Ancient Wisdom – Modern Times

The Missteps of Malcontent Leaders

The Apostle Paul coaching his young protege instructs him on restlessness and rebellion in leadership roles. Paul gives his instruction in 1 Timothy 6:7-10 with a clear reminder of priority; “For we brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either…” [NASB]. WARNING-_this_sign_is_only_a_distraction_Wallpaper_pcwfiIt is amazing how quickly we lose sight of key priorities in life. We become distracted.

Consider the definitions of contentment and complacency. Contentment is a feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation. Complacency is a self-satisfaction when accomplished by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. Both of these definitions can lead to satisfaction. Both can lead to an enjoyment of status. However the key difference between these are what separates good leaders from great leaders. Contentment leads to thankfulness to God for everything. Complacency congratulates self for everything. Complacency rests on its accomplishments. Contentment pursues excellence and growth.

1 Timothy 6:7-10: 7 For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. 8 If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. 9 But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all [a]sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 

As you ponder this ancient wisdom for modern times consider these life lessons on contentment and complacency.


  • Live in the reality of your current blessing instead of constantly striving for more in your life. You will never enjoy what you have if you are always looking for more.
  • When you are content you are liberated to applaud other people’s success without the slightest bit of envy or jealousy. You become one of the loudest cheerleaders for other people.
  • With contentment you are free to be absolutely grateful for your many blessings. Living in this manner will allow you to acknowledge future blessings as gifts as opposed to an “It’s about time” attitude.


  • Decide to make everything else in your life essential beyond the need for food clothing, and shelter. Don’t get me wrong, I am not implying that it is wrong to improve your lot in life. The problem is when your attitude and perspective changes as a result of acquiring more.
  • When you decide to increase your income as your primary focus in life is when you start to become ineffective in your current career.
  • Make the decision to  keep your money and possessions instead of releasing them. As soon as you clutch your possessions tighter, your possessions begin to clutch you tighter.

Which type of leader are you striving to become? How would you describe contentment in your life? Leave a comment below or share this article on FB or Twitter. Thanks!


Ancient Wisdom Modern Times

Do's and Don'ts of Healthy Leadership

The Apostle Paul writing to his young protege Timothy, gives a list of three (3) negative commands and three (4) positive commands in 1 Timothy 4:7-16. Before I get to the discussion of this list of Do’s and Don’ts, I do not think the case can be overstated in terms of having a Great Coach In Life. The power of influence that another person can bring to your life is immeasurable. Becoming a healthy leader is not about the performance of the latest and greatest trends with success. It is quite the opposite, it is more about the steady influence of godly men and women that speak into your life. It is about the steady maturing, it is about knowing how to let go of the good in order to embrace the best for your life.

Take notice of the chart below as these six (7) commands are simplified.

Have nothing to do with worldly fables(old wives tales) (4:7a) Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness (4:7b); prescribe and teach these things (4:11)
Let no look down on your youthfulness (4:12a) Show yourself an example of those who believe (4:12b)
Give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhortation and teaching (4:13)
Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you (4:14) Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching (4:16


A doctoral student asked his Professor; “Based upon your understanding of Paul’s advice to Timothy and your experience, what do I need to know entering full-time Christian ministry and leadership?” This is a powerful question that reveals a desire to become healthy vibrant Christian Leader. Here are the Professor’s five (5) responses for us to ponder and apply to our life.

  1. There is no higher goal in life than servanthood. Do not become a leader, become a servant first, leadership grows out of service. Do not aim high in life, rather lie low. Look for ways to make someone else’s life more pleasant and comfortable. God found Moses, David, Elijah, and Esther. If you are meant to be a leader God knows where to find you.
  2. There is no greater temptation in leadership than extremism. Pride has an unbelievable pull upon a person to cause them to pursue greatness over other people’s needs. Be careful to not believe your own press report. Stay focused upon a dedication to people and pursuit of truth.
  3. There is no more important responsibility in leadership than exposition. Knowing what scriptures truly says and then knowing how to apply the scripture is a very powerful combination in life. The Bible should be the basis of everything you do in leadership – cling tightly to the truth of scriptures while living in a world that is attempting to sanitize this fact.
  4. There is no more effective means of spiritual leadership than for a person to GROW! Demonstrate yourself to be a person of growth. There is no neutral position in  life. You either move forward in progress or retreat backwards in defeat. Keep growing in life and as you grow older grow deeper.
  5. There is no better proof of authentic leadership than perseverance. Leaders do not succeed because of brains, charisma, and interpersonal skills. Leaders are successful because they stuck it our in the hard times of life and did not quit. Success is staying the course day in and day out, season in and season out, year after year, regardless of the outcome.

