coffee houses. Believe it or not much of the modern church as it has been understood by the Boomers and Elders was a by-product of the Jesus Movement. Under the surface, the real key was going to where the lost were – It started by going to the Hippie camps of California. Out of this the Calvary Chapel movement emerged in the 70’s.

Therefore, we need to engage the narrative – telling a 1,000 ways that Jesus makes us better. Our modern counterculture is telling their side of the narrative by telling a 1000 ways why their far-fetched narratives are normal. This is done by algorithms. This allows a few to appear as the majority in our nation. This is how the redefinition of family has been altered and certain credit cards will allow for sexual-self-identification to put on a person’s card. Engaging the narrative of our time is vital because of several societal theories that all begin with an incorrect beginning premise. “In the beginning, God…..” is the key missing premise that must be acknowledged. This why formation has become far more significant than winning debates over correctness. Communicate a 1000 ways that Jesus makes us better. 

In closing, consider the Overton Window to better understand why this shift is vital now.


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

The Problem With Hoping For Many

How Does Revival Begin?

Please God, we pray, make a difference in the lives of the people around me, draw them to yourself, Jesus! (Common Prayer)

The next natural step is to start asking ourselves how we can make this happen. What are the things that we can do? What should we say? What books can we give them? What inspiring videos do they need to see? What meme or truth-telling photo can I share on Facebook or Instagram?

Is it wrong to pray for and desire that many to come to Christ? NO! That is a good desire. But what is at the heart in our hope for the many to come to Christ? Is it an empty auditorium? Is it shrinking offerings? Is it to appease my lack of response, “…here am I, send me…” Hoping for many isn’t a wrong desire. It is, however, a wrong beginning point. What God wants even more that for us to hope for the many is for us to HUNGER for Him!

Our desire for revival must begin with the cry, “Revive Me!” YES, I am well aware we are in a post-Christian era. The tendency would be to think that no one is interested in spiritual discussions. That is far from the truth. It is reported that 47% of non-Christians and lapsed Christians have unanswered spiritual questions. Consider that 39% of this same group say they are seeking something spiritually better.[1] Millennial non-Christians report being twice as likely than older non-Christians to learn about Christian faith and its impact on their lives[2].

Let’s examine closer at how revival actually is awakened within us. Evaluate these 4 actionable steps to see where you find yourself

  1. Regeneration – This arrives in the form of conviction in which we see our need for God, Jesus, and the Cross. We become new creatures in Christ. Think of it as a personal revival in which we are awakened to spiritual truth. It begins with the cry of “Revive me!”
  2. Restoration – Because of God’s unfailing kindness to restore us and bring us to Himself, He begins a work of restoration by replacing what was lost because of sin. Perhaps it is finances, family, or health.  What a beautiful thing restoration can be in the life of the one receiving and those observing.
  3. Reformation – This is a time of struggle and engagement with God not like anything previously experienced. This is when we really begin to die to the flesh and put on the spirit and armor of God. This is a season of incredible spiritual growth and maturity.
  4. Renewal – This is a season we walk more in the spiritual realm and not by human leadership techniques. This is a legitimate working of the Holy Spirit not experienced previously. This is a fresh season of God’s energy flowing through our lives personally and the church corporately. Have you ever reached this season?
  5. AWAKENING – This is a time in which God transforms entire cultures, cities, and nations.[3]

What I have listed is in a prioritized order. This means that you cannot jump to nations awakening until you first consider the previous four actions that precedes it. We all desire to see this magnitude of awakening in our families, cities, and nations. We desire to see churches filled and hearts in untold numbers running to the Mercy Seat – repenting and turning to Jesus.

[1] Reviving Evangelism (Barna Group 2019) p.73

[2] Ibid.

[3] Jon Tyson, Teach Us To Pray. YouTube Series on Prayer 2018.

What your Team Should Hear

There are 4 basic needs that your team needs to hear you express

I Value You

These three words are words that enlarge us. Show and Tell people that you value them – make people feel BIGGER! Kevin Myers has stated that we should desire more FOR our people than what we expect FROM them. When we value people with enlarging words, people move toward us. They become attracted to our vision versus moving away from us. Believe in people, value people, and love people unconditionally. It is a wonderful thing when people love the leader, but it is more wonderful when the leader loves and values other above themselves.

I Believe In You

These four words are words of encouragement. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe stated; If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be. As Leaders it is our responsibility to believe in our people and let them feel and know that fact. As Leaders we are dispensable and yet our team to us is indispensable.

