Top 10 Christmas Leadership Tips

If you really want to soar in the coming year, end-of-the-year planning is not just about getting your strategy straight and your financial house in order. You also need to get your head right and that means tuning up your spirit, renewing your mental resources, and recommitting to your deepest values. In short you do not just reflect on business, but you also reflect on life! This podcast will focus on the Top 10 Christmas Leadership Tips to assist you in becoming the best version of yourself.

Build Trust With Your Team – We all desire to trust and be trusted. The only way this will happen is for you to build a relationship with your team. Thank you Millennials for pushing the issue of “relational conversations.”

Be Passionate and Positive – You can influence your environment by being passionate, enthusiastic, and positive about your work. Be excited about what you’re doing and the impact your business is having on the world.

Be Open – Encourage your team to being up questions and concerns. Allow them to participate in decisions and policies. Another way encourage openness is to share stories of team members’ contributions.

Delegate – The truth of leadership is that you cannot do it all, all by yourself. Allow others to share in the heavy lifting. Teach them to be responsible.

Hold Your Team Accountable – Remember that delegation and teamwork won’t mean anything if you don’t hold your employees accountable. This is actually one of the most important skills of a good leader.

Be Specific – The quality of any output is determined by the quality of the input. As a leader have you settle the idea that you are clear in what you want?

Be Open – Encourage your team to being up questions and concerns. Allow them to participate in decisions and policies. Another way encourage openness is to share stories of team members’ contributions.

Delegate – The truth of leadership is that you cannot do it all, all by yourself. Allow others to share in the heavy lifting. Teach them to be responsible.

Hold Your Team Accountable – Remember that delegation and teamwork won’t mean anything if you don’t hold your employees accountable. This is actually one of the most important skills of a good leader.

Be Specific – The quality of any output is determined by the quality of the input. As a leader have you settle the idea that you are clear in what you want?


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Music:  “Wishful Thinking” by Dan Lebowitz

7 Year End Rituals

We have been reviewing 7 Year-End Rituals in the most recent podcasts. We have reviewed Give Thanks In Writing, Declutter Your Brain, Dealing With Lingering Suckage, and Remind Yourself How Much You Have Learned. In this podcast I want to examine the idea of “Making Peace With Your Failures.”

Making Peace With Your Failures

While counting your blessings in various ways is a powerful way to end the year, it also helps to put to bed any conflicts and regrets you’ve racked up too. 

For instance, try forgiving an enemy. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean welcoming someone back into your life. It doesn’t even necessarily mean contacting them again. It just means making the conscious decision to let go of any anger, resentment and blame that you’ve been holding onto. It means accepting that we’re all fallible people, and allowing ourselves to head into the new year with peace in relation to that fact. Face your own failures from the previous year head on. “It’s tough to make it through the year without a single failure. But rather than dragging that beaten horse into the New Year alongside you, have the strength and the audacity before this year ends to let it go. To accept that you have failed. To let disappointment sink in, but also to revel in the freedom it allows you.” 

Why do you suppose that failure is so difficult for us to overcome? Perhaps we see failures as a sign of weakness, less than perfection, others may discover that we are not as great as we have portrayed. It is hard to pinpoint any one main thought to this question.

I would suggest that we see our failures as growth and something that is to actually be celebrated. Failure should be celebrated! We learn from our failures on what not to do or what does not work. Isn’t that better than attempting to hide or drag our failures around in shame?

Let’s take a quick look at 4 steps to overcome failures.

Graham Young, COO of an Investment Group, Graham, Theodor & Company suggests…

Accept Failure As Part of A Process

When times get tough, one of the most frustrating things we can hear from someone is to “stay positive.” The concept of positive thinking has been misused, misconstrued, and abused by us all.

Despite what we hear, it has nothing to do with smiling and being happy with everything that happens to you. Anyone who says that is either lying or crazy. Positive thinking, rather, is used so that we can learn, grow, and evolve from what we experience in life.

This does not mean try to fail. It simply means that if you are faced with a setback, understand it is not your final destination. It is a stepping-stone in your journey that is getting you to where you need to be.

When we do experience difficulties in life, it is okay to get down on ourselves. It is okay to get upset and disappointed. Our goal however is to not stay down.

Let Out Your Frustration

Once you have have taken some time to walk it off and clear your head, you can then begin accepting what happened. The initial emotional rush will eventually dissipate and you can then slowly return your focus back to the issue at hand.