That Professor was Dr Swindoll of Dallas Theological Seminary.

Leave a comment and add to this list what you think is missing. Start a discussion and let us grow together.

Ancient Wisdom – Modern Times

When Leadership Comes Under Attack

The Apostle Paul closed 1 Timothy 3 with an ancient hymn of praise filled with the good news of Jesus Christ. He opens the next section, 1 Timothy 4:1-6 with a sober warning. There is an opposing force against the truth of the gospel that is just as real today as at the time Paul wrote his instructions to the young preacher Timothy.

Paul previously stated the church is to be “the pillar and support of the truth” (3:15). So it should not come as a surprise to learn there will be people who will betray and abandon by conscious choice, the church. You cannot accidentally become an “APOSTATE!” You get into this position willfully. Christ had already warned in Matthew 24 there would be people who would subvert by their will, the gospel of Christ. Subversive doctrines throughout history never come in the front door of churches and announce they are subversive. It is always subtle and by slight of hand. The perpetrators are those whose consciouses have been “seared” as though a hot branding iron has scorched their ability to think correctly.

These hucksters of a false distorted doctrine can play havoc upon the role of Pastor. Pastors generally have spiritual enthusiasm and desire their congregations to be spiritual healthy. However, apostate individuals that believe they are doing God’s will by methods of destruction will show up in our life. In writing his commentary on this passage of scripture author Charles Swindle suggests three observations for Pastors today. I would offer thereto you:

  1. Because there is a constant threat of apostasy, it should be a reminder that we are living in scriptures last days. Do not be surprised this occurs, we have been warned scripturally.
  2. Satan is the source of all lies and he is quite good at his craft. Credible sounding speakers with pedigree and credentials will have visions and dreams that may divert you and I from scriptures truth claims. Know the truth, study the truth, so that apostasy can be recognized for what it is – subversive!
  3. A movement fueled by false teachers can be difficult to resist. Character assassination is not gospel preaching. Pointing out the claims of scriptures is gospel preaching. This will expose the spirit of apostasy.

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Ancient Wisdom – Modern Times

What Is First In A Meaningful Ministry

The Apostle Paul begins his instruction with these words, “First of all…” Paul is using these words to emphasize the importance of what is coming. Not everything in life can be FIRST. There are things that should be relegated to a lesser position in terms of importance. There are many things in ministry that are not first place items, not every person can dominate the first place position in your life, there must be a prioritization of the greater moving to the lesser. Screen Shot 2015-01-05 at 1.01.26 PM

So what is this “first of all” that Paul tells Timothy. Entreaties, Prayers, Petitions, and Thanksgivings are the four items that Paul deems “first of all.” So what are we to make of these items?

  • Entreaty is presenting a need to God for the sake of having it met.
  • Prayer is the most general of terms that usually indicates the discipline of praying to God that includes the bringing of needs to him.
  • Petitions are more of a formal presentation of request to an authority.
  • Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude or appreciation.

First of All…” These are not ‘throwaway’ words that Paul is attempting to use a filler words. Therefore the emphasis of what is being said; any vocational minister must place prayer as a matter of first importance in any ministerial context in which they serve. Prayer is a reminder os who is in charge – GOD! Not staff, not congregations and certainly not senior pastors. Ministry is to serve God first and people second. Prayer is not a “cop out” but rather a release from the tyranny of the urgent – our first duty is to pray!