I Need You

These three words are empowering words. Let your team know that youhave to have them on your team. Be intentional at this point. Stop hedging the bet as if you are waiting on them to make a mistake – youopportunity to pounce on them. Your team needs to hear you state that without them you cannot accomplish what we are accomplishing together – Demonstrate their worth to you.

I Want More For You

These five words are enriching words. We should in fact want more for our team than what they presently are experiencing. It is said by secular historians that John Wesley in the late 1700’s was the last transformational leader of his time. He wanted more for his country. How does your current leadership demonstrate that attitude to others?

In closing

Do I connect with people?

Do I energize people?

Do I provide clarity?

Am I Authentic?

How do I make others feel?


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Post Everything Era

We Are Entering A New Epoch

Author and Pastor Tim Keller stated recently this is the first time in the history of the church where we have had to navigate a post-Christian culture.  The Christian church has enjoyed operating in a pre-Christian or even a Christian context. However, Western civilizations have generations that are growing up in a post-Christian environment where then memory of past importance has faded and dulled our faith. Have we become inoculated to the things of Christ in our communities? Add moral controversies around Christian churches and it is no wonder our culture is headed in the opposite direction. Pastor John Mark Comer is calling this the post everything era – hence the title of this article.

Pastor Jon Comer states we are experiencing Post Christianity, Post Family, Post Technology, and Post Super-Size Anything. Through the assistance of the Barna research efforts in their work, Reviving Evangelism, we come to learn the following:

  • Our post-Christian culture is looking for meaningful dialogue about spiritual things
  • Our post-family culture is looking for a place where they can belong
  • Our post-technology culture is seeking out genuine interactions
  • Our post-super-size culture desires intimate communities

So, the million-dollar question is, How do we function and survive in this post-everything culture? There is an interesting narrative in the Bible, Luke 5:1-11 where Jesus speaks to tired fishermen that has come up empty-handed from an all-night fishing expedition. Jesus asked Simon to push the boat out into the deep and drop the nets for a catch. Take notice of Simon’s response; “…Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets….” The catch was enormous! What are some observations that should be made?

  1. Known fishing techniques had been applied all night and the results were ZERO!
  2. Jesus takes our endeavors, even the all-nighter’s, to illustrate important truths.
  3. Jesus challenges Simon to push the boat out to deep water and drop the nets for a catch. Jesus tests our willingness to listen to Him or hold on to our methodology.
  4. Simon’s response was somewhat tempered by first reminding Christ, we have already done that all night with no results. YET, because you say so I will do that.
  5. Results do not come by our initiatives, they come by Divine obedience
  6. At times our methods may not be wholly wrong, our timing is what is wrong. Do we hear the words of Christ, cast down your net again, he who has ears to hear, Follow me, etc.!

What is Christ asking of us in our post-everything era? Is our response because you say so?

We Can’t Wait For Change

Do you remember as a child that has a sense of “I can’t wait for…?” That sense of anticipation, excitement, and urgency is off the charts for a child. What about we adults – what are we anticipating? What is urgent in our lives? Let’s examine some aspects of urgency  and how it works in us.

Urgency Starts Within

If reluctant people had an anthem song it would be, “I shall not be, I shall not be moved!” What if that was turned around to say, “I shall not be stopped!” Have you ever noticed that people who accomplish things are driven by a sense of urgency? Change begins on the inside. We need to tap our desires from within and allow them to become urgent. 

Urgency requires both urgency and patience. Urgency drives us into action and yet patience causes us to wait to see the results.

Urgency Feeds Desire

When you harness your hope and tap into a sense of urgency for change, it only increases your desire to see change come about. Unless you have a sense of urgency, desire will fade quickly. The people who change the world are those who want to and don’t wait to! Ralph Waldo Emerson stated one stated that which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not because the nature of the thing itself has changed, but our power to do is increased.

Urgency Inspires Courage

Yesterday is not ours to recover. Tomorrow is ours to win or lose. It takes courage to belief the best is yet to come. Courageous faith is what will help us to win our tomorrow’s. In Berne’ Brown’s book Dare To Lead; a question was asked of senior leaders; What, if anything, about the way people are leading today needs to change in order for leaders to be successful…..” The one repeating response was; We need braver leaders and more courageous cultures.”

Urgency Calls For Action

Malcolm Gladwell stated the most successful entrepreneurs not only have courage and imagination, but they also have a sense of urgency. These type of leaders have a burning sense to get something done and are not willing to wait. In short, these leaders create transformation – action now is the battle cry.

It does not matter how old you are. It does not matter what you have or have not accomplished. It is never too late to change your world!

We can make excuses, or we can make changes, but we cannot do both!