This does not mean try to fail. It simply means that if you are faced with a setback, understand it is not your final destination. It is a stepping-stone in your journey that is getting you to where you need to be.

When we do experience difficulties in life, it is okay to get down on ourselves. It is okay to get upset and disappointed. Our goal however is to not stay down.

Be Brutally Honest

The most critical part of the process, which 90% of people don’t do, involves taking a couple of minutes to reflect on what happened and being brutally honest with ourselves on why it happened. It’s easy to turn on the TV, pull out the smartphone, or find some form of distraction. Most people will do anything to avoid confronting their own self with mistakes they’ve made.

Fail Forward

We can’t stop obstacles from appearing in life, but we can choose how to handle them. They may block our vision temporarily, but if we persevere then we can discover opportunities that have always been waiting for us on the other side. As we get more efficient with this process, we enable ourselves to see the positive side in even the toughest of situations.


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “Wishful Thinking” by Dan Lebowitz

Cucumbers Vs. Pickles

7 Year End Rituals

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #203

Remind Yourself How Much You Have Learned

Just as you have probably accomplished more than you realized, you also have learned more than you realized. But the key to getting the most out of that new knowledge is actually putting it to use. This ritual from coach Christi Heisted can help, she states;

“Cull your notes from the conferences, classes, and webinars you’ve attended throughout the year, as well as the books you’ve read. Summarize your key learnings and set your top 3-5 action steps. Knowledge is great, but knowledge plus implementation makes you unstoppable.

First begin with the conferences, webinars, College classes, and new certifications that you attended in this calendar year. Get the notes, workbooks, notepads, digital documents, etc our in front of you. Take one set of notes at a time and review those notes. Write out the top 3-5 action steps that you learned in that moment. Now add these to your planning tools for the new year. Enter action steps that will lead you to the fulfillment of what you learned in that moment.

Remember that small steps are to be preferred versus attempting to conquer the action step all at once. FOCUS – Leaders do not grow in a day, but they grow daily!

This leads to a deeper life goal – What is my growth plan for the new year? It seems that our digital age has lured us into thinking that digital habits are the new normal. While digital technology is the new normal, our daily habits and ritual need refinement. When you implement new action steps that lead you to a “newer version of yourself,” you must be aware of distractions. We now know through research that when you are engaged in “DEEP WORK”, any distraction that interrupts your thoughts and  development will cost you 25 minutes of your time to regain that momentum again. If you are not setting your schedule, others will set it or you.

Once you have dealt with how you will minimize the distractions in your daily routines, now you can move forward to actually developing a growth plan.

I know that my next statement is going to sound “old school,” but I truly believe that if you cannot articulate your plans and dreams in writing, you are only “daydreaming!” Without getting lost in research speak, there is something to be said about the art of writing and deep thought being placed on paper. A Growth Plan that is going to be transformational in producing  a new version of yourself cannot be “copy and paste.” In my humble opinion the millions of Google searches are not necessarily deep research leading to deep thought. They are more representations of algorithms that represent others curiosity. Deep work that is transformational in your life is far more sophisticated that a quick Google search.

I want to say a few words in closing about the books that have been read this year. In the same manner of reviewing the notes from various conferences, take some time to review the top 3-5 ideas from the books you read this year. Either journal your learning in terms of its impact or establish action steps to implement your learning from the book into action steps for the new year. For me personally, I find that when I put pen to paper in my journal notebooks, the learning stays with me in thought and practice. The books that we read are more about personal development versus some new model to implement. Growing at the personal level definitely cannot be a “copy and paste” practice. That method will eventually show itself in your leading. FOCUS: You cannot lead where you have not walked! You cannot go to a new place until you leave your present. What will you leave in order to reach forward?


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “Wishful Thinking” by Dan Lebowitz

Cucumbers Vs. Pickles

7 Year End Rituals

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #202

Counteract The Lingering Suckage

Perhaps it is time for you and a partner or closest friend to sit down after a bruising experience or year for that matter and start writing out 30-50 positive brags that I am proud of in my life this past year.

Scripture declares that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is (Proverbs 23:7). There is something to be said about the power of your thoughts. Napoleon Hill’s classic book, “Think and Grow Rich,” is not a book about thinking your way into wealth so much as it is about handling adversity through your thoughts. Here is a question to ponder; Why do the inventors of digital technology deny or severely limit their children’s usage of it?

