Author Mark Divine writes that negativity can and will destroy performance, so it is vitally important to train yourself to move from negative thinking to starving those thoughts ad fee the positive thoughts. He goes on to write a four-step process on how this can occur.
Recognize or witness negativity
Stop the negative thoughts with positive power statements of affirmation
Redirect your thoughts with self-talk and imagination by focusing on positive and product thoughts that feed your current goals
Create a mantra for your new mental attitude.
The book cover shows Mark staring into the eyes of a wolf. He uses the analogy of the battle of two wolves battling for position in the mind. Which one will win? The one that you feed!
Installing mental positive habits require practice, practice, and practice some more. Never allow you mind to dictate who is in charge. Bring all thoughts captive…….
Strength and growth come through continuous effort and struggle – Napoleon Hill
When people begin their leadership journey they typically become enamored with the title and all of the perks associated with it. Reality always sinks into the present moment – people will not always or naturally follow you because of your title. That is more true today than ever! Millenials do not want a boss with a title they are seeking a coach to equip, encourage, and engage their lives daily. Unfortunately, I am keenly aware of the leaders that are stuck in yesterday’s management style of leading – Do what I say…” Notice the comparison table that I have provided for you in the show-notes.
Your Price Points
Reality – Leaders Recognize That Everything Worthwhile is Uphill – Max De Pree once stated the first responsibility of a leader is define reality. Let’s define it now – Everything worthwhile is UPHILL! There is a huge difference between what we can’t do and what we won’t do. POOR CHOICES, not a lack of talent and ability are the greatest hindrances to most people’s success. Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale stated in an interview in Jim Collins book, Good To Great, “I never lost faith in the end of the story…I never doubted not only would I get out, but also that I would prevail.” James Stockdale was a prisoner at the famous Hanoi Hilton. His experience is known as the Stockdale Syndrome.
Example – Leaders Acknowledge They Must Climb The Hill First – The one thing that sets GREAT leaders apart from all others is they act before others and they do more than others. Great leaders will face their uncertainty and doubt and will move through it to pave the way for others that will follow. Because they are willing to pay the price and often pay more than others do, they can say with moral authority, “FOLLOW ME!” It is reported that Paul Harvey stated once that if you don’t live it, you don’t believe it. Understand that self-belief is more than positive words to myself or receiving them from others. Words of affirmation without the work of accomplishment are hollow. Your words of self affirmation must be authentic and it must be backed up successful action.
Consistency – Leaders Understand They Never Get To Stop Climbing – There are no elevators to the top! Bill Bradley a great basketball player that became a US Senator in his memoir wrote his mentors greatest advise; “If you are not practicing, remember someone somewhere is practicing, and given roughly equal ability, if you two ever meet, he will win.” It has been often stated that what people do and what they say they do are entirely different things. Words, Intentions, and actions must all be in alignment.
Consistency will establish your reputation, it will keep you in the game when all others quit, and consistency has a compounding effect.
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Q&A – Contact me at Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Author Mark Divine states that self-confidence of a SEAL is both a character trait and skill. The skill is to rack up small worthy and achievable victories on the way to mission accomplishment. In addition, it requires being able to reframe failures to find the silver lining. With these two skills, you will have the self-confidence to attack any challenge. Your confidence in your domain of expertise will grow as your success grows.
The word “CONFIDENT” in its original meaning means, “extreme trust.” This level of intense trust is gained through hard work. You must show up consistently, persistently, in a manner that you know whatever life throws your way, you can handle it.
Self confidence is both a trait and a skill. This means self-confidence can be taught and learned as a skill. Success and Stress are defined by choice. It is the small choices, not the big choices that make the difference between good and excellent.
Improving yourself is the first step in improving everything else – Unknown
“Goals will help you do better, but growth will help you become better” – John Maxwell
3 Shifts – 7 Challenges
Growth Outward to Growth Inward – Growth on the inside first is what will fuel growth on the outside latter. Do not get lost in the numbers and achievements.
Growth in Everything to Growth in Vital Things – You can’t learn everything so focus on what is R.E.A.L. – Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership.
7 Challenges
Embrace Change – Growth means change. It seems to be human nature to desire development but resist change at the same time.
Adopt A Teachable Spirit – How? Make growth your #1 priority. Ask questions that will help you grow. Journal what you have learned. Teach others what you have learned.