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Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!

Your Church Before & After

A Discussion About Next Gen Leadership

KEY THOUGHT: Millennials read the language of physical space as a communication of culture!

The real challenge for churches today is that facilities cannot simply be functional, but they must be culturally experienced. The real question: “How does our facility facilitate active community?” Does our facility take into consideration for the way people usually interact? Consider these practical approaches.

Consider how to provide what technology cannot. Millennials can get the very best sermon teaching from the best facilitators on their phone 24/7. How do you compete with technology like that? It starts by providing people with things that technology cannot give them. It starts by embracing the notion this generation craves community and collaboration. Does your church facilitate this type of space? Does our space communicate the shopping mall experience – Go and touch what you are interested in and then leave.

To facilitate space that communicates culture we need only study the shopping mall of yester-year. The food courts were not designed to offer nutrition, they existed for low price and take-away food. Department stores offered opportunities to touch what you were interested in and its quality. However, technology has been a major disrupter of that habit. Malls in an effort to gain people traffic back into the mall started offering better food options, larger seating spaces, and live music experiences. Technology cannot do that. Think about church spaces such as foyers, café space, and gathering points that can better foster connection and community. It is time to see these spaces as important as the sanctuary itself.

It is time to really invest in coffee that is better than your K-cup experience. If your Coffee experience is nothing more than free coffee, you are behind the Millennials and Gen-Z’s. If your churches coffee is not better than what you can make at home, it is time for a major change. Starbucks was the early adopter of community spaces that offers a great coffee experience, not the other way around. Flexible work schedules allow for people to work at a coffee shop. Do not miss the point of the space being designed for community and collaboration first. After that fact, take the coffee experience to new levels of awesomeness.

Your church culture tells a story – the story of who you are. Culture is an investment. Is there a need in your story for a better space and cup of coffee?

Qualities of Reproducing Leaders

Question: Why is it so difficult to reproduce quality leaders? Could it be there are insecurities in current leaders. If they raise up quality leaders, they might take our place, They will become better than me. 

Leaders reproduce who they are, not what they want. Are we inadvertently reproducing leaders that have a fortress mentality? Learn to be a river and not a reservoir. 

Perhaps our vision is too small to see the value of reproducing quality leaders. In the condition we find our world currently we need a larger vision of preproducing leaders. There truly is a leadership vacuum. The leadership models that are currently on display do not inspire people to be like them. We are a mad group of people looking for someone to inject quality leadership for the greater good of humanity.

Let’s dive into the 5 qualities of  reproducing leaders. Take good notes, develop an intentional action plan to change. If you aim at nothing you are destined to hit it every single time.

Reproducing Leaders have a heart for the culture

A reproducing leader is the culture carrier! The culture is first owned by the leader and then associates. What is Culture? The culture of any organization is the shared values, actions, and missional purpose for existence of an org. It stands to reason the culture is visible and actionable. What are the values you espouse? As a Leader are you a super-server of others? Ultimately the culture is a set of shared ideas that is being placed on display for all to see and connect with.

Reproducing Leaders have a “Potential Radar”

If you possess a preferred vision for the future, then you must believe your team has the potential to get you there. Set people’s skills FREE! Reward progress. Be on the alert for progress in the lives of your team – polish and refine that progress and motivate them for greatness.

Reproducing Leaders have a heart for Legacy

Have a heart for the infinite and not the finite! This is not about being first, biggest, or exclusive. This is about positioning your org to outlast your life span. Others will accomplish greater feats than you. With this mindset you are released to assist others in the journey of Legacy by removing yourself out of the picture. Pause and ask yourself this question; If I am truly to become an infinite minded leader, what do I need to change in my leadership style?

Reproducing Leaders have a confident competency

Do not try to live with confidence unless it is undergirded by competency! Right or Wrong social media gives us access to world class leaders and their content, do not become a copy-cat as though you have paid that price to achieve that level of thinking and acting. Leaders are REQUIRED to continually grow, live out excellence, keep improving, keep inspiring others. Know that you have so much in you that life will not be long enough to get it out.

Reproducing Leaders have a generous voice

Your words is what backs up your true actions and intentions. Here are 4 voices of great leadership….

•Gifted Voice – Generosity with your words of adoration for your team

•Character Voice – Demonstrate an alignment in your life – congruence speaks louder than words only

•Experience Voice – Share what you have learned on your journey of Leading

•Heart Voice – Dare to express a loving affection for your Team


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FREE GIFT – “Servant Leadership Questions” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Birkman Assessment

Leadershift by John Maxwell

Q&A – Contact me at

Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!