What is it they know that we do not know? One of the things that  we are now learning about the use of digital technology is the false sense of reality that is being created. This lends itself to narcissism! Neuroscience has now shown us that we can literally rewire our brains by the constant use of new stimuli. This can be positive in that we can overcome disadvantages. It is negative when we live out of a false perception of life by perpetuating false narratives.

Perhaps scriptures is our best resource and guidance. Philippians 4:8 states from an imprisoned author, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.”

When you take the time to write out your 30-50 brags, you will see that in the midst of difficulty you grew and became better. This gives the notion that perhaps all of life is not as bad as it appears. This exercise combats the suckage of negativity that blasts us daily.

In a digital world, there is something to be said about the art of writing and reflecting. Our best insights do not occur at the speed of life. Rather they occur in silence and solitude. We have seriously lost our ability for critical reflection. Speed is not better, it is just faster. Business is the enemy of effectiveness. Write out the positives, stop the negative drain.


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Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher SUBSCRIBE

FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “Wishful Thinking” by Dan Lebowitz

Cucumbers Vs. Pickles

7 Year End Rituals

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #201

In this podcast we are going to explore 2 rituals that will assist your preparation for a New Year and New You! The first one is….

Give Thanks in Writing

Gratitude is one of the most studied and most powerful happiness boosters available. Counting your blessings is not only Biblical, but it positions and strengthens your attitude for the coming year. In our digital age it seems that hand written anything has become archaic. It seems “so yesterday and dated!”

Digital signatures are the new methods of the present of our digital age.

My wife worked for a Credit Union in which the President would never allow a corporate mailing to leave his office unless he personally signed each letter. He would sign in a contrasting color of ink so as to communicate a personal touch.

Take the time to prepare a customized “thank-you” card especially designed for you. Write a unique note of gratitude to each of team members, Board of Directors, Vendors, Customers, and closest friends. You might be shocked and surprised at the positive responses you will receive. Customizable thank you cards and giving some of your time is inexpensive in relationship to the impact upon another human being.

Declutter your Space and Your Brain

Changing your literal  environment can have a profound impact upon your ability to think new thoughts! It is time to “CHUCK SOME STUFF!” This can be a trigger to your brain that it is time to let go and move on in your life. Give yourself permission to let go and throw away old stuff!

Perhaps the holidays can be your trigger to seriously declutter your office, a room in your home, garage, files, etc.. Develop a holiday “get-rid-of-my-stuff” agenda. Then begin! Have a ruthless attitude about old stuff! Here are a few suggestions.

  • Give away 1-3 items each day during the holidays
  • Fill one trash bag today
  • Hang all of your clothes in the closet in the opposite direction. Once you wear something, hang it in the correct direction. After 6 months hangers that are not turned in the correct direction – get rid of them!
  • Create a 12-12 list. Gather 12 items to throw away and gather 12 items to donate.
  • Set out 4 boxes – trash, donate, relocate, keep.

Declutter your schedule by decluttering your digital distractions. Turn off your notification alerts. Learn the art of deep thought/deep work in 90 minute bursts. This is followed by 30 minutes of “get-up-and -stretch” movements and simple tasks.

Clean out your desk and relocate your office furniture to give it a fresh look and feel. Stop feeling “stuffocated”in your workspace and personal space.


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “Wishful Thinking” by Dan Lebowitz

Cucumbers Vs. Pickles

Focus On The Main Thing

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #200

Warren Buffett stated once that business schools reward difficult complex behavior more than simple behavior, but simple behavior is more effective. Perhaps this is our problem in understanding the Pareto Principle – it seems too simple. After all, how can 20% of anything yield 80% of the results. A Wesleyan professor stated it this way;

  • 80% of traffic jams occur on 20% of the roads
  • 80% of classroom participation comes from 20% of the students
  • 80% of the time you wear only 20% of clothes
  • 80% of your problems are generated by 20% of your employees
  • 80% of all decisions can be made on 20% of the information

How do you discover the main thing? Where so you begin? I want to offer four suggestions as a starting point of reflection.

Determine To Not Know Everything

Some believe that great leaders have to have all of the answers.Not True. Successful leaders do not know everything, however they know people who do. This is the power of having a great executive administrative assistant. If you do not have a great administrative assistant, you are headed for trouble. You cannot possibly know everything you need to know.