Love of Learning Over Fear of Failure – Action reduces fear and increases courage. Become a catalyst for transformation. Do not allow fear to bully your life.
Develop Relationships With Growing People – Stay close to the fire of other growing people. Few things are better in life than conversation with people who are growing!
Develop Greater Humility – Humility is not about denying your strengths, it however, being honest with your weaknesses! You can be confident and not desire to draw attention to yourself.
Believe in Yourself – What you believe about yourself will determine what you invest in yourself. Benjamin Franklin stated, “Empty the coins of your purse into your mind and your mind will fill your purse with coins!”
Embrace Layered Learning – One life lesson applied upon another and another, each gaining greater insight and depth, and weight.
GROWTH PERSPECTIVE: unlocks potential, feel better about yourself, Strengthen values and abilities, growth in humility and self-awareness, be an example to others.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
Mark Divine states that his purpose for the book is that you are capable of so much more than you think you are, but you have been kept in the dark about this potential your entire life. As a Navy Seal the author states that the principles of this book are not about being hard-core but rather about how to perform at your peak in any domain, whether you are a mom, dad, SEAL, student, or CPA.
The first premise of the Unbeatable Mind is that you must win the in your mind before you step into the arena of life. The simple truth is that you must control your mind and establish a winning mind-set before we fight in life’s game. Consider Divine’s five-steps to accomplish a controlled mind.
Focus your mind and stop it from running all over the place. In order for you and I to live the uncommon life we must master uncommon habits of life. Enter Spiritual Disciplines! I have read that we have a drunk monkey in our mind that runs from thought-to thought-to thought-to thought. FOCUS NOW!
As you discipline your mind you will connect with the internal witness of the soul. Think of it this way. You can either sit under a waterfall or step back a number of yards and admire the falling water. One perspective is that you are being pounded by water and noise, the other allows reflection and amazement. Stop the craziness of your life to listen to the internal witness – you may be missing out on a grand challenge and message.
Challenge your unfettered mind with with the supper food of positive regard and passion as a winner. Enter, “We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us…”(Ro. 8:37).
Activate a DAILY training plan to move you toward your internal vision for life – move toward my “just cause!”
Surround yourself with like-minded people that will help you succeed every time.
Forge resiliency and mental toughness to succeed at an elite level. This is mastering uncommon disciplines in order to live an uncommon life.
he late Zig Ziglar stated years ago you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. The key question that emerges from this thought is are you a Soloist of a Conductor? Do you want everyone to serve you or are you there to serve others? It is true that one is too small of a number to achieve greatness. Consider the following five (5) challenges to shift from Soloist to Conductor.
Going Slower So That you Can Go Further – We have often heard the adage, “It is lonely at the top!” The reason that it is lonely is because you took the journey by yourself. Leadership is about making careful thought out steps so that you can guide others to come behind you and succeed also. Healthy organizations are not about the one person who leads them. Rather it is about everyone who is in them.
Recognizing That You Need Others – It is extremely difficult to to make beautiful music as an orchestra when you are a one man band. Notice the difference between the two attitudes below.
A Completing Culture creates wins for everyone. When people lead without taking the time or making effort to understand those who are trying to follow, the results will either be tragic or a comedy.
Help Others To Become Better Everyday – You must go slower to go farther. This only happens when you realize that you need others, you must understand others, and that you want others to shine more than you. Here are three questions that I have referred to in previous Podcasts.
Do you care about me?
Can I trust you?
Can you help me?
We have a leadership hole today. Poor examples of leadership are swaying people away from it. The John Maxwell Company surveyed High School Seniors and found that 95% do not want to become a leader. The time is NOW to offer a different model of leading. Add value daily to people so they will add multiplied value to others!
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
90% of How you do something is also Why you do something! This statement represents the blend of Willpower and Habits. This begs the question; “what do I aspire to accomplish or who do I aspire to become. Your response to this question is boiled down into the opening statement, 90% of how we do something is also why we do something.
In order to reach our fullest potential and to break bad habits we need to engage our A-I – Artificial Intelligence. Therefore we need to establish some algorithms that assist in the enforcement of sculpting the newest version of ourselves. This is accomplished by setting some “IF” – “THEN” algorithms. For example; “IF it is 5:00pm all electronic devices are shut off – THEN we can have true family time. IF it 5:00am I will engage devotions and meditations -THEN I will turn on electronic devices. IF I have been involved in 90 minutes of DEEP work – THEN I will get up and disconnect from electronic devices while stretching and walking.