Paul’s use of the word “urge” is not him saying “pretty please.” The range of meaning of this first century term allows for Paul to convincingly win the debate to utterly convince Timothy of the first priority in ministry. That intensity is still present today – we need to be persuaded to make prayer first!

Digital space will not permit the volume of discussion on each aspect of the four facets of prayer. So how do we apply?

  • At the top of this list is to make prayer a regular habit. Set aside time daily for prayer and reflection. Pray for those whom you lead. You can do this through the daily routine of life by developing a conversation with God all throughout the day in conjunction with set times of prayer. It almost seems silly doesn’t it to encourage us to pray. Reality says we do not make prayer a habit.
  • Secondly, do not set limits on prayer. Satan will argue that you are not spending enough time in prayer. Remove that point by not setting limits on how long is long enough. Also do not fall into the trap of saying that my requests will bother God – “Cast all of your cares upon Him because He cares for you.”
  • Finally it would be helpful to consider rejecting all substitutes for the real thing. Before you turn your computer on, before your smart phone, before your praise and worship live streams – KNEEL and PRAY!

What are you thinking on the subject of Prayer? Write a comment and I will do my best to respond. Share this post with a friend!


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Ancient Wisdom – Modern Times

Ultimate Prize For The Shepherd of God's Flock

Western culture is obsessed with the human body. Diet plans, health club memberships, organic foods, and yes even plastic surgery is on the rise. The Apostle Paul images would write; “…for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance.” [1 Timothy 4:8-9 NASB].

Paul is not discounting the value of physical exercise and healthy care for the body. Paul acknowledges the benefit of physical training to keep the body healthy. Paul is pointing out temporal value of physical exercise as compared to the eternal value of spiritual training. Sports was well established in biblical times. The city of Corinth hosted the Isthmian Games – a precursor of sorts to the now famous Olympic Games.

The winners would be crowned, receive public acknowledgement, and have their name engraved on the fortress wall of the city. The point of Paul was not to dismiss physical activity as to say it has NO value at all. It is to say that it does not have the same value as spiritual preparation that carries eternal rewards. The “trustworthy statement” is the eternal worth of godliness over temporal worth of physical fitness.

So what is the ultimate prize for pastoral leaders today? Having a Godly congregation is far more important than many of things that we vest ourselves in today. It is not to say that programs, gimmicks, video productions, music productions, etc are not important. It is to say that when measured against godliness, godliness is to be preferred over all else. Godliness trumps everything!

bible-well-fed What are your thoughts on this passage by Paul to Timothy? What do you say is the ultimate prize for Pastors? Leave a comment below and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. If this article has spoke to you share it with your social media tribe. Here is a FREE gift for you for spreading the word about Shepherds Advantage:

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The 4 C’s of Courage

Key Attributes



Courage is something that everybody wants — an attribute of good character that makes us worthy of respect. From the Bible to fairy tales; ancient myths to Hollywood movies,our culture is rich with exemplary tales of bravery and self-sacrifice for the greater good. From the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz who finds the courage to face the witch, to David battling Goliath in the Bible, to Star Wars and Harry Potter, children are raised on a diet of heroic and inspirational tales(Dr. Melanie Greenburg). So, where do we begin?

  1. Courage To Change – It has been said that until the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change, nothing ever changes. At some point you must decide that your fullest potential is not being reached. At that moment you must have the courage to face this reality and then begin to act! In order to go where God is calling you, you cannot remain the same – you must leave something behind!
  2. Commitment To Change – “It takes courage … to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” ― Marianne Williamson. There is a maxim of leadership that states you cannot lead anyone past your own thinking! You need to marshall your finest resources together and commit to a new version of yourself. Allow the old version of yourself to die.
  3. Capabilities – You must know yourself in order to grow yourself! When was the last time that you used a psychometric tool such as Myers/Briggs, Birkman, or D.I.S.C. to gain understanding into your unique design. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your comprehensions of this design will allow you to act and decide with clarity. You effectively increase your over all skill level by understanding a clearer version of yourself. In addition to self-comprehensions, there are tines that you must grow your skill capability through advanced learning. Allow others to speak into your life through seminars, classes, executive coaching, etc..
  4. Confidence In The Change – When you realize the improvement that has been accomplished by means of the first three steps – a new found confidence occurs. You realize a new sense of confidence that challenges you to even greater heights of accomplishment. Remember that the road of success and the road of failure are one and the same. Success just happens to be a little further down the road.