Determine Not To Know Everything First

We all have a tendency to “be in the know.” No leader enjoys being blindsided.

However, good leaders cannot afford to get caught up in every detail of an organization. If they do, they lose their perspective and their ability to lead at all. That is a high price to pay! In any organization, problems should be solved at the lowest level possible. What is the solution to this dilemma? Deciding that it is okay not to be first to know everything. For leaders it best to know the most important things than to know everything.

I Determine To Stay With My Strengths & Not Work On My Weaknesses

Half the battle of being smart is to understand what you are dumb at. The old adage is true – “Know thyself in order to lead thyself!” Gallup Research stated the most revealing discovery about great leaders is they have an acute sense of their strengths and weaknesses. They know who they are and who they are not.

I Determine To Take Charge of What Took My Time & Attention

This starts by taking control of your calendar. The question is not will my calendar be full rather, who will fill my calendar? It has been said that genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple! NFL Hall of Fame Coach Vince Lombardi would begin training camp by holding up a football and stating to his team – “Gentlemen, this is a football!” Simplicity works!


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Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “Canal 3” by Quinicas Mooreira

Be A Connector

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #199

I want to discuss six differences between Climbers and Connectors

Climbers Think Vertical – Connector Think Horizontal

A Climber is acutely aware of who is ahead at all times on the org chart. Where do they rank? Is a question that motivates them constantly. Moving down is anathema. Climbers are more interested in who is on the journey versus who can come along side of them.

Climbers Focus on Position – Connectors Focus on Relationships

Because climbers are always looking up, position is what drives them. Connectors are more focused on relationships – bridge building for others so they can succeed.

Climbers Focus on Competition – Connectors Value Cooperation

Climbers see everything as a competition to win. That will mean from some, win at all costs. Others may see success as an enjoyable game. Connectors on the other hand see their relational skills can best be used to foster cooperation. Working together is the WIN for Connectors.

Climbers Seek Power – Connectors Seek Partnerships

If your bent is always to win, then you naturally want power to climb faster that everyone else. Unfortunately, climbing the ladder of success is not a solo profession. The pathway to high-powered teams is to form partnerships first, winning is only the acknowledgement of hard work as a team.

Climbers Build Their Image – Connectors Build Consensus

Because movement up or down the organization depends on perception of performance, Climbers at times are more concerned with their image. There next promotion depends on it. Connectors however, are more concerned with getting everyone on the same page so they can work together.

Climbers Want To Stand Apart – Connectors Want To Stand Together

Climbers desire to be set apart from others. They want separation between them and their nearest competitor. Connectors find ways to get people close together. They look for common ground where they can stand together.

How Can you Become A Better Connector

If you are a natural climber, you probably need to work on connecting people. In closing here are some suggestions.

  • Walk slowly through the halls. Be intentional about connecting with others in their office.
  • Remind yourself that people are human beings not resources to be used.
  • Put someone else ahead of you. Stop the “Me first” mindset.
  • Get off your agenda, be intentional in connecting with others.
  • Put the spotlight on other people.


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “8th Anniversary by Diamond Ortiz

Principles of Perseverance

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #198

Perseverance Means Succeeding Because you Are Determined To Not Destined To

Vince Lombardi stated once, :The difference between a successful person and others is not lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of determination.” The greatest achievers don’t sit back and wait for success because they think they deserve it. They keep moving forward because they are determined to achieve it.

Perseverance is Needed To Release Most of Life’s Rewards

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. It is always the last steps of the race that count the most.

Perseverance Recognizes Life Is Not A Long Race, But Many Short Ones In Succession

Have you ever heard the phrase; Life is a marathon? Actually I would liken it to more of a series of smaller wins. For example Today Matters. What are you doing to win today. It is great to have a forward looking vision, but do not miss today’s opportunities.

Perseverance Draws Sweetness Out of Adversity

The trials and pressures of life often define us. When confronted by adversity many people give up while others rise up? Giving up when adversity threatens can make a person bitter. Persevering through adversity makes one better!

Perseverance Has A Compounding Effect On Life

Napoleon Hill stated, Every successful person finds that great success lies just beyond the point when they are convinced their idea is not going to work. How do you push through? Keep doing the right things daily. There are no shortcuts to anything worthwhile.

Perseverance Means Stopping Not Because You’re Tired But Because The Task Is Done

Robert Strauss stated that success is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when your tired – you quit when the gorilla is tired. Fatigue and discouragement are not signs to quit! Your strength of character rises up within you and you stay motivated to see things through.