On a separate piece of paper write your algorithms that will create your disciplines of the person that you desire to become. STOP aimlessly wandering and establish meaningful purpose. Reach your fullest potential by getting rid of the bad habits and establish new habits that lead you to the best version of yourself.
Over the past 8 weeks we have attempted to draw attention to the impact of electronic devices in our lives. There is so much that we are learning on a daily basis regarding the impact of our digital world. The outcomes are still unknown. What is known is our responsibility in this new digital world. We have the power to limit our exposure to digital technology. The way we communicate and interact with one another is radically different than just 10 years ago. On the current trajectory there will be problems socially and relationally.
To sculpt or being hacked is the question – only you can answer this for yourself! What algorithms will you activate to change the habits of your life?
David Wigington is an ordained minister with
the Assemblies of God he began his preaching ministry at the early age of
twelve. He is a frequent guest speaker at churches and conventions across the
country. Also, he has had a very active ministry in missions speaking in
numerous countries around the world. In addition he has authored several
articles for national publications.
At age 16 David was involved in an
accident where he lost his right arm in a meat grinder. His powerful testimony
of how God miraculously spared his life is an awesome witness of the grace of
God. God recently blessed him with a new bionic arm which values at
$76,000 but through a miracle by God, Dave paid nothing.
He served as a pastor of 3 congregations in Indiana and for 30 years served the Indiana District Assemblies of God in various capacities that included State Youth Director, State Missions Director, Church Ministries Director and in the post of Executive Secretary–Treasurer for 14 years of the 30. David resides in Avon, Indiana with his wife, Candy. Who is a representative of One Child Matters they have two adult married children and 5 grandchildren. They are traveling across the country speaking in churches and conventions. Candy presents a window for One Child Matters followed by David’s dynamic presentation of God’s word.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
There is a leadership axiom that says; Fast is faster, forward is shorter. Thomas Edgley also stated that if we do not change we die. We must learn leadership to be successful. For years the principles of management have been taught. The premise has been dependent on stability and known factors. Management has taken stability for granted. Whereas leadership provides principles that work in the face of the unknown. Things are not as stable as we might like.
In The face of uncertainty, people who conform pull away to a safe place to protect themselves. Adaptable leaders who make leadershifts lean into uncertainty and deal with it head on.
Paul Karofsky states, “Leaders by definition have followers. Followers need direction. Direction requires decision-making. Decision-making requires consideration of options. And consideration of options involves dealing with uncertainty.”If you are aspiring to become an effective leader you will need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.
Are you ready to shift as a leader? You will need to deal with the tension between the stability that gives security and the adaptability that opens up opportunity.
Here is a list of seven practices on how to leadershift:
Continually Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
Value Yesterday, But Live In Today
Rely on Speed, But Thrive On Timing
See The Big Picture As The Picture Keeps Getting Bigger
Live In Today But Think About Tomorrow
Move Forward Courageously In The Midst of Uncertainty
Realize That Today’s Best Will Not Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges
This series of podcasts are going to focus upon a number of shifts that leaders will need to make if you are going to reach your full potential.
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on iTunes – SUBSCRIBE
Shepherds Advantage Leadership Podcast is now on Stitcher –SUBSCRIBE
Q&A – Contact me at Music: “Gratitude Mood” by David Arivett. You can learn more about his music by clicking on his name. THANKS DAVID!
We have been examining the impact of digital technology on our habits and work flow. While we do not know completely the impact of digital technology on our lives, it is safe to say that we have all changed because of technology. Just look around you the next time you visit your favorite eatery. We have baked into our consciousness the need to stay connected, therefore we must keep our electronic devices at our side at all times. After all who wants to experience FOMO (Fear of missing out).
FOMO is so pervasive that our relationships, routines, social interactions, and our careers have “pickled habits” that are now ingrained into our brain. Science states that once a cucumber is pickled you cannot return to a cucumber. One of the first steps in conquering the impact of digital technology in our lives is to recognize that we are all pickled in some aspect of technologies effect in our daily routine.
The million dollar question is to answer what habits are we pickled? To discover these habits below is a “Pickle Audit” (courtesy of Brian Johnson). Follow this simple exercise to see what habits are now pickled. Remember you cannot unpickle a pickle. You can change your behavior once you see it’s negative impact in your routine.
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