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Verbs of Relevancy

Exposing Leadership Nakedness

Recently in an article from school principle, David McKenzie, imagesI was challenged by the use of action words that can describe leadership intentionality. Being intentional requires work. You work to change your schedule, spending habits, relationships, and work disciplines to accommodate and meet the challenges of goals that have been established. What is the cost if I elect not to intentionally work at being relevant? Well, let us say that the story of the “Emperor’s Clothes” comes to mind, our leadership nakedness is revealed! I would offer some action words – verbs to keep us relevant.

INVEST – As a leader you must invest in your personal growth! The place and the people that you lead can only grow as big as you are. You are the cap or the leadership lid! You must be able to see further, deeper, and faster. You must invest in yourself. What is your growth plan and budget for the next 12 months? Get serious! The journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.

MEDITATE – Making mistakes many times indicates that you are engaging life beyond your skill set. Turn mistakes into assets by learning from them so as not to repeat them. This is accomplished through meditation. In a noisy world with so much bling and glitter begging for our attention, you must be intentional in establishing times to unplug from the noise, get alone with note pad and pen (the old fashion way) and journal your thoughts and next steps. Can you demonstrate in your calendar for the next seven days your time of meditation?

ABSORB – Maintain the attitude that everyone can teach you something even if it is what not to do. Teachability is humility in action. Allowing others to speak into your life increases the probability of future growth. No one knows it all! This week discipline yourself to learn from others and circumstances.

ACT – Knowledge is only useful if it is acted upon. Unactioned knowledge produces a pretense of being professional. This in turn leads to arrogance. Eric Hoffler’s book, The True Believer, suggest that too much confidence leads a person to believe they do not need to learn or act on their knowledge. We make time for what we value. Does your time management system reflect your values?

What verbs would you write down that are not listed? Leave a comment.

Leaders Are Readers

The Science of Reading and Influence - 5 Reasons

The American “book-worm” is a rare breed these days. In the publication, The AtlanticRead-a-Book-Day reports that   one quarter of Americans did not even crack open a book, fire up the Kindle, or push play on an audio book last year. James Allen once wrote that you cannot lead anyone past your own thinking. So the real issue at stake is not so much a “readership crisis” as it is a “leadership crisis.” I have been a committed reader for years averaging about 5000 words annually.

There is no guarantee, but readers tend to be leaders. There are good reasons for this reality.

  1. Matthew Effect” – The Matthew Effect is taken from the gospel of Matthew in which there is discussion on the “rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer.” Stanovich,1986; Walberg & Tsai, 1983 applied this concept to academic learning. What they discovered was those who apply themselves to the mechanics of reading break through the “spelling to sound” barrier faster, thereby enhancing the reading ability in the long view of life. It can be safely stated that reading helps us master communication skills.
  2. Better Thinkers – Author Anne Cunningham writes that reading enhances one’s ability to decipher misinformation thereby enhancing judgement capabilities. When life squeezes us by time constraints, being able to make correct judgments is an essential skill that only reading will enhance its effectiveness.
  3. RelaxationDr. David Lewis writes that reading can reduce stress more efficiently than music or exercise. Reading stimulates creativity by means of an interaction of words and imagination. New ideas are born ad come alive within as we read. We forget momentarily the stress of the day as we immerse ourselves in a good book. 120404095153-kindle-reading-cafe-story-top
  4. People Skills – In a Psychology Today article people reported that reading offers an opportunity to learn skills vicariously through characters presented through reports or fiction. Television is stupid – it tells you what to think. Reading offers opportunities for original thought and how to think. Carol Clark reports that the neuro-connections made while reading may last for days as opposed to the instant gratification of televised media.
  5. Youthfulness – This reason does not have anything to do with the physical appearance of youthfulness so much as it focus upon intellectual capital as reported by Micahel Hyatt. Reading keeps the imagination alive and the heart young. Stop reading and start dying is more than a scar tactic. Investing in yourself by reading enhances your leadership capability. Age is not a disqualifier rather it is a prerequisite!