Perseverance Doesn’t Demand More Than We Have But All That We Have

It has been said that in every victory there is a lot of try! Perseverance is an investment. It is a willingness to bind oneself emotionally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually to an idea until it has been completed. Perseverance demands a lot, but here is the good news; everything you give is an investment in yourself.


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “8th Anniversary by Diamond Ortiz

5 Best Practices

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #197

I want to give you 5 best practices on practicing. Here is #1.

You Need A Good Teacher or Coach

People who perform at the peak of their ability do so under the watchful eye of a great teacher. Great teaching causes people to learn by tailoring instruction to the students. A great teacher understands their students in terms of their creative or analytical tendencies. Said another way, they know when their students need a pat on the back of a kick in the pants.

Bring Your Best Effort

Andrew Carnegie suggested there is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb.

The great composer Duke Ellington simply stated, “Just give me your best.” Joe Theismann went to the Super Bowl twice. The first time they won and lost the second. Yet Joe has two rings that he wears. One to celebrate being a national winner and the other to remind him that you must bring your best at every opportunity.

Have A Clear Purpose

Don’t just practice, have a purpose for your practice. This requires establishing micro-goals for each practice session. Think of it this way, according to Professor Jon Johnston success bases our worth on a comparison with others. Excellence gauges our worth against our potential.


The great illustration here is Charles Dickens. Before he became a fiction writer he was already the best reporter in England. He was willing to take a chance and bet on himself as he searched for the best potential within himself. He became a world famous author. His passion was writing but his greatest passion was storytelling. Do not allow the standards of other people to keep you small. Your greatest fear should be that you will aim to low and hit it. Your potential is greater than someone’s small minded thinking.

The Right Resources

Even if you have done the previous four steps correctly, you can still fall short if you are not properly resourced for success.

General Patton was one of the most amazing Generals in the Allied Forces. He had the best of everything needed to fight a war. However, he lacked gasoline to power the instruments of war to fight against the Nazi’s. Resources are nothing more that tools needed to accomplish your purpose. Every human endeavor requires resources of some kind. In order to practice well, you need to be properly equipped.


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “8th Anniversary by Diamond Ortiz

Fresh Perspective

SA Leadership Podcast Episode #196

Is it just me or have you noticed how we as a society have for the most part lost an ability to maintain perspective? Have you noticed our inability to think critically about the issues at hand? Have you noticed at how we are now afraid to discuss insights and conclusions because it might change our truth.

What I know is there is nothing more difficult than to follow a leader who has become stale in their thinking and vision. It is difficult to follow a leader who believes their best years are behind them.

There are going to be crisis’ in our life. Keep perspective ahead of a crisis! Freshen your current perspective with the following eight (8) tools.

Ask Questions of Yourself

  • What is my mission? Mine personally is to live out of a leadership context while influencing others. Get real with yourself!
  • Who is my client? Who is your direct report?
  • What does my client value?
  • What is my plan?
  • What are my results? Results speak for themselves.

Examine and Clarify Your Offer

What would the world miss if I left my job today? Always remember that you matter!

Offer Who You Are – Not By What you Do

This is about the depth of character in your innermost being. The definition of YOU is not based upon what you do, rather it is based upon who you are!

Re-certify Yourself Annually

You either are evolving or stagnating. Re-establishing your skill set by staying proactive instead of reactive.

Commit To A Personal Development Life Plan

You cannot lead where you have not walked! This journey begins with knowing yourself in order to grow yourself. Then others can be influenced by your growth.

Focus On Personal Disciplines

  • What are the disciplines that keep you on point?
  • Coach John Wooden would observe players for the first days of basketball camp to see where their sweet spot was for scoring. He would then put an “x” on the floor and state , “I will draw up a plan to get you in that sweet spot. Make sure that you show up.”

Learners Beat The Learned

In seasons of change learners inherit the earth, while the learned are frustrated by the world that has changed and their awareness of their lack or preparation!

Ask These Questions At The End of Every Day

  • What did I learn today?
  • How did I grow today?
  • What will I do differently?


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FREE GIFT – “The Art of Balancing Candor With Care” – Click on the icon at the bottom of the page

Executive Coaching Service– Private message me for details on this customizable service

Music:  “8th Anniversary by Diamond Ortiz