5 Hats You Must Wear To Stay Effective

One Size Does Not Fit All

Depending on who you are reading these days, you will come across the idea that you must reinvent yourself  every 36 months and your organization every 5 years. 7648411_sAgain that depends on who you are reading. Make no mistake CHANGE is the one comforting constant in our life. Because of that change, we must reinvent ourselves in order to influence our world. Influence is the essence of leadership. Here are 5 hats that must be worn for effective leadership.

  1. The Emotionally Intelligent Leader – EQ is the realization that your leadership strengths have accompanying weaknesses. Patrick Lencioni’s book The Advantage, is about why emotional health trumps everything in leadership. Intelligence is not the ultimate goal, emotional intelligence is a chief characteristic of effective leaders. As a leader you develop “learned behaviors” to compensate for your strengths. (Ie. learning to be an active listener).
  2. Becoming A Leader of Leaders – Growing things by yourself is not sustainable. Eventually things implode and your circle of influence shrinks. If your goal is to become a legacy leader for the long-haul of life. You must invest yourself in becoming a leader of leaders.
  3. The Healthy Leader – Everybody has issues. After a few years of leading, your issues will surface before others to view, there is NO escape! Your personal demons will either overtake you or you are going to overtake your personal demons – the choice is yours. You must keep yourself grounded in your present reality and avoid the “crazy-making” of everyone else’s stuff.
  4. The Life-Long Student Leader – “If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.” “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every-time.” A graduate student asked Dr. Paul Feinberg once why he was working on his 3rd dissertation for his 3rd Ph.D.. Dr. Feinberg’s response was swift and confident, “I have committed myself to be a “life-learner.” The leader who wants to be a teacher without becoming a student first will never be a teacher worth following.  There is no point that anyone of us have arrived. We either continue the learning or choose to stop!
  5. The Change Agent Leader – Many leaders find it easy to change what someone else introduced, Few leaders find the courage to change what they introduced. Effective leaders must change what you introduced. You need to look those you are leading in the eye and declare; “For this season what we have been doing worked. However the season has changed and here is the new approach!”

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and start a dialogue. Like us on Facebook

Good Money – Bad Money

The Theory of “Good Money/Bad Money” basically states that one currency drives the other currency out of the economy. This basic concept when applied to Professor Bhide’s “Origen & Evolution of New Business states that 93% of all companies replaced their beginning strategy dollar-gasp-460_1007200cbecause it was not viable and sustainable and replaced it with an emerging strategy that brought success. Another truth about this basic explanation is the competing issues of Growth versus Profit. Iridium, a failed $6 billion investment(sold for $25 million) into satellite phone technology and Honda a successful company illustrates what happens when growth and profits are either misaligned or aligned properly.

So what does all of this business talk teach us about leadership in 2015? Professor Christensen at Harvard writes extensively about how your family and close friends are going to be the most important sources of happiness in your life. However, you must be careful. When it seems that everything is going well, you might be lulled into believing that you can place your investment of these cherished relationships on the back burner. That would be a huge mistake! By the time that problems arise in these two relational arenas it is too late to repair the problem. Paradoxically speaking, the time when it is most important to invest in building strong families and close friendships is when it appears at the surface as if it’s not necessary.

Most people have a deliberate strategy of creating deep loved-filled relationships with members of our family and friends. In reality we invest in a strategy for our lives that we would never aspire to. We end up with shallow friendships with many but deep friendships with none.

Each of us can point to one or two friendships we’ve unintentionally neglected when life got busy. We want to believe that the bonds of friendship are strong enough to endure such neglect, but that is seldom the case, Our closest friends  will stay the course with us only so long before the choose to invest their time somewhere else. If they do – IT IS OUR LOSS!

Plant shade trees before they are